8 Bizarre Medical Stories YOU WON'T Believe are True!

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Bizarre medical stories you won't believe are true! These strange medical conditions & extreme deformities are shocking. People with health problems survived the unexpected.

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8 Brain tumor surprise
In 2014, a 4-month-old baby boy in Maryland was put through a brain scan, after doctors noticed his head was growing faster than is normal for infants his age. They discovered a brain tumor containing teeth-like structures. The baby underwent surgery, & after removing the brain tumor, doctors reportedly found several fully formed teeth inside. It was later discovered that the teeth found inside the tumor were normally found in the lower jaw. It was revealed that the infant had a rare brain tumor called craniopharyngioma, which can grow to be larger than the size of a golf ball, but doesn’t spread.
7 A Woman’s bizarre habit causes heart disease
Before but also during pregnancy, she used to ingest a 1-pound box of baking soda a day. The 35-year-old started to feel weak & dizzy during her 37th week of pregnancy so she went to the hospital. Initially, doctors diagnosed her with an irregular heartbeat & muscle weakness in her legs, but later revealed that she also had low levels of potassium, which was unusual. They began asking about her diet, but she failed to mention this curious eating habit. She was admitted into hospital & soon transferred to the intensive care unit, after developing a rapid heart rate.
6 Man left with a fishbone inside his eyelid after a day at the beach
After spending a day at the beach, a 52-year old man was reportedly left with a fishbone inside his eyelid. He was swimming the Red Sea when it happened. However, he later developed a droopy swollen eyelid that didn’t heal for over a month, & decided to visit his doctor. At first, after the imaging test, doctors discovered a granuloma, an inflammation inside his eyelid that needed to be removed. However, when they performed the surgery, they also removed two foreign transparent tubular structures, that were later found to be fish bones.
5 Sudoku puzzles trigger man’s seizures
A 25-year-old German man had to give up his passion, solving Sudoku brainteasers, because it began to trigger his seizures. This all began in November 2008, when he was skiing with a friend. He was saved by his friend who was a paramedic. However, he had a hip fracture, a ruptured spleen & was left with muscle twitches in his mouth & legs. The seizures were a consequence of his brain being deprived of oxygen for approximately 15 minutes. However, doctors prescribed anti-epileptic medication to keep his condition under control. rehabilitation facility, to recover.
4 Born with a hairy tumor on his eye
A 19-year-old Iranian man’s eye tumor, which was benign & present since birth, caught doctors attention after sprouting a few black hairs. Researchers at Tabriz University of Medical Sciences were surprised to see the hair follicles on the man’s eye, as these cases are very uncommon. These tumors – called limbal dermoids – are very rare & can contain tissue normally found on another part of the body, like sweat glands, cartilage or hair follicles, scientists say. This man had the tumor on his eye from birth & throughout the years it developed to be approximately a quarter of an inch in size. Limbal dermoids can cause vision deficiencies, such as astigmatism or blurred vision. They can be surgically removed, but the operation doesn’t result in better eyesight.
3 Man has 28lb lump removed from his intestines
A 22-year-old man had months, “possibly even years” of feces trapped inside his intestines. Also, because of this condition, his organs swelled up to a very large size, which caused him to appear pregnant. Doctors operated on him in June 2017. They removed a 28lb, 30in lump from his body, which was the part of his large intestine that was stuffed with excrement.
2 Man becomes excessively generous after a stroke
49-year-old Mr. A from Brazil became unusually generous & had to have his financial life managed by his wife after a stroke. Moreover, after his personality changed drastically, he was unable to resume his job as a department manager within a large corporation. As his wife reported, he began spending his money on children he met on the street, buying candies, soda & junk food for them.
1 Eye condition causes hallucinations
A 67-year-old woman went to the hospital in March 2013, afraid she was losing her mind. She complained about having visions of odd faces hovering before her. At first, doctors checked for two common causes of hallucinations or infections in the body. However, they were unable to find anything like that. Medical staff asked the woman to illustrate her visions, & she drew horizontally elongated faces with large teeth, ears & eyes.
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7:40 I was born with Hirschsprung's Disease! This is the first time in my whole 18 years of life that I have seen my disease mentioned outside of medical papers or videos from hospitals. This makes me so weirdly happy! I got my surgery when I was an infant, so it wasn't quite 30lbs lol. Thanks so much for covering this in a video! <3


*"hey. why the long face?"*

"kyle....we've spoke about this...stop joking about your condition..."


Nobody ever :
Doctor : Hugging that intestine full of excrement while


That pregnant lady knew gotdamn well she had no business consuming a box baking soda a day especially during her pregnancy.

Oh, she had pica. My condolences


The guy who had the stroke got a side effect of being generous and kind. There once was a time when that was considered normal.


"According his autopsy, the diameter of Elvis’s colon was 5 to 6 inches, which is about double the size of the typical person’s, and instead of being 4 to 5 feet long, his colon was 8 to 9 feet in length.
They found stool in his colon which had been there for four or five months because of the poor motility of the bowel. Elvis' personal physician (and pill-mill) noted that Elvis had inherited a condition called bowel paralysis, which made defecating difficult."

Fiber is important, kiddos (also, don't do drugs).


I feel so bad for the sodoku guy. I know what it's like to twitch constantly but to have to loose something you love about it really has to suck.


Some people have teeth in their brains, and hair in their eyes. But those you really need to watch out for are those with fish bone eyes. Their stare may pierce your soul...


Wife: My husband is too nice.
Doctor: Brain damage.


You guys, I kid you not, I have Charles Bonnet syndrome. I have a rare disease that causes my visual impairement and a few years ago, I was having and still do sometimes have weird and scary hallucinations. And that was number one, wow.


I had pica when I was pregnant with my second child. I didn’t crave EATING anything, but I craved SMELLING things like rubbing alcohol and a specific kind of Lysol disinfectant spray. I would pour or spray some on a folded up tissue and carry it around taking a nice long sniff every few minutes 🤦🏼‍♀️ when I was in the hospital right after having her, they ended up finding out I had low iron and they put me on iron pills..they said that is a common cause of pica.


Number 2 is kinda wholesome. Instead of staying a grumpy middle management office drone, the guy seems to have found a more happy and generous way of living. More power to him, hope he gets to enjoy his new positive outlook for a long time 😊


I love that the guy who survives a life threatening stroke, becomes really happy, helps other people and wants to enjoy the rest of his life is considered crazy and in need of serious medication to return him to his previous miserable, 9 to 5 regimented and completely joyless existence....


The visual hallucinations reminded me of an old lady who was later diagnosed with a stroke. She was hallucinating female figures walking in the room and a dog by her feet. The images would change every few minutes and would initially excite her as she found them visually pleasing. She knew they weren't real and it eventually became distressing for her. Thankfully, the hallucinations stopped as she recovered.


"Non food items clay, dirt, ice" pretty sure ice is okay to consume

What is that gagging noise at 7:20??? Disturbing


Horizontally elongated faces? So you telling me this woman is seeing hey Arnold out here?


My crazy medical story was when I was 2 years old and I had a really bad case of a breath holding spell going on. It didn’t help that I had seizures going on too and the doctors told my parents I had a really small chance of surviving because of how long I would not breath. The doctors ended up putting a needle through my spine and finding out how to treat me.


Why not mention the type of tumors that can grow hair, teeth, etc? Wouldn't that be a version of that, just in the brain?




My husband was 19, had a severe headache and diagnosed with a sinus infection, twice. He had an Astrocytoma roughly a half inch in diameter. It was removed, mostly, he's fine now.
