Fiat 500e Review- Tesla Model 3 Owner Review

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JK about Ben Sullins, I'm a fan of his videos, he didn't make me buy the car.

If you see in one of my first videos, I talk about the 500e as my top pick for an EV to be purchased for under $5000.

The truth is that I've been on a lookout for a deal on a Fiat 500e and finally came across one at $3000 after $1000 utility incentive. I can't think of a better value.

You don't need money to go electric!

The 500e although limited by it's battery range is an excellent city car! In the video I go over some great pros and some cons about the car. As a Tesla owner, I pick the 500e to drive around the city with it's maneuverability, agility, and fun to drive factors.

Is a Tesla worth 15 times more than this car?

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Couldn't agree more. I am used to Model X - but the Fiat 500e - omfg - so much better especially when you think about costs. So fun to drive. So economical. The first car that literally puts a smile on my face. :)


I just bought a 500e 2016 2 weeks ago from a private seller for a killer price . It's a great secondary car, I have a heavy suv as well. I agree with everything you said. I freaking love this car!


I just bought one yesterday, 8k OTD with 18k miles on the odo. Love this car and the value is amazing! Thanks for your review!


3:10 Thank You! I never knew why the breaking was so hard on my 2016 500e. I’ve learned to let of the brakes a little at full stop.


I have a 2016 Fiat 500e, and everything you talked about is exactly correct. This is the best video overview of the 500e. Great job, and thank you.


Seen about dozen of the top reviews on YouTube and this one is the most helpful. Thanks!


I have owned both two model 3s (hubby and I) and a fiat 500e for a few years. Now that I'm not driving much, I am shedding cars, I kept my 500e and let my Tesla get a new home. Both are great cars. I definitely did some tuning at a local racing house. My son will be learning to drive soon and I'll be teaching him on the 500e. Also, I went to pick up a mini fridge a few weeks ago, it fit in the fiat, but the tesla trunk is a little pinched, and couldn't accommodate the box.


I plan on getting one of these in the future for exactly what you just said, it's basically a street legal go-kart. Some weight reduction, better tires and a few more mods and I'll be ripping around my neighborhood faster than the obnoxious Honda Civics that like to wake me up at 3 am.


Hey Darwin, Nice review on the 500e, you really captured what the 500e is all about. I purchased my 2017 pearl white with sport package, no sunroof in 2020. Bought it as a cheap car to commute to work. Its an amazing deal. I love the car, it really is so fun to drive. Plus I can save my gas money for my fun cars.


This is one of the better Fiat 500e reviews I've seen-- and from all the research I've done on this car, I've probably seen nearly every review out there, lol. I'd love to get one of these as my first car (electric or not), but I can't drive. There's also the difficulty of finding one for sale in/close to WI, or dealing w/car shipping.. but hey, I can dream.

Good video about a great car.


I currently drive one of these as a rental. Its actually quite a fun ride, and am seriously considering for a 2nd car.


I _ALMOST_ went for the Fiat 500e when I was doing my research for a used EV, but I ended up choosing the Kia Soul EV+. I got a 2016 model with less than 18000 miles on it in perfect condition for less than $16000 delivered from California to Florida. One of the first things I did was replace the lead acid battery that came with it - the original one from the manufacturer - with a LiFEPO4 battery. They can be bought for about $150-200. They weigh about 5 pounds and generally have 20-25AH (compared to the stock lead acid of around 45-50AH), but this is all you need unless you plan on leaving your headlights on without the main battery being engaged for hours at a time. Lithium batteries have many advantages over lead acid, such as much longer life, higher temperature tolerances, can sit unused for up to a year without draining completely, etc.

This is the best car I have ever owned, by far. Costs me about $2 to "fill up".


i love that it doesn't have 1 pedal only complaints are the small battery and the lack of level 3 charging...


Had mine for five years now. It's such a fun, very low-maintenance car. Swift, turns on a dime and can park anywhere.


Thanks for this I’m now looking at the possibilities of buying one. Just need to find where I can get it and shipping costs to Nigeria. Looks like the Fiat 500e is going to be my first EV 😊


Thanks so much the great review, Darwin!


We made the brakes that way so that they will be used and dont get rusty and locket, best ReGen is with Cruise Ctrl. We have the new Fiat 500e 2020 in production, from January 2021 it will be on sell in USA to.


Right on thank you very much thinking about a 2017 i saw it and think ill love it test drived it yup zippy little thing but yes thanks again buddy keep on drivin


I leased one and car is absolutely the best EV in its class. It’s fun to drive and sporty. The only gripe I have is the short range and it’s small and feels unsafe on the free way when you’re in between bigger cars. Other than that it’s a super nice little car.


It is a better car. Price alone! I love mine.
