Professor Leighton Flowers Classroom Session: Tiptoeing Through TULIP

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This really blessed me today. What a great presentation, done in such a kind, Christ like manner. Now y'all pray for me. Newly ex-calvinist here as of 5 months ago or so. I'd like to share this on my fb. I'll probably receive a backlash. The battle for truth is not easy I know. I have MANY calvinist friends. I think most are like me. They don't know they are Calvinist, and or they haven't played it out to its logical conclusion.


I have watched several of your videos which have affirmed the theological points I grew up with in SBC churches which I understood only from a basic, layman’s perspective. This is probably one of the best I’ve seen at explaining both Calvinism and Provisionism.


Wow, if Leighton keeps getting better-looking at the rate that he has over the last six years, he'll be a movie star by the time he hits 75.


Thanks for taking the time and unpacking the verses in Ephesians, I really enjoyed the play by play explanation of that text that you provided.


Excellent lecture / sermon Dr. Flowers.


Great video, I already watch it twice


I wish our pastor would tell us these things. He came into our church telling us he believed like us, or not giving us straight answers, we realized later. Our church isn’t Calvinist. But he is pushing it on us and not admitting it at the same time. It seems very deceptive. If he would tell us, we could decide what we believe. I get the impression if God can save someone who doesn’t want to be, he can change our church even if we don’t want to be changed. It is causing a lot of decisiveness.


Glory To GOD!!!
Thank you Leighton Flowers!


This preacher is an expert in making stuff up.


Thank you very much for your great exposition!


LOL LOL I love it Leighton Flowers.
Love your title!!😆🤣
So I don't know why I haven't heard of you until lately but you just started popping up on my YouTube feed and I seen your debate the other day with dr. James White finally that you did six years ago and in my personal opinion you wiped the stage with him, no disrespect intended because I like him as well. Js. I'm sorry but he is so rigid with sticking to the rules he couldn't even deal with the real, way bigger, issue. I understand rules and debate structure and also his point about debating Muslims and other religions but that's just getting ridiculous and for the record it wasn't debating Muslims and/or other religions. I seen where he said that you didn't even walk through Romams 9 LOL so you titled this tiptoeing through 😄 I love of it!!
God bless you brother in Christ in Jesus name!


Perhaps it's also more popular with men because men tend to view power and control as more important than love. I could be wrong.


Only thing i would change/add to Leightons explanation of Israel judicial hardening is, i dont believe Jesus merely hardened Israel for only the reason of going to the cross. The Bible says "He came unto His own, and His own RECEIVED Him not". I believe Jesus was genuinely presenting Himself in the beginning as the Messiah of Israel. If not, why then did God go through with all the trouble of sending John the Baptist as the forerunner. Israels spiritual condition was poor at best and when you read John 6, the followers only sought Him for the free food, not because they believed that He was the Messiah. I see in the Gospels when the priests contributed His works to the devil, the blinding process starts. Read Matt 12 and 13. Chapter 13 is Jesus introducing the parable. Chapter 12 is when they said He had a devil. Just my 2 cents, God Bless


Calvinism distorts the very nature of God. It presents him as a tyrant, seeking to exalt his own deterministic power for his own glory. The bible says God is love who demonstrated his love by sacrificing himself so that those who accept his sacrifice can share in his glory.

What spirit inspired Augustine and consequently Calvin?

Leighton has two videos on YouTube of interviews with Dr. Ken Wilson that shows that the early church fathers did NOT believe the TULIP doctrines and that Calvinism came from Augustine who was formerly a manichean and gnostic before his conversion. I didn't know what manichaeism or gnosticism was, at least not in any depth, until I watched those videos. It's very interesting how Augustine adopted a gnostic interpretation of man, salvation, and the Bible later in his Christian life and gnosticism influenced his conclusion that man, by nature, is unable to believe the gospel without being born again first.

God is self- sacrificing and seeks to save those that are lost. As Leighton says often, God is most glorified through his self- sacrificial love by taking the punishment of the sins of all people so that those who accept this gospel will be saved. God chose to love us and has given us the libertarian free will to choose to reject the gospel or accept it and love him back.

