The TRICK To Leading With The Right Arm In The Downswing

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The TRICK To Leading With The Right Arm In The Downswing

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I just watched the video again and practiced again, this video is a game changer! Thanks Eric! Maybe you can look into doing a future video regarding the sequence of the back swing. Thanks


Eric, I really appreciate your lessons. I finally understood what you were trying to teach. Once again. Thank you v.much.


This was fantastic. My trail arm has been destroying my golf swing for years. This video provided insight that helped improve both my right and left arm action during this critical part of the swing.


Exactly my problem!! Thank you so much!! I can't understand how the right arms work!! The biceps going across the pect does it for me!1 THANK YOU!!!


THANK YOU! For the "or you'll be shanking it" - this has been my number one miss hit ever since I started to get really compressed shots. It's basically that I have outpaced the body rotation.. It makes perfect sense now.


Eric IMO the best thing that comes out of this video is by doing what you're suggesting it shallows the club and helps with the dreaded OTT 😀


Great tips Eric. You've really helped my ball striking and eliminated my early extension.


Trevor Salzman (Golf Live) just posted something similar on how the trail arm should move. Great stuff Eric! And, I think your detailed instructions are needed.


Thanks again for this. Viewed it again and applied it during a practice session at the PGA Superstore in Rockville, Maryland where I can use their practice bays with Foresight GC Hawk launch monitors. Before swinging I did your trail arm adduction plus external rotation of the trail elbow, plus getting the right wrist in extension, then leaning forward over the ball and simply turning back to feel where I wanted my arm structure to be on the backswing. Have worked on this based on other videos by you and others, but this one was sharply focused and very helpful. Of course, I need to focus on some other essentials that you and others have dealt with in other videos, such as the critical need to shift weight on to the lead leg/foot in order to make a proper rotation of the hips and body (you show this very clearly in your own motion), and also the need to brace the trail leg firmly on the backswing to avoid swaying, turning the trail hip back, and being sure to make a full turn back of the shoulders. But thanks for this. It really helped me make better contact and increase carry distance.


This right side education is golden ✨️ 👌🏽


This is what I have been looking for, for years. Thank you Eric ⭐️


Thanks Eric, the best tutorial I have seen in explaining the right arm/elbow function in the golf swing. For those like me who tend to get a bit steep on the downswing it is not an easy exercise, but hopefully with some practice it will encourage a shallower swing path and better ball contact.


One of the most detailed and in depth drills I have seen to help me with “shallowing” the club. I have always struggled in being able to do it consistently. I have been doing these drills the last few days for many hours and it’s like a light bulb went off!! Coming from a single digit handicap I have never had an ahaa moment like I did today. The lessons you give on here are extremely helpful. Your recommendations on always videoing your swing is also a must as much as I hate to see my swing. Feel vs real is absolutely 2 different things.


Eric, thank you for explaining how to do this. I saw another golf instructor talk about this a week ago…and while it did help, I still wasn’t able to get the shaft lean (the shaft was 90 degrees to the ground at impact). Now that I know the two specific actions, I have no doubt this is going to enable me to get it right. Thanks again!


Adjusting grip from neutral to strong helped me find this move. Also helped limit backswing and keep both arms closer together. Following arm is much more active. Ball striking is now solid with good consistent distance. This video is truly helpful. Many thanks.


This is a great video!!! I've been struggling with the downswing forever. I watched this video and went to the range.... big difference! Thank you!


Great video Eric! This feel is huge. Couple this feeling with the L to L and you can play golf.


Thanks Eric, this is precisely what I need.


Après pluisiers années de pratique, je commence à comprendre ce geste et à le réaliser avec la paume de la main droite tournée vers le haut au retour et aussi le coude droit qui reste collé au buste. Cela m'évite aussi de revenir par dessus avec des balles coupées. Donc c'est entrainement sur entrainement pour que le geste devienne naturel. Merci beaucoup Eric pour ton enseignement. J'espère que Google aura bien traduit mon français.


Great video. I was born in Bethlehem and lived in Easton PA for a while
