The Art of Puzzle Design | How Game Designers Explore Ideas and Themes with Puzzles and Problems
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This Video Explores the Art of Puzzle Design, and how game designers explore ideas and themes using both puzzles and problems. Puzzle design is often viewed as an arcane art only a few are privy to, but in this essay, we explore the many design philosophies creators have employed to manufacture them. What we find is there are as many ways to make a puzzle as there are puzzles themselves, and this pluralism feeds into what the purpose of puzzles have been and are in our society today.
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We explore games as varied as The Witness, braid, Baba is You, Infinifactory, Stephens sausage roll and fez to support the idea that puzzle are ultimately the aesthetic form of thought itself.
- The Puzzle Instinct Marcel Danesi
- Bob Bates -On game design
- Infinite Powers Steven Strogatz
- Is God a programmer? Geoff Simons
-Gdc talk Solving Puzzle Design Jolie Menzel
- Empuzzlement Blow, droquen, Ten Bosche
-Designing to reveal the nature of the universe
-The Arcane art of puzzle dependency diagrams
-Open ended puzzle design at zachtronics
- Breaking Conventions with the legend of zelda
-Making Baba is you
-Bob Bates Designing the puzzle
- A look back at fezs Black Monolith
- Designing Baba is yous rule wrtiing system
-How to make a good puzzle
Gdc hearts and minds
Support the Channel on Patreon for Additional content
We explore games as varied as The Witness, braid, Baba is You, Infinifactory, Stephens sausage roll and fez to support the idea that puzzle are ultimately the aesthetic form of thought itself.
- The Puzzle Instinct Marcel Danesi
- Bob Bates -On game design
- Infinite Powers Steven Strogatz
- Is God a programmer? Geoff Simons
-Gdc talk Solving Puzzle Design Jolie Menzel
- Empuzzlement Blow, droquen, Ten Bosche
-Designing to reveal the nature of the universe
-The Arcane art of puzzle dependency diagrams
-Open ended puzzle design at zachtronics
- Breaking Conventions with the legend of zelda
-Making Baba is you
-Bob Bates Designing the puzzle
- A look back at fezs Black Monolith
- Designing Baba is yous rule wrtiing system
-How to make a good puzzle
Gdc hearts and minds