What Is The Military Industrial Complex? | MIC 3

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When defining the Military Industrial Complex, everybody goes back to Eisenhower. He did popularize the term, but the standard critique of Congress, the Pentagon and the defense industry is now 50 years old. This video provides the old definition, and a newer one.

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Attention planet earth: This is what REAL journalism looks like!


Dude, this was brilliant! Thank you for your insight!


The Military Industrial Complex should be the ones that pay for veteran care. They get all the rewards of war, and the public taxpayer pays for veteran care? It doesn't make sense. With a small portion of their profits, all vet healthcare could be paid for, saving the taxpayer the expense. Since they are here to stay... they might as well share the burden of war, not just the profits.


Good point about keeping jobs fragmented among congressional districts.


In response to the Syrian missile strike, a young friend of mine asked Facebook if anyone profits from war. I gave him the link to this video.


I see it as metastasizing cancer as well. The body created it, but it is killing the body from within.

The next step is to be asked where is our tax money allocated.That question should be included with the tax form. 1.) I want my money to go to education and social services not military. 2.)We need to demilitarise the space and employ the same people in the area of clean technology. 3.) Reduce federal tax almost entirely and only tax capital gain. Imagine the economic boost that would create. We would save and not need personal loans from banks paying an interest. At the moment, almost half of what most people make is taken( 33% income tax + 8.25% sales tax on everything we buy= 41.25% - almost half of our income)
4.)abolish Fed Reserve - in 103 years of their existence, they printed 25 paper bills on 1 dollar reducing it's value to 4cents.
Fed Reserve charges for printing and issues non-existent funds to unnecessarily large body of the government saying that population owes them. If I wasn't in it, I would want to laugh. They also issue trillions of dollar to foreign central banks. I want to keep my money. The time shows- it is NOT working for us.
5.) reduce government by terminating some positions after their mandate runs out.
No more replacing perfectly good office furniture just because they " have to" spend the money or their budget would be cut!! Interesting how it doesn't occur to those people that they are practically stealing by not returning public funds to the part of the society in need. Just in California, there is over 2 million children that didn't have enough to eat this summer of 2016. And they want new furniture and have to have assistants?!
6.) natural resources need to be national property- no one can own water, oil, minerals and metals. The second largest gold mine in the world is here in Nevada and dollar is not backed up by gold? It is national interest to use clean technology but personal interest says-" use oil"( and make sure military exists so we can sell as much as possible).


It wouldn't be too difficult to convert it into an Aerospace Industrial Complex (AIC):

This AIC already has contractors and support in congress. It does the same type of manufacturing, creating high quality, precise, and specialty parts. This transformation wouldn't destroy jobs compared to getting rid of the MIC completely.

Its also not bound by a political contract like war. The funding could be lowered without huge public outcry.

This is just something to think about to further the reach of mankind.


We used to not have a standing military. Our founders were almost all against such a stance, as it drained finances and gave the government too much power.


This just makes me think of that dark knight quote. "You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain."
Great work!


*Fun Fact*

Back in the late 1950s president Eisenhower was reading a magazine similar to, if not the magazine itself, _Foreign Affairs_ and saw an ad in it for a new fighter jet and he immediately became upset. He threw the magazine in the fire place in the Oval Office. 👍


How should we bridge between your first great video about a golden age and this equally good vid about dark spreading of the military industrial complex? These vids seem like contradictory, yet equally accurate summaries of the real world.


Youre leaving out the most powerfull component of the MIC WallStreet !!😊


Oh my god why does Jimbob sound so scholarly and educated it's really fucking me up lol


When you have Military Contractor (Mercenaries) you must remember they don't get paid unless they work and their work is War.


Hammer: "where's the nail*
Hang on.
Hey guys we need a nail.
Let's subcontract it out.
Here you go, made one for ya. You gonna need anymore?



“If the only tool you have is a hammer then every problem has to look like a nail” Wes Clark, guy that spilled the beans on the 7 countries in 5 years Middle East plan


Why did you show and F-16 when talking about an F-35?


This problem of the three participants sharing a 'militarisation' objective which is then influential in driving up budgets must be unique to the US, because in Europe defence budgets are flat, with shortfalls and cut-backs - no matter what military enthusiasts & contractors might want.


Thank you for these VITAL and totally obscured truths. My question to you (please make a video!) is: what can we do about it? Are there any citizen groups protesting this? It must be brought to light and people must be educated and SPEAK OUT! I can't begin to thank you.


Update: that hammer metaphor you use in the end is back and scarier than ever.
