Hero Dog SAVES Toddler’s Life

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"A Connecticut couple believes their 8-year-old dog recently saved their 9-month-old daughter's life.

Kelly Dowling of Glastonbury says the couple's Boston terrier named Henry captured their attention Monday night by repeatedly entering the baby's nursery by headbutting the door open.

"And every time I shooed him away, he would go back in every time my back was turned," she said alongside husband Jeff Dowling in a virtual interview with Good Morning America.

After Henry opened the nursery door several times, the Dowlings checked on their daughter and found the infant was having trouble breathing. The parents rushed their child to Connecticut Children's Medical Center, where doctors managed to clear her airway before sending her home. Kelly praised her dog's heroics Tuesday morning in a thread on Twitter."


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As a disabled Marine Veteran, I spent a decade taking medication for PTSD. One day I had my usual Dr appointment but was told my previous Dr had PCS stateside, and I would be seeing a new provider. This must have been fate because after a few sessions the Dr. said he had an idea and would like to try it. Well this started my journey with receiving my service dog. The impact with a service dog has changed my life forever. My improvements have been so huge that my medicine intake went from the highest to the bare minimum and now my PTSD is under control. My service dog knows way before I do that something is triggering me and reacts. It is so amazing, I would not be where I am today without my service dog.


It's quite nice when they tell good stories like this one.


My old dog once alerted to my mom having a heart attack. At this time, he used to either sleep at the foot of my parents' bed, or on my bed by my feet, sometimes switching in the night. He started whining and barking in the middle of the night. He woke me up, so I could let him into my parents' room, which I didn't think much of at first. He'd done it before... just not so loudly. Dad thought maybe he wanted to go out for a walk, but he refused to leave the room. Once he had dad's attention though, he ran over to mom's side of the bed and started barking even more. Mom finally sat up and yelled "WHAT?!" at our dog, but then suddenly clutched her chest. Next thing, we're rushing her to the hospital, and she's getting a stent. We cooked some of his favorite foods for dinner and gave it to him alongside a milk bone and a pig ear that night, and when mom was released from the hospital, she fed him boiled chicken broccoli and rice (his absolute fave) for 3 days straight. Little dude ate like a king, as he deserved.


We don’t deserve dogs, they give us nothing but love and loyalty and sometimes they are repay with abandonment, abuse and neglect. We need to do better for animals


Love this story!! Pets are more intuitive than people give them credit for!


My last dog, a Chihuahua, alerted me three times when my blood sugar levels were off. He'd lick my face until I woke up enough to drink some juice. It's only been a few months since he passed away. I'm still gutted by his loss.


Dogs are extremely smart and intune with their people


Our beloved bichon Frosty passed away recently and we miss him more than words can express. Before my wife and I met she was going on a blind date and she was already reluctant and had reservations about this individual. When this person came to the door to pick her up Frosty who was normally a friendly and inviting little soul became defensive and aggressive towards this man and my wife being in tune with Frostys behavior declined the offer to go out . After she closed the door Frosty would not leave her side for the rest of the night. A week later she found out that the individual was arrested for assault and later found to have killed a woman earlier in that year. He is my hero because of his intuitive ability to sense evil I now have the woman of my dreams and a beautiful son .


My cat is not a cuddler normally BUT….. the first time she heard me cry, she started meowing and came and sat on my foot. I didn’t realize at the time that she was protecting me. The first time she heard my husband raise his voice … she did the same thing . Only this time she was glaring at him while sitting on my foot like “I’ll get you in your sleep if you hurt her”🤣❤️🤣❤️. (Which, he never would ). She is my emotional support guard kitty now!! Lol


My cat saved my life. My house caught fire while we were all sleeping. My cat kept running up and down the stairs growling. My dad got annoyed, woke up and followed him. We found the fire and called the fire brigade. This was about 7 years ago. My cat passed away last year. I miss him every single day of my life and will never forget him


I remember this one time when my dog came upstairs to wake my family up, we usually didnt allow him up there but he was so insistent that we knew something was wrong, turns out there was a gas leak and he saved my entire family.


Hi Cenk and Ana. That happened to me when I was about 2 years old. Mum told me that Tassie our border collie kelpie cross, walked between me and the edge of a jetty (pier) repeatably pushing me back away from danger. We were on holidays and I had wandered down there. A man grabbed me until mum came. He said "what an incredible dog you have lady. That dog saved your little girl's life." I grew up with Tassie and he died when I was about 13 years old. I loved him so much and cried when he died. Merry Christmas to all of the TYT crew and of course you! Xx Lynne from Adelaide Australia.


Dogs are more reliable than most people


One of my dogs saved my life. I was visiting an elderly friend who had struggled with drug addiction addiction all her life. She fell asleep on her couch and I continued watching the news. My Little Chihuahua mixed dog, Chipper, who weighed about 16 lbs was with me. He loved this woman and she loved him. Suddenly she sat straight up in bed and ran and tackled me, pinned me down and said she was going to kill me. I never knew she could be so strong as she was 76 years old and looked so frail. But she had taken an overdose of a prescription that was a narcotic. Chipper saw what was happening. I couldn't stop her. Suddenly he growled at her, stood his ground and appeared to be ready to jump. I then thought to say to her "What will happen to Chipper if I don't live?" She then loosened her grip to think about it, I guess, and I grabbed Chipper and ran out the door for my life.


3:00 My Charlie (American foxhound) knows when I’m in emotional distress as well. He actually pulled me out of depression and helped me to feel more human than any humans I’ve ever known (besides one, wherever she is). Animals are proof of heaven. I know when I get there, my dog is going to greet me and say, “Yoooo! Snacks are over there, but come with me. I know where all the good bitches are!”


I really can't get enough of these stories. I'm not afraid to say that I love dogs more than I love most people. They're always there when you need them and will stand by you to the very end.


my cat know when my heart rate is high and calms me down by being a cuddle buddy..


I raised a deaf pitbull since the age 5 months. I tried to get rid of him when I realized he was deaf but no one would take him. The shelter told me that they would put him down since to pit bulls and being deaf are hard to adopt. I let him and taught him hand signals. He turned out to be the best emotionally aware best friend. At the old age of 13 I took him camping like we always did. In the middle of the night I woke up to him fighting off a black bear off me while I slept. I’m forever grateful to have had him. I cry when I think about him too much


Our beloved Chihuahua, Carmine, detected my husband's heart attack before either of us. Carmine got up on him and was insistently sniffing my husband's chest directly over his heart. He saved his life. Carmine passed back in the spring, but you can believe he lives on in our beating hearts.


My Daddy told me a long time ago, if a man has a dog watch how he treats that dog. If he disrespects that trusting soul get far away. If a man has never had a dog RUN. I paid attention and now am married to a dog lover for 35 years now.
