How to never backlash your baitcaster again with this easy tip :D #fishing

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Just to clarify, I know how to use a baitcaster quite well I just happened to snag on a bush on my back cast and this was the result thought it'd make a funny video. To anyone apprehensive about getting a baitcaster, dont be learn how to tune it and they're too fun.


Just learn how to tune it, & check behind you before every cast.

1. Set your brakes, located on the side opposite to your handle, there is a dial on most reels. Set it to your experience level. Crank that baby to the max, and if you live in the central or north us, for every year using a baitcaster, go down by 1.5. If you live the south us, for every year using a baitcaster, go down by

2. Set spool tension to lure weight. Using the knob between your star drag system and the body of your reel, tighten the knob towards you until the lure will not drop when your spool is open and your rod is parallel to the ground. Then, slowly loosen the spool tension awah from you until the lure slowly drops, and when it hits the ground, it doesn't backlash, and the spool stops moving.

3. Set the drag.
For 10-15 Lb Fishing Line, tighted the star drag tension away from you until you can almost, but not pull drag with moderate strength. This should set your star drag system to 6-8 Pounds.

For 15-25 Pound Fishing Line, tighted your star drag away from you until you can pull a small amount of drag with moderate-strong pressure. This should set your star drag system to 10-12 Pounds.

For 30+ Pound fishing line, tighten your star drag away from you until you can't pull any drag at all with moderate-strong pressure.


LOL! I'll never stop fishing, that's for sure. But seriously, it takes time, adjustments, practice, never stop learning. I still use my driveway to practice and tune my reels before I get on the water. I do this because I watched my Dad do this when I was younger. Thanks, Pops!


Exactly bro! Backlash happens even to the pros. Giving up IS the only way to never backlash again.


Lmao! I was like "why is he going back to the car?" 😂🤣


I know it’s a joke, but for those curious:

1: crank the tension control knob (closest to the reel handle, the part you spin to reel in line) to max.
2. Set the brake to 8(some people recommend 5, go down as you get better) it’s the one with numbers on the opposite side.
3. Hit the spool release button(on the bottom, same as a spincast) then slowly turn the tension control knob(see #1) down until the bait drops fast but doesn’t backlash at all.


Can confirm, my caster has been hanging on my garage wall for 4 years, hasn't bird nested once!


Get a different pole I thought 😆 🤣 😂 but yeah that works too. Bravo 👏 👏 👏 Nicely done


Conventional reels were not intended for over the shoulder casting. Spinning reels were designed for over the shoulder casting.


Just when I was thinking of buying one 😂But I don’t think I will ever STOP 🛑 fishing 🎣


I thought you were going to say “switch to spinning rod and never use a bait caster again”😂


It baffles me how many people struggle with a bait caster, when there are dozens of videos explaining in detail how to use one. It took me a matter of minutes to have my first caster tuned in for a senko worm with zero backlash. Do I get back lash now and then when I switch up baits? Yes, but a few tuning adjustments and good to go. If you arent sure you are going to rat nest or not, dont whip the hardest cast you possibly can.


Actually you have to set the spool tension all the way and press the spool release button and lower the tension until the lure falls


I bought a baitcaster for 200 bucks a couple days ago and never used one. I searched YouTube the night prior about how to use them. Went out the next day and cast 50 plus times and no backlash. It’s not as hard as people claim it to be. Just set your tension correctly with the bait your using and set breaks to higher and your good.


Get bigger braid diameter.... seriously like 65 or 80 pound. The line doesn't dig in as much and it's more forgiving.


This is how mine looks in my truck for the last week and it’s the worst one. I’m devastated to say the least


Lol I literally just tried a baitcaster. It was alright it was fun when it worked. Idk I am a simple man and like my open faced. I don’t want to have to think that much when I’m fishing and swapping lures. I like to go out there and fish and not think. Open faced gives me that but hey I think they are superior in many ways, just not for me.


thought he was abt to grab a spinning combo lmao


I remember when I first used a baitcaster. I had one that took me two and a half hours to get it undone. I should have just cut all the line off but I'm an idiot


I feel like the title should be how to avoid backlashes because it doesn’t matter how much experience you have eventually your gunna get a few. And what’s interesting is you start get them after not having any then boom! It triggers a series of them. Then there gone again. 😂