I believe there are many saved people that are deceived by the doctrine of Calvinism. The sin of the devil, pride, and his modus operandi, deception, which often works through pride, can affect those sitting in the pew and those standing behind the pulpit. God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble. I pray that the Calvinists leaders and those sitting in the pews would humble themselves and see God for who he really is.

I thank God for people like Leighton who was once deceived by calvinism but is now earnestly contending for the faith and attempting to rescue other calvinists out of the devil's deception.

1Jn 4:1 KJV Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

We are wise to ask ourselves and the Lord, who are these false prophets?

1Jn 4:2-3 KJV 2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God: 3 And every spirit that confesseth not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.

Does verse 2 and 3 above give us a definitive answer to who the false prophets are? We're must read the bible in context, which calvinists often do not. They often use the bible to proof-text THEIR doctrine. If we would keep reading without presuppositions, GOD would reveal HIS doctrine.

Roman Catholicism, Calvinism and many other false cults and isms preach that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. What Catholicism and Calvinism deny is WHO Jesus Christ is and WHY he came in the flesh.

We don't need to wonder his reason because the Holy Spirit through John provides the answer just a few verses later.

1Jn 4:14-16 KJV 14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of THE WORLD15 Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God. 16 And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him.

Calvinism breeds fear. How can anyone know for sure that they were elected of God by his arbitrary, unconditional choice? If calvinism were true, only the self-assured, snug, and arrogant would presume to know the secret choice of God.

1Jn 4:18 KJV There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

Calvinism is not true and universalism is not true.

Jesus Christ came to save all but only those that believe and accept him will actually be saved. Provisionism is an excellent word to describe the biblical Doctrine of salvation.

1Jn 4:15 KJV Whosoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwelleth in him, and he in God.

Because he loved all, we should also love all and be the fishers of men as Jesus enjoins us to be.


I really enjoyed your seminar, however, and please do not take this as a harsh criticism, there are scriptures that seem to imply one can lose their salvation through behavior such as 1 Cor 6:9-10, 2 Peter 2:20-22, and Rev 3:5 etc...I'm sure you are aware of other verses, what would your response be to these types of criticisms for once saved always saved positions.


The main problem with Calvinism isn't a difference in the interpretation of texts. Calvinism's unique interpretation of various verses and proof texts are only symptoms of a much larger problem with its theology. The principal problem with Calvinism is its radical deviation from Scripture concerning the righteous and holy nature of God. Calvinism makes God the author of all evil, limits his salvific intent and atoning sacrifice, makes him a duplicitous God with multiple wills that often contradict each other, and ultimately casts doubt upon His written Word. You cannot reconcile the God of Calvinism with the God presented in Scripture. They simply contradict each other at a very fundamental Level. The differences between the two representations of God are too profound to be swept under the same orthodox Christian rug. Calvinism or the gospel: you absolutely can not have both.


I do admire Leighton concerning most of his teachings with a huge exception concerning OSAS which is a dangerous fatal wrong concept, not supported by the whole of scripture.


Why isn't Calvinism a cult? They are obviously two different Gods. One God desires that everyone be saved. The other does not. You don't need a Book of Mormon to have a different God.


Leighton Flowers likens the deadness in sin to the deadness of the prodigal's separation from his father rather than the deadness of Lazarus Lk 15. He is correct and it parallels the experience of Adam in Eden Gen 3, who sinned, became ashamed, fearful, and hid from God. God came looking for Adam and spoke to him as He also did with Cain in Chapter 4. Adam and Cain were still both able to hear God and talk to Him even after being expelled from Eden. Adam obviously taught his children about God and sacrificial offerings. Eve rejoiced at giving birth to a son with the help of the Lord 4:1. So where is this Calvinistic Lazarus-type deadness in Genesis? It is simply not there.


I would also like to THANK Dr. Flowers for explaining "The drawing of GOD" is basically Parabolic Language for "Man hearing and receiving the Gospel."
