BRAUN IPL REVIEW//DID IT WORK?!//4 months later...//Hair Removal Review & Tutorial

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0:00 Intro
1:00 Why I Chose IPL Over Laser & Where I Used It
2:57 Painful?
4:39 Results
9:53 Device Tutorial
13:40 Outro

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Braun IPL device:

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I have also been using this device and have some notes for people who are considering it. First off, I have bought cheaper Chinese IPL devices and can confidently say that I did not see any results with those at all. Where as with the Braun device, it works. I am a guy with very dark and course hair so it is taking longer, but it IS working. This thing is legit. Don't waste money getting anything else.

Second, don't skimp on eye protection, seriously. A single misflash of this thing can damage your vision. I use some tanning bed goggles with UV protective lenses combined with sun glasses on top of those and close my eyes. Before this, I caught a brief reflected flash from a mirror and my eyes were wonky for hours but didn't seem to have any long lasting damage, this was enough for me to spend a few dollars on the above, and I highly recommend anyone considering these devices do the same.

My third point is this device gets quite hot with constant use during a session and in order to prevent itself from overheating, it will slow down the light burst rate. For legs, for example, I find it best do to two or three lines up and down on a section (hip to knee, knee to foot, etc. think of your legs as four sections total) then let it cool down for a bit before continuing. As stated in Jessica's video the inner thigh, and upper back thigh areas are quite sensitive, these areas are usually the only spots where I've turned down the sensitivity. They say not to use it on damaged skin either, but I have anyway (over a cut) with lower sensitivity settings and have been fine. Although you really probably shouldn't do that, I don't make a habit of it.

Other notes: I have dropped this thing on accident a few times and it still works, if you can't get it to activate (most likely around the top of your knee or other non-flat areas) remember you can swap to the smaller head that's included, and most importantly, be consistent using this if you expect it to work. Remember, the sooner you start, and the more you keep at it, the less hair your future self will have to deal with.

Also remember that if you ever end up in a post apocalyptic setting, you're gonna be one of the only people who doesn't have to desperately scour through the remants of civilization looking for razors, and will instead get to enjoy your smooth and hairless skin as you traverse the wasteland. Always plan ahead!


I have been looking for a proper video about this machine, but everyone seemed like they have been sponsored by. I am really glad that you said only the truth. Thank you!!


I've been using it for 5 weeks now, doing legs, brazilian and armpits. AMAZING! I'm latina, kinda light ish skin with dark hair. At week 3 I had no hair whatsoever on my armpits. Brazilian and legs are very good so far too. I too thought the 3 lights were the most gentle, so I started on full force too lol. Very satisfied and obsessed with it. Totally worth it! ❤


Great review ❤️ I bought the SkinGenics ipl instead becase it way less on the pricing.


I really found your review useful. So hard just reading reviews when I want to know all the details. Also super helpful that you specified that it was possible to do Brazilian--common question that sort of gets answered in written reviews, but not really. Had been strongly considering, so glad to purchase through your link to support your excellent work. Valuable info here. Thanks!


Thanks so much for making this so detailed! Now that it's about a year later, have you experienced much regrowth? Would LOVE to see a follow-up video!


I started using another brand called skin genic IPL last year. I’m quite satisfied with the results I'm seeing.. It was also budget friendly compared to the Braun.


I have armpit envy now! Thank you for the review of efficacy and pain. I appreciate it.


I’ve been looking into getting an IPL device for awhile but I felt like all the videos I’ve seen were heavily sponsored and not the most honest. This is the best video I’ve seen and I’m sold!


Hi, I have had it for almost 2years (I am really consistent with treatments and touch ups) and it’s useful, it reduces the growth at least of 75% and the hair that remains becomes very thin. The best results are on the legs and the armpits. Bikini line was not a success but hair grow less quickly and the area is patchy so better than nothing. It really varies on the person but you should definitely give it a try. Overall I am happy with the product but remember that you need to keep using it because if you stop for a long period of time hair will start growing back.


Thank you so much for the info, I know it sucks that your not sponsored but it does make it easier to trust the review. I'm getting one.


Thank you for the Brazilian review! Yay honesty.


It's true about laser hair removal, the shift in hormones causes the hair to grow back, but usually in the areas that are the most hormonal- face, chin including the patch of skin under the chin, toes/feet, Brazilian area & maybe under arms. I recently had to do a touch up on my face after so many years.


I have been using this same IPL too and it really does work and has made a huge difference for me! 💯👌

YESSS I needed this video I wanted to see if someone did Brazilian lol I was so nervous ...But yay!! I have it so I'll do it. TY for this video :)


Yeah ! You’re awesome! Thank you for doing what nobody else does ! I needed the TMI ! You’re the best 🥰


I got it almost 7 months ago and did lots of search and watched review videos before I purchased it, I only use is for 5 straight weeks and because I was imigrating to another country couldn't continue and almost stop for two three months but still my hair grow slower than usual and they become so soft! It's superise me because I always wax my whole body every month and now after 3 months it still looks okey!!!just after 5 straight weeks and the result amazing and I will start again next week, I did under arms, stomach, legs and this time I will do bikini and my face still a bit scare for this two areas but after I saw your video and read comments I think I have to do it, I hope I see result like my other areas 🥹 Thank you to share your experience with us 💜 this device is life changer for me and I was always insecure about my body hair but now I wear short dress with confidence, so happy about this result ❤


Hi, thanks for your video! It was great. I really liked your advice to use your phone to track treatments. Your video gave me the confidence to purchase one myself. Ended up going up with the Brain 3 because it's better for darker skin tones.


Thank you for posting this! I've been trying to find honest reviews for an IPL device, and it was between Ulike and Braun. I found more positive/honest reviews for Braun, so i finally placed an order! I'm very pale, with dark hair and sensitive skin, and shaving has always suuuccckkked. Looking forward to getting rid of all my ingrown hairs and razor bumps!


Anyone have the SkinGenics IPL? That’s the one I have and it was half of how much the Braun is.
