What are 3D and 4D coordinate systems? Math Foundations

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The 3 dimensional Cartesian plane contains every possible coordinate with three sub-values. This lesson explores the two ways that we can visualize 3 dimensions, and we briefly explain how to visualize higher dimensions.

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0:00 2D Plane Review
1:52 3D Number lines
3:46 The 3D Space
6:32 4D and beyond
7:46 Summary
10:39 End Screen
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Amazing... I didn't even know about the first axis type.I am realizing this channel is what I have been looking for, for a while. I love hearing and seeing the teaching in live experience, both teaching and demonstration.


There are unknown way to visualize subspace, or vector spaces.

You can stretching the width of the x axis, for example, in the right line of a 3d stereo image, and also get depth, as shown below.



TIP: To get the 3d depth, close one eye and focus on either left or right line, and then open it.

This because the z axis uses x to get depth. Which means that you can get double depth to the image.... 4d depth??? :O

It's possible to add 4d depth to a isometric cube, by moving the skew square side along the x axis of the right cube, individually, and leave the left cube unchanged.

It's even possible to create an isometric/true perspective hybrid, by leaving the north west/south east line unchanged, while adding perspective to the north east/south west line.

Would be awesome,
if someone make a game (even Youtube video) that way!

Nice video!


You're good teacher!
