The TRICK To Finally Clear Your Hips In The Golf Swing

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I want to compliment Eric on this superb drill, . 50 years of avid golf working hard to unsuccessfully get rid of early extension. No instructor or you tube video drills were able to help me figure out proper hip turn until today. Using the rod and focusing on keeping the right knee inside the toe line provided immediate results. For the first time I now have the proper feel for a solid swing and hip turn. I can't thank you enough for this post.


Eric, this is brilliant stuff. The trail hip portion of this is key for me. Moving up into the ball kills all the benefit of the "clearing of the hips". The knees working in and closer together is a great feel move that should help me "clear the hips", improve rotation, and NOT move up and into the ball by keeping the pelvis a constant distance from the ball. As a person who has watched way too many youtube golf videos, this is one of the best!


I have been focusing on this issue with my pro - - same general approach. But your tips on the specifics - target aim, belt buckle beyond, knee position and hips down -- are exactly what I need to be able to perform. I literally cannot wait to hit the range this morning and try these out! THANK YOU ERIC


Great video and lesson Eric, thanks. One other thing people can try is to open their stance up around 15° and swing toward the target. I do this by dropping my front foot back around 3 to 4" and flaring my left foot out around another 10° (check out a guy called Fred Couples). Swing toward the target as normal and your hips automatically open. I actually play like this now and have never felt so open and free on the follow through. Helped me get to scratch golf, so it worked for me, give it a shot...


This is exactly what Dennis has me working on. Near the end of my round yesterday I finally felt what it is suppose to feel like. My hips were turning so nicely and not feeling forced like it usually does. And it produced great shot results with added distance. I'm excited to keep working on this.


I had this explained to me yesterday and the results were immediate and incredible. This explanation filled in all the gaps. Thank you!


I’ve been working on this FOREVER, worked on this this week and man—the difference in contact and consistency was MASSIVE. Awesome video 🤙🏽


I have watched many videos on how to clear the hips, but the result has always been pushing out the right knee (right handed) towards the ball and thereby restricting the "hip rotation". Understanding the that the knee must stay within the toe-line and turning the right knee cap towards the target early in the downswing helped me create a great feeling for me: I now think of the movement as stubbing a burning cigarette under the ball of my right foot - rotating my right foot counterclockwise with pressure on the ball of the foot. This feeling accomplishes (for me) exactly what you describe. Thank you Eric, and keep up the good work!


I've been building my swing from grip to set up, to takeaway, to backswing and initiation of the downswing for over a year. I am finally ready to learn how to clear my hips and these feels have been so helpful. I could not find the right one - left hip turn, push left foot, left calf back, roll right foot, etc. I feel like I tried them all. These are the ones - "knees together" and "right hip down and in" that have been the most helpful. I have been trying to come to Bethlehem for a long time to book time but of course, there is only so much time in your day. I'll keep trying! Always so good these videos are and thanks for always being so generous with your tips since not all 319k of us can't book time!


Best youtube golf video I've seen so far. Always struggled to open my hips at impact, it felt forced and led to weak strikes for me. My knee went outwards though, so seeing this video and moving the back knee towards the front has helped me hugely and worked very well on the course today! Thanks so much for a great explanation.


Love this. I was the same as the client you mentioned. My right knee moved forward and I had no turn, resulting in me flipping at the ball with inconsistent results. Been working on trying to turn for the best part of 2024 and finally 'felt' it 2-3 weeks ago. The effect on ball strike, distance and accuracy is unreal.


Best video, for me, in a long time. I watch a LOT of videos, too may, actually. I finally got more choosy when I realized that instructors have differing swings they teach and if their swing does not match what you're trying to do, you are SOL. When I focused on keeping my left arm straight, I became more accurate, but lost a bit of distance, but it was totally the right thing to do. When I followed Eric's tip for turning through, my contact got even better AND my distance increased. I actually feel like I have a good golf swing. I'm usually a bogey golfer, but shot 40 on my first round after implementing this one move. Looking forward to actually getting better at this and seeing the results.


Watch this yesterday and tried it on my mat indoors today. Definitely better strike on the ball. Didn’t pick up any distance but I believe it will come as I practice this more. Thx


Been working on this and it's so good! Now it's my one down swing thought. Knee inside toe line. It keeps me from going to much into my toes which always causes bad contact. Thanks coach


Wow what a great demonstration...Just the visual I needed! Thank you


Eric - BIG FAN. I am 64 years old, a 2 handicap with an above average short game. Can you comment on “what you feel” vs “what you think” during the golf swing. When I adopt your training tips, I divide my upper body movement and my lower body movement in what I think to produce the proper feel. When I sequence in the proper order - it is perfection. When you are on the range hitting the same club over and over again, you can get in a groove. However, bringing it to the course “what I think” can be inconsistent. I find myself isolating a movement on the course which impacts my swing sequence - results - a bad swing. I know the golf swing from start to finish is less than 2 seconds so maybe I am thinking to much to create the proper feels😊


Outstanding. I've been puzzling over how to do exactly this for a while now. The other thing is the timing of the hip rotation move. Good players seem to turn their hips quite a lot before their club shaft reaches horizontal in the downswing. Max Homa also keeps his shoulders mostly still aligned toward the target at impact even though his hips are quite rotated, so he has a lot of separation between lower body and upper body. Thank you for this great suggestion for how to work on this tricky move!


That is the best explanation I have ever seen for this!


LOL... @4:25 "There ain't no way..." with eyes closed. If you watched up to this point, you most certainly stayed for the entire video. I'm going to try the knees together feeling to overcome my hip rotation stalling. Thanks Eric!!


Was having some real issues and this has been brilliant! Great lesson
