BEST Optimization Guide | GTA V Enhanced | Max FPS | Best Settings

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Playing GTA V Enhanced? Want to optimize the game for the best performance and visuals? Want more FPS out of your game? Don't worry; there are a lot of small changes and tips you can use to get the most out of your game. By the end, you should have a high, smooth FPS with this best settings optimization guide.

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=== Related Videos ===

0:00 - GTA V vs GTA V Enhanced
0:50 - HUGE performance option
1:33 - Video Settings
3:06 - Preset
3:20 - Ray Tracing (& FPS)
6:34 - Upscaling
8:28 - Quality Optimization
10:36 - Lighting Optimization
12:16 - PostFX
12:36 - Scene
13:40 - Ray Tracing vs No RT
14:50 - FPS Cap & Final Notes

#GTAVEnhanced #Optimization #FPSBoost
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Everything in this video is my personal opinion and experience and should not be considered professional advice. Always do your own research and ensure what you're doing is safe.
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Thanks, told this to another YouTuber but he'd ignore the suggestion, now I'd run stable with a 1650


Thanks dude, i'm using a 1060 6Gb and had problems, i then used your settings and adjusted accordingly, now my game looks mighty fine, cheers!


Enhanced edition is actually not the same as Legacy in terms of performance.

It performs better than the old one because it's using the same RDR 2's pipeline.

In fact, with RT high settings on, I'm basically getting the same FPS as the legacy edition.


The BVH option is mostly for reflection distances. Try it with the ray traced reflections on, and you will see difference in the BVH settings.


Very helpful guide on newer version. Thanks TC for the guide. hope more to come <3


this dude's gta online character looks atrocious and i love it.


I feel like this guide is kinda ok but we don't know what we are losing in terms of visuals with the settings. just fps improvements here and there.


Thank you for making this, there is so many other channels making videos with no helpful or just false information


The reason why some people say Legacy version looked better to them is because Legacy version used MSAA which tanks FPS but looks sharp. The enhanced edition uses TAA instead.


Bro u just saved me bro, went from 40 fps all on normal to 60. Thanks so much👑


Thank you so much for this video 🙏🏻 I can clearly see a huge difference in my quality performance now 🙂


The reason you cant see a difference is because that window is a ray traced reflection. The setting you are adjusting is for non ray traced reflections.


I find it interesting that enabling RTAO disables the games AO but enabling other RT options does not disable other in game options like RT reflections disabling the in games reflections. Reflections on ultra eats my fps like crazy already and now with RT reflections too


He's the first YouTube I've seen go over then enhanced version properly. There are many people out here that keep saying this version is worse. That's complete and utter BS! I just wish he didn't skip over comparing Post FX. It's actually ass on Ultra setting as is when you enable DOF. Go stand outside and compare lights. Pull up your phone at night lol. It's ass. Set this to normal unless you wanna have the game look like you have an astigmatism.


Good guide however I don't agree about not using sampling at all even with fsr 3 there is some trailing on your character and the performance improvement isn't huge for me, sampling at 1.5 can also help with grass dithering which on at least 1080p is quite noticeable whilst also improving image sharpness slightly and the performance hit isn't that large at least on my pc.


Thank you for this video! i still struggle because i have bad graphic card, but i will buy better one soon, so this video goes on bookmark :) I will play legacy until set up a better PC. Thanks again for simple explanation! Cheers!


the problem with shaderquality in legacy was that reflections would not show anymore on cars and wet streets if u would go higher then normal.
i think it was a bug which was never fixed.
it may be on amd cards only as i had amd back then


Great video! Normally I turn off In-Game Depth Field Effects in every game, but for some reason I enjoy having it on in this game. With optimization and FSR Off I have around 80-90fps on a 6600 with RT High, thanks!


my 3rd comment on this video so i look weird now but i also wanted to point out that previous versions of gta 5 required restarting after changing the shader quality which leads me to believe that either that option doesnt do anything or r* heavily modified it.


I'm not here nescessarily becaause of the optimization but rather how this 3080 Ti performs. I'm on a 4060 laptop and noticed that when rt is on (lowest or max, doesn't matter) the frametime graph stops being smooth. I thought it could be maybe texture streaming etc, but nope, it looks like issue is at the game, as no matter what I did, when rt is on in any way the game refuses to run with good frame times. I watched pretty much all enhanced pc gameplay videos on youtube and saw the same thing happen to everyone, including this video as well. Note that compared to legacy even when no ray tracing is enabled it still has a bumpier frame time graph. For those of you who are curious though about how the 4060 laptop performs, at 1080p max settings (excluding high res shadows and extended distance scaling) along with maximum rt settings I get about 60-70's in average, depending where I am on the map that goes up to 90-100 sometimes. In a full lobby (30+ people) when zooming around the city it does drop to 50's but even with a full lobby the average is about 65-60 fps. I'm also rocking an i7-14700HX as pretty sure that helps a lot with high player count lobbies.
