Flemish separatists try to disrupt 'Shame' demo (raw video)

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A group of Flemish separatists intercepted the Brussels SHAME demo this Sunday. The provocation underlines just how divided Belgian society has become, and helps explain some of the political problems which have preceeded this demo.
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@Tolstoievsky SHAME was a demonstration held on Sunday (23rd jan) organised by 5 Brussels based students, calling for the politicians to get over this current political 'impasse' and form a government for the country. There were an estimated 45, 000 + attending.


@BGF324 45% of the FLEMISH population did it.


@NapoleonThe problem is not disrespect, the majority of the Belgians respect each other. The problem is that there are two sides.
In Belgium there is love, but not at the top, there is a nation (Both sides have 700 years of shared history, in this period a Belgian culture developed that is still there today, but is unknown because there is too little contact) but there is indeed no government, because the polarization at the top which is a result of the recent past and the state structure.


@Napoleon501ste The flag was for flemish independance. If you look well, the lion is all black which is the symbol of flemish nationalist and, everyone in Belgium knows that. If they were using the official one (with the red on it), than we could say it doesn't stand for "independency". But that's not the case...


@Napoleon501ste But you do single out the Flemish flag, that leaves interpretation open. It could mean for example that any other flag may be ridiculed.

That may be, but against the will of the organisation the manifestation became pro-Belgian.


@Napoleon501ste I'm talking about the flag, not the boards. The flag adds another meaning to the boards. It hints the solution the people who are waving the boards and flag in combination: a plain separation. It's all a matter of interpretation. We should ask the person himself what he wants, otherwise my interpretation is as correct as yours.

PS: why do people say that the BHV problem is 30 to 50 years old, while it has only been installed in 2002, and has been deemed unconstitutional in 2003?


Nice example of free speech and tolerance there by the Shame demonstrators.


@Napoleon501ste No actually it isn't, it's a Flemish Movement Flag, it has nothing to do with the Flemish Government flag, they are similar but not the same.


@Napoleon501ste Now don't get me wrong on this one, I think that insulting any flag, and thus nation or region (when we're talking of Flanders region and organization), based on generalizations like in this context are shameful.


Poor people, they should kneel for the flag from the region which give them finincial help every month


what is this "shame" demo i keep hearing about?


@EUXTV Even half a miljoen 'belgians' demonstrating in Brussel can never make the belgium work. It's game over for Belgium! Face it! Belgium had is time and the French speaking had more than enough chances to respect the flemish. They never did...


@EUXTV It's a group of peope who are making it clear to everybody that 'la belgique' is dying. Let it die.


@ps3bmfclancommunity we waren ook onderdeel van frankrijk, veel langer dan we bij nl waren.. of ken je geen geschiedenis? de nlers hebben ons weinig misdaan, de fransen daarentegen... half belgië verfranst, heel brussel, en ze willen nog meer..


@Napoleon501ste No it shows a clear disrespect vs some Flemish Nationalists, by some Belgian Nationalists.
There is a Belgian nation. You need a shared history and culture for that. In the same context you can say there is th possibility of a Flemish nation, a Walloon Nation, but not of a Great-Netherlands nation for example.


People are doing a manifestation to show their shame and try to call the politicians to stop that shitty situation.
I respect the opinion of the separatists but if they want to be heard, why don't they do another manifestation?
Coming during the SHAME demo to show that they are separatists, it's just pure provocation.


@Napoleon501ste You are saying that Flemish independence would be such a good thing for Flanders? Then where will the Flemish KMO's sell their products if not in Wallonia like they do now? And who will pay the Flemish pensions over 15 years? Yes, Wallonia. 15 more years and Wallonia will have to send money to Flanders.
It is in Flanders interest to stay in a close Belgian context.
And you are apperently saying that insulting the Belgian tricolore is not nearly as bad as insulting a Flemish flag?


i'm a bit disgusted with the shameless title of this video. these people were part of the demonstration just like anyone else: to express their dissatisfaction about the political situation. they may have had different motives, but it's still the same cause. BIG SHAME to the asses in the parade who didn't understand the purpose of that demo!


@Tolstoievsky I don't know what the hell it is and I actually live in Belgium. Whatever, because of videos like this people really get a wrong image of Belgian society...


@Napoleon501ste Like I said "against the will of the organisation".
