Please Help ReBoot HipHughes History

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I will most definitely contribute. You saved my life for my AP U.S. History exam. You're so amazing, and it would be my honor to support such an honest and hardworking man who is striving to help students like me, and succeeding! Thank you so much for all that you have done, and I can't wait to see what you have planned!

-Mariam :)


Proud to donate what I could. My AP World History and AP Psychology channels have been helped immensely by watching your work. Hoping your new venture is a successful one. And believe me, if I wasn't fighting enormous medical bills (I have MS), I would have donated more. Thank you for all you do for kids and teachers!


So close! Come on guys, get this man a new computer!!! Lol, I mean donate if you can :) love the vids


Best of luck Keith, I hope you meet all of your goals.


After your gofundme campaign is over, you should try adding the donate button to your YouTube channel so everyone has an opportunity to donate as they see fit.  I know that as an educator, it had to be hard to ask for money, especially when in most school systems you are forced to do more with less.  I will donate what I can as soon as I can.  I love your videos and wish I would have had more educators like you when I was in school. 


i gave you a like, about as much as my minimum wage part time self can afford =P


Added a $10 to the stack. Honored to do something positive in this crazy time. I wish I could do more. Truly love and appreciate your videos. Enjoy the rest time and come back strong. Much to do, much to do. 


Just made my donation. Thanks for all the learning!


Congrats!  So happy you got there.  I would have kicked in some money, but I'm a teacher as well -- my first year in a classroom in rural Tennessee (on the border of Kentucky) and started my year 33 cents overdrawn.  But your videos have helped me get a kick start (no pun intended).  I was trying to teach a lesson on the Pullman Strike and ran across your video.  Tied it into a Labor Day lesson and was able to use it in U.S. History, World History, and Economics.  Thank you.


Just saw this while prepping, no "1st check" yet or would have given more.  Will check back to see if it's needed after that check comes in.  Thank you for the videos - they not only help my kids, they helped me quickly learn a new prep thrown at me 3 days before the school year after 15 years of never having never taught this course.


yay,  mission accomplished!!
how would you fund the channel Keith Hughes, especially once you commit full time to it?


Thank you, thank you, thank you!  I am prepping for my Praxis2, and your videos are a great re-cap for me!  I truly appreciate all of your dedication, passion, and excitement towards history for people of ALL kinds!!!  I am excited to see what your future holds (maybe world history ; ) ).  I wish you the VERY VERY VERY best.  Best, Bethanny. <3


So happy for you that you were able to hit your goal! Way to go people. As a fellow teacher, it is awesome to see. Gives me hope that there are still good people in this world. And good content, released free and open to the public has a place in this world of education.


Nice job! Exceeded what you asked for. These are great videos. I've filed with the FEC to run for President in the 2016 election and there is a lot for me to learn... your videos are a huge help! I have a video on YouTube as well - an interview I did about 3 weeks ago. Can find it searching for Edward Baker President Interview. Thank you again and so happy you reached your goal! 


Have you considered starting a kick-starter for your videos Keith Hughes? You'd probably get far with one of those.  


5 bucks from another teacher (but a Physics one) here in Ibiza, Spain. Hope they can help in some way... Thanks for your interesting videos and also for the fun!


Just donated a small amount. Wish I had more teachers like you back in my Indian Syllabus school. Never found history interesting back then, but things may have been quite different if ppl like you were teaching.
Please do not stop what you're doing!


I hope you can raise enough funds, I learned a great deal from you and Tom Richey by watching you guys every night while I was studying US History. You deserve it!!

Kids tell your parents you want to help your YouTube teacher and show them this video!!


I donated. Your videos helped me so much during my first year of teaching last year. I love the Bill of Rights hand gestures, so clever. We need you. Keep up the great work. Thanks for what you do!


Youtubers, great teachers should be honored. History is important for us, so give. As George Santayana once said, "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it".
