Upgrade your DEUS or ORX metal detector into a DEUS 2 at a Special Price - Limited Edition

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Very cool. Looking forward to being able to offer these to our customers soon!


Merrill’s XP Deus II videos remain a key reason why I follow performance and find videos of all of XP’s offerings. I have paused my next purchase comparing the many options from XP and other manufacturers out now and announced. It’s clear the Deus II has become a Gold-Standard others are chasing. It’s unique all wireless cpabaility and lightweight design is very appealing to me.


Thanks for sharing, XP is great. Using this setup for the first time, WS6, it is amazing at the beach.


please ear me out! we need a waterproof shell for the ws6 for thos who dont dive but are in water! just to waterproof the puck. and with the same attachment so i can connect it on my stem


So the upgrade is actually a WS6 and dEUS 2 coil on the old stems? That’s not an upgrade, that’s recycling.


XP D2 needs a small coil (smaller than the 9"). A nice 5 x 7 would be the cats meow for the D2. It would just add to the D2's value and versatility.


Merrill? You ! Are a priceless element to this company .. they couldn't have picked a better person to your job .. and I mean that! Your research is unpresidented!, knowledge, etc. like I've always said" Merrill? I'm proud of you! You make this hobbies a blast! N.t. nor cal.


Perfect work man! Always XP Deus II.👋👋👋


Great videos but xp are not actually converting your just buying a ws6 master without the stem and the price reflects that’.. I actually like the concept but your not converting your just selling a ws6 master without the stem and the price reflects that. ..I’ll stick to the one with the hf coil.. the wife will stick to the orx… we are still finding on land every single week!

It seems to me that Deus are concerned about Deus 2 sales hence the push to convert Deus 1 and orx users (who are more than happy with what they have) and I think Deus know this personally.. as a bit of advice.. the easiest way to get d1 users over to the 2 is to create a program much like hot which sits on a single frequency.. I appreciate you have the facility to do this as you say in your video it has the power to and I appreciate that it can prob be set up but I’ve spoken to loads of really experienced users that havent managed to replicate.. in fact even Gary hasn’t from what I understand.. do that and you won’t need to market a conversion kit because you’ll have a bunch of users that can have the safety blanket of hit mode with the option to go multi if they want..


I don't understand. So you don't get the Deus II Remote? Are you supposed to continue using the Deus remote with the Deus II WS6? Or does the Deus now become obsolete or unnecessary?


What a great vlog
Everything anyone who's looking to start or upgrade is here in 1 vlog
Well done Merrill 😊


Muchas gracias Merrill
Cómo siempre muy acertados comentarios 🙏
Yo tengo un XP ORX y acabo de adquirir el Deus11 WS6 por los comentarios tan claros.
Y me ayudaste a tomar la decisión de comprarlo.
Muchas gracias desde
Monterrey N.L. Mexico


It would be nice to have an elliptical coil for the Deus 2! Especially since they are great for getting in-between what the 9" passes over. 😊


I think is a good deal for Orx. Regarding deus one... I'm not sure


Merrill... will this conversation pac enable multi-frequency?


To satisfy your're customers you have to bring out something new, not something that's already on the market, it sounds like XP underestimate there customers, at this moment Minelab does a better job(my personal uppinion)


This idea is goofy. It isn't really a special price when you factor in the cost of a used stem is less than $100. Plus, it makes the D1 coil, controler and phones landfill without a stem...I would have preferred a trade in program, but knocking $100 off the current MAP for a WS6 master is no deal since I can't resell my D1. Who actually thought of this plan???


Thanks again Merrill on another great presentation. I found the conversion kit for $589 USD


If I already have a deus2 full kit, except the deep seeker, and I have the ORX, what am I gaining? I still like the simplicity of the ORX as a backup.


I have 2 D2s, a D1 and an ORX. Waiting for an upgrade for the D2. The D2 is absolutely killer on the salt water beach. I won’t swing anything else. I’ve tried and been very disappointed. Nothing even close to it.
