11 - Where do harmonics come from and how do the harmonic currents flow - what is the Ohm's Law expl

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Learn where harmonics come from and how harmonic currents flow using a simplified Ohm's Law explanation || Eaton, Power Quality, Dan Carnovale explains, Harmonic FAQ, Power Systems Experience Center, IEEE-519
Eaton’s Harmonic Frequently Asked Question’s FAQs collection of videos hosted by Dan Carnovale can help individuals from all different levels of education understand what harmonics are and explain many different solutions for mitigating harmonics on an electrical power system. A high level of total harmonic voltage or current distortion on an electrical power system can cause many problems and it is important to understand how harmonics are generated so they can be reduced or mitigated. What causes harmonics and where do harmonics come from in a power system? Harmonics are generated from non-linear loads that typically include power electronics such as variable frequency drives (VFD) and LED lights. Current harmonics cause excess heating of transformers and cables and damage electrical equipment and voltage harmonics cause mis operation. There are many harmonic solutions including harmonic load solutions and system harmonic solutions to reduce harmonic currents. Calculating harmonics and measuring harmonics are critical steps in selecting the best harmonic solution to reduce the total harmonic distortion or THD on a power system to comply with the IEEE-519 standard. Power factor correction and harmonic resonance should also be considered.
Dan Carnovale P.E. has decades of experience in power quality and harmonics and is a recognized electrical industry expert in power quality and power systems. He is the creator and manager of Eaton’s Power Systems Experience Center in Pittsburgh PA where live demonstrations of hands-on power quality and harmonic situations and solutions can be seen first-hand in the Power Quality Lab.
Other FAQ topics: What are electrical harmonics; What is harmonic distortion; current harmonics; voltage distortion; What causes current distortion; total harmonic distortion; Harmonic calculation; Calculating harmonics; Frequency harmonics calculator; Harmonics electrical; Harmonics in power electronics; Harmonics in transformers; Transformer harmonics; Variable frequency drive harmonics; What is a VFD line reactor; What is the purpose of a line reactor; What is difference between reactor and inductor; line reactor vs harmonic filter; how to select line reactor for vfd; line reactors; line reactors for vfd; line reactors for ac drives; line reactors for drives; ac line reactor; ac drive line reactor; ac line reactor for vfd; ac line reactor harmonic filter; ac drive line reactor; dc choke; choke; Transformer solutions for harmonics; k rated transformer; harmonic mitigating transformer; hmt transformer; phase shift transformer; Phase Shifting Transformers; Harmonic filter; harmonic filter for vfd; Harmonic Filters for Reducing VFD Distortion; vfd line filter; Passive harmonic filter; Tuned filter; double tuned filter; single tuned filter; tuned filter circuit; single tuned passive filter; detuned filter; detuned harmonic filter; Drive harmonic filters; drive dedicated harmonic filter; active harmonic filter; broadband harmonic filter; harmonic correction unit HCU; harmonic distortion correction; HCU2 harmonic correction unit; 6 pulse drive; 6 pulse rectifier; Six-Pulse Conversion and Harmonics; 6 Pulse VFD For Reducing Harmonics; 18-pulse rectifier; 6 pulse converter; 6-pulse rectifier harmonics; 12 pulse converter; 6-pulse drive harmonics; 12-pulse rectifier harmonics; 18 pulse vfd harmonics; 18-pulse converter; 24-pulse rectifier; 12-pulse rectifier transformer; 24 pulse rectifier harmonics; Harmonics standards; Standard for Harmonic Control in Electric Power Systems; harmonic standard ieee 519; standard harmonic distortion; ieee 519 harmonics; ieee 519 current harmonic limits; ieee 519 standard for harmonic distortion; ieee 519 vfd compliance; Regulation of Harmonics; IEEE Std 519-1992 Harmonic Limits; Power factor; Power factor (PF); Total power factor (TPF); Displacement power factor; Harmonic power factor; power factor improvements; power factor correction; harmonics and power factor; harmonic effect on power factor; harmonic distortion and power factor; harmonic displacement power factor; harmonic resonance in power systems; resonance in power system; harmonic analysis; Power Factor Correction and Harmonic Resonance; parallel resonance in power systems; parallel resonance circuit; series resonance circuit; series and parallel resonance; capacitor resonance; capacitor inductor resonance; capacitor parallel resonance

Рекомендации по теме

That was a good one. Very straight to the point. Please add more videos related thereto.


Finally I understand that the egg came first. Thank you


Very Great Explanation.. Thanks you sir


Chicken or egg? Depends on how you define Chicken. The universe is created from a pile of energy that caused matter to move (flow), by analogy; the energy is voltage and matter motion is electron flow. So in conclusion, the voltage noise (energy noise) is cause that produced the flow of matter (electron flow) the effect. Noise is the mother of all intelligence, even the brain works on deliberate production of neural noise that is regulated and organised into useful thoughts by conciousness. The conciosness in matter is built inside the structure of atom (nucleas and orbiting electrons).


4 days we were trying find the problem why 2 VFD trip and trigger all in plantroom - 30 simocodes and 10 VFD. Everything was connected and reconnected ... damn


Voltage distortion at load level or source voltage distortion??


Nope, no chickens, no eggs. This is just a common method of obfuscating what is really going on. Look up Bullard Laws Of Harmonics, I've made a ton of videos that actually tell you what is going on with harmonics.
