3 Great Benefits of Staying Single as a Man!

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If you find yourself in a situation where you're questioning whether staying single is the right choice for you, it's essential to reflect on your own needs and long-term goals. Understanding the benefits of staying single as a man can empower you to make a decision that best suits your journey. Pay attention to this dating advice video to learn the benefits of staying single as a man.

As your wingmam, female wingman, and dating coach for men, I want to make dating easier. I hope you find this dating advice for men helpful.

If you are asking any of the following questions or searching for:
- Benefits of staying single as a man
- Staying single
- Benefits of staying single
- Stay single
- Benefits of being single
and more, well, I believe this dating advice for men video will give you the clarity you need.


I hope you enjoyed my video, "3 Great Benefits of Staying Single as a Man!"



DISCLAIMER: Anna is not a psychologist, licensed therapist/counselor, medical advisor, or lawyer. The videos are opinions only, not advice. Therefore, you are responsible for your actions and the results thereof. Obey the law. If you have mental health issues or are considering harming yourself or others, seek appropriate help immediately.


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#BenefitsOfStayingSingleAsAMan #StayingSingle #BenefitsOfStayingSingle #StaySingle #BenefitsOfBeingSingle #Single #SingleLife #SingleMan #AdvantagesOfStayingSingle #Wingmam
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It may sound shallow..but, the only thing I miss about being in a relationship is the physical intimacy….and even that loses it’s appeal over time ….I’m fine alone…. 😊


Losing your girl is like losing your Dog. But not as bad as losing your Dog.


Financial safety
Emotional safety
No judgement no expectations
Full peace freedom


Yep!! I can do whatever I want without feeling guilty.


I've been officially single for around a month now, already booked a holiday overseas in April, going solo. I highly recommend this to any single bloke out there! Just be confident and go explore!! Let me tell you, I do not miss for one second, the mood swings, gas lighting, drama that was my past relationship. I enjoy my own company but as someone else said previous, I do miss the intimacy of a relationship. It's nice to share experiences together as a couple. But when there's no GBD (genuine burning desire) on her part then might as well be on your own!
Happy new year Anna, all the best ❤🐈


Honestly one of the best highlights of being single as a man. No heartache, more money and I can have fun with multiple women? What sane man would pass that for a relationship?


I've made it to 40 without a partner save for a very brief relationship in my early 30s. I think I can keep going another 40 or so years. It gets easier once you become a "wizard" as they say.

I do have friends who are women, close friends even, but I'm just too awkward for relationships, I think. I'm not bitter or resentful or trying to garner pity. it is what it is.

It certainly is peaceful and low stress, and for someone who doesn't handle those things too well, I think I'm making the right choice.


Okay first off number 3 is only for Chads that get variety no matter what. So that was a lie.

Now let's talk about real benefits. No gaslighting, no regulating someone else's emotions, no emotional blackmail, no financial version of the Sword of Damocles hanging over your head, no misandry in your personal life, a PEACEFUL HOME!


You forgot peace of mind. You aren't worried about someone else's business and they aren't all up in yours.


I was married 13 years and it was one star, can not recommend 😂
I've met couples where it seems they get along OK, although we never see what goes on behind closed doors, do we? It's best not to wish for what your neighbor has, because you don't know what they're going through.

I wish for each of you a prosperous new year. May you find what brings you peace and contentment ❤


I'm single just for the 3rd reason ... Various flavours ...❤


Well is the last one really a great idea or might it just be potentially destructive


The lies about relationships, we think that just because we have found a good partner, this negates all the conflicts that are to occur in the rapport . 😞


Happy New Year to you, too, YourWingmam 🎉


Stay single unless you can have more happiness and freedom in a relationship. Is that even possible? LOL


These quotes come to mind: "No pain. No gain." and "It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all." One of the very best things that I have ever done in life is to love a woman. I love everything about a good woman. Life just wouldn't be as fulfilling and good without a good woman. ❤❤


Great advice, Anna. And being able to quote Bob Marley makes your point especially memorable. Happy New Year, and thank you for a year of decoding 🙏


"no woman no cry...hey little sister don't shed no tear... everything's gonna be alright!" some actual song lyrics of "No Woman, No Cry" by Bob Marley.


Fantastic short video Anna. Many thanks, i love it. You're the best!!!


You see the only way that it's possible to do what she says. As a man you need to be in the upper 10%. Movie star looks. Or you don't get much of anything. Trust me, I know.
