15 Reasons Why People FAIL

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• What is the main cause of failure?!
• Why do some people fail?!
• How can you fail in life?!
• Why do some companies succeed and others fail?!
• How do you overcome failure?!
• Why do so many entrepreneurs fail?!
• How do I fix my life?!
• How can we do to avoid failure?!
• Why some entrepreneurs are successful?!
• How can you avoid business failure?!
• What are the major causes of business failure?!
• Why do businesses fail?
• Why do people fail to find their passion?
• Why do people fail in business?
• What are the most common reasons why people fail?
• Is failure a good thing?
• Why people encourage others to fail?
• Why you shouldn't be scared of failure?
• How many times can you fail in life?
• Is failure bad? Is failure good?
• What are some bad examples of failure?
• What causes businesses to fail?
• How to deal with failure?
• Why do some people fail at everything they try?
• Why do people fail in life?
• Why do people fail in their careers?
• Why do more people fail than succeed?
• Why do some intelligent people fail at life?
• Why do some intelligent people fail to achieve their potential?

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Hey Aluxers, sorry we're late today! We promise this video is worth it!
Why do you think people fail?


1 they never try in the 1st place
2 they underestimate what it take
3 they are lazy
4 they don't have a competitive advantage
5 they don't learn n adapt fast enough
6 lack of self disciple
7 lack of planning
8 fear of failure
9 wanting too much quikly
10 they are too much emotionally invested to realize they are wrong
11 they make excuses
12 they are being resistant to advice
13 they don't measure progress
14 they are all talk, no show
15 they give up
16 they don't know themselves


People fail because they listen to their friends who are jealous of what they’re trying to achieve and they stop out of guilt or they try to bring their friends with them and get dragged down by the nonsense of their stupid friends.


1. They never try in the first place
2. They underestimate what it will take to make a certain goal a reality
3. They are lazy
4. They don’t have a competitive advantage ( don’t compete but dominate )
5. They don’t lean and adapt fast enough
6. Lack of self discipline
7. Lack of planning
8. Fear of failure
9. Wanting too much too quickly
10. They are too emotionally invested to realize they are wrong
11. They make excuses
12. They are being resistant to advice.
13. They don’t measure progress
14. They are all talk, no show
15. They give up


There is absolutely nothing wrong with failing. Anyone who is successful or who has mastered anything has failed multiple times. The key is they learned from failure and became better.


Failure is actually NOT a failure, but an experience, a step to success, an inevitable part of a person's growth. Sometimes you just have to loose a battle in order to win the war.


Alux doesn't beat around the bush. I love the cut throat honesty. Thank you.


I do have a lot of goals, but struggle with procrastination. This channel always encourages me to cut the crap, and get things done. I love the tone of the lady, it's honest and straight forward; no BS is tolerated from anybody



I have been lazy and made all sorts of excuses for everything in life, but this stops right now.
I am in it to win it. No matter what, I will keep pushing to achieve the goals I have set for myself.
Thanks, alux. This was truly motivational.


I remember playing a game of chess with my nephew a number of years ago. He got me into a position where he thought I didn't have any moves left and he called check and checkmate and then left the table after purportedly beating his uncle.

I kept looking at the board and was really just thinking about how could I have played this game better and then I saw it. I had one move left. Just one.

He came back to the table and said something about me losing and I said "you might want to take a look at the board because this game isn't over yet." He looked at the board as said "it's checkmate, what are you talking about?"

So I made my move and said "sit down, we're not done yet."

That game went on for quite a while after that point and I dug myself out of the corner he had me in and went on to whip his little ass metaphorically speaking.

The moral to this little story is to never just quit. Even when they tell you that you lost. Double check the people who say checkmate. Because sometimes they don't see everything and sometimes you have just one move to make and that's all you need to go on to victory.


People fail miserably because they simply don't want to learn from the mistakes of others


I think #16 is key! Knowing yourself is the first step in making plan tailored for your route to success.



Alux and Alux lady, Thank you so much, Lots of Love :)


Another reason why people fail is because they compare themselves to those around them who are also trying to succeed or have succeeded...


Alux I’m 16 and I love your channel. I watch your videos often even though my family can get a little offended. I’m learning from you and I’m reading Rich Dad Poor Dad too.


the time to start is now, never wait for something to come just because its convenient to just wait, if you want results do it now.


This channel is the definition of hard truths over comforting lies 😂


To be honesty.... I put in the work, so if I fail, I take it as feedback... but never quit!


This is straight to it. This got me inspired to start seriously working on my new app that I have dreamed of since 2013 and still haven't "Given Up" on yet.



Another reason why people fail is; the failure to be original instead, they are just copying what someone else is doing. This may not lead to true success. Nice video, so inspiring.
