Tragic Details About Rush

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The Canadian progressive rock band Rush was known for their complex lyrics and thunderous drums, but sadly, they were also well-known for the string of tragedies that affected the band in their last years.

Drummer and songwriter Neil Peart had a very difficult life, losing both his daughter and his long-term partner within a few years of each other. Eventually, Peart was unable to continue drumming altogether, and he passed away in early 2020.

In addition, frontman Geddy Lee comes from a family with an extremely sad history. Let’s take a look at some tragic details about the members of Rush.

#Rush #Tragic #Music

Neil Peart's daughter died | 0:00
Neil Peart's longtime partner died | 1:03
Peart's decline ended Rush | 1:56
Peart died of brain cancer | 2:54
Rush's connection to the Holocaust | 3:54
Rush got dissed early on | 4:53

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So crazy that this world is without Mr. Neil Peart and the great band Rush! RIP Neil the best rock drummer ever!


Poor Neil (and family). They suffered so much tragedy. And how Neil had the courage to go on was a testament to his strength. RIP, Neil.


I feel privileged to have lived in the heart of the Rush era. Been a fan since 1980, and saw them in concert over 30 times. Rush’s music has been the theme song to my life. RIP Neil, and all the best to Alex and Geddy. Thank you for all that you’ve done.


A phenomenal band with an enormous story. They are missed. I am thankful we have the memories and the music.


Geddy Lee's voice is what first attracted me to the band. As the years, albums, concerts and videos accumulated Rush is one of the greatest trio of artists and performers!


I first saw Rush May 1980 at the tender age of 12 .. To this day, their performance of Jacob's Ladder that night resonates in me as it was more like a religious experience then simply hearing a song .. I think that if you know Rush, you know this feeling ..


Cried again just recently over Neil…absolutely hate what he went through in this life. Rest easy Neil, Jackie and Selena. 🙏🏻♥️


Neil was my inspiration as a young drummer and continues to inspire me as a musician in every sense. A truly great thinker, writer, lyricist, and musician. My hero.


They called Rush fans a cult. I can live with being a member of that cult. Rush rules!


Niell was a friend of mine even though he did not know me, at least I consider him a friend. I found Rush when I was stationed over seas. They became a major part of my life. Neil was a key element of RUSH, and he found the arterial for his excellent writing ability in Rush where both Alex and Geddy allowed Neill to excel at what he could do best - besides drumming. He connected with people.


The tragic details of this video is that it ONLY focused on the few down moments of a pioneering band with a career spanning 45 years! It seems the details presented are true, but certainly an inadequate report on this phenomenal influence to the music industry---and humanity as a whole.

RUSH certainly faced the ups and downs of a band in their infancy, and certainly other challenges as they grew and matured. The key is they developed a fanbase not on the 'ME ME ME' focus SO many other bands/musicians do... but instead for their virtuoso musicianship, powerful melodies and heartfelt lyrics. Truly a team effort between the three of them for 45 years.

Kudos to Geddy, Alex and Neil for their long run producing outstanding music, and doing so with class, integrity and respect. KUDOS to them, and others, for respecting Neil's privacy during his final years.

I always loved getting a new RUSH album, listening to it to get the newest tracks embedded in my brain. Then was always the love of the upcoming concert and figuring out how many times could I see them.

+1 #measureofaman

Thanks for the music guys. R.I.P. Professor.


One of the greatest and most wholesome rock bands of all time


Definitely one of the most innovative bands of their era, with one of the greatest drummers of all time. Sprawling, incredibly technical songs with serious, philosophical lyrics; real ambition. They're unquestionably legends, and deservedly so. (Plus, Geddy Lee is the only dude I've ever seen who can somehow play bass, keyboard, and sing, all at the same time. Now THAT'S skill!)


Neil has literally been to the highest highs and the lowest lows. It’s unfortunate they pronounced his last name wrong throughout the video.


I loved and will always love Rush. I appreciate the fact that they refused to continue unless their abilities were at their top. I am eager for the new live album on the 29th of May. RIP Neil-you brought a lot of people a lot of joy.


Three very humble but extremely talented musicians .. who combined as a trio created one of the greatest rock bands ever..


Neil with ALWAYS be my favourite drum player ! He knew no boundaries and put himself out there on the stage and gave his all 🤘so glad I saw him live before he got sick because that’s the way I will remember him on stage slamming it ❤️


Best rock trio ever.


Rush was the first rock band I ever really listened to, fell for them instantly and never looked back. They, their music, has been part of my life for over 40 years. Only family and certain friends have that distinction normally. They have been very dear to my heart. I have always respected the fact that I have never heard them swear in their music or on stage, I've seen them plenty. That's class in a world with none. RIP Neil, thank you Rush for what you brought to my life! God bless.


God bless Neil Peart. I started drumming when I was hitting pots and pans at the age of 3. Once I heard them play I never gave up drumming now I'm almost 50 something! Rush will always be my favorite band of all times... Long live Rush
