Things I No Longer Buy MINIMALIST BEAUTY | minimalist lifestyle

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I used to buy SO MUCH BEAUTY PRODUCTS - it was actually ridiculous. Since going minimalism I have completely de-cluttered my beauty cupboards and I am now a minimalist also in the beauty department of my life!

Today I share the things I no longer buy minimalist beauty edition. So everything beauty that I no longer buy!

So much cleaner, so much cheaper, and so much more aesthetic! I love minimalism!

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I stopped wearing makeup about 10 years ago and have never regretted it. I also do not color my hair or use any type of body products, i.e. lotions, creams, etc. I found that if I drink enough water, daily, (10 cups for me spaced out 1 cup every hour for 10 hours), my skin is soft and supple and dewy. The water has also improved my health tremendously. I'm 58 and unlike my cousins, sisters, and friends of a similar age, my hair has not turned gray, its still dark brown. I'd also like to add that when you downsize and get rid of the things you really don't need, your mind feels clearer and you feel happier. Thank you for another great video.


i'm 14 and all of my friends have started to wear some type of makeup, and at this point i think i'm pretty much the only one who hasn't. I just find makeup very uncomfortable on my skin, it itches, its bad for my skin and i don't think it makes me any more beautiful. I think being natural is very important and just being yourself. I definitely don't use any hair products like hair gel or hairspray either. I'm a dancer and when you do dance shows you are pressured into wearing a ton of makeup, their is so much hairspray in the dressing rooms you can barely see anything and its just bad for your health in general. So i use the bare minimum of makeup and hair gel when i do dance shows. Your videos are very important to me, and very inspiring. Thank you so much💗


I gave up all those things also. I tried olive oil on my face and it broke out badly. I didn't give up, and have found that sunflower oil is amazing on my skin. I'm so happy to give up lotions - almost all of them were causing eczema breakouts.


Ive been on a similar journey and it has been amazing. It is crazy how much stuff i used to think i needed. Ive cut down hardcore and now i have a space that is easy to maintain, more money, and i feel a million times better. Spending less money to feel better and not ruin the planet? Win/win


Thankyou for reinforcing what I already believe in. I too don't buy nailpolishes, body products, perfumes, trinkets, makeup palletes etc. Sometimes due to the attractive packaging and constant advertising, I do succumb to buying stuff I don't need but that doesn't happen often. Also, I have a few essentials that I have had for very long or keep buying, and I take absolute relish in the fact that I get a lot of use out of them.


I don’t buy perfume either. Allergic. I like essential oils but it turned out to be a bad idea too.

I love olive oil! Coconut oil and olive oil.

I had so many beauty and body care products. Today, my hubby has more products than I have. 😄😄😄

I started to cut my own hair many years ago because the hairdressers always cut my hair too short. My hair is about your length. I don’t like it shorter.

I did my own nails too. Had fake nails for years. My real nails are still in recovery. Talk about paper thin.

There’s a really good tv-show on HBO about all the toxic in beauty products. That’s scary.

Great video! 👍👍👍🌹💗


Fantastic video and very inspiring. The beauty industry has got worse with making us want to buy their latest products which make silly claims as to what they can do. If they really worked people wouldn't use Botox or have plastic surgery!


I used to buy soo many perfumes, was literally obsessed with my bottles, until the day i got corona and my smelling changed a bit. They're all stinky to me now and give me headaches. Not mentioning that my current boyfriend says he hates perumes and loves how i smell naturally.


Thank you for sharing this video. I’m on my beginning journey to become an eco-friendly sustainable minimalist, as well. And this video helped me to give some ideas.


It's a really interesting topic, I should try to reduce the body prodicts and I also wanna start to take care of my skin without spending a ton of euros and being sustainable, great video.


hej hej Johanna,
I shifted my 2 girls & I into a minimalist lifestyle pre-19.

I'd say the biggest overlooked is toilet paper & how pampered the world believes they are. The bidet has the superiority we should all embrace.

In 2022, it was estimated "the world uses 42 million tons of toilet paper every year"

That's sick!

The other minimalist approach I've found is using bits of cardboard or other food related boxes to clean dishes, also starting the process of breakdown making it ready for the compost pile -instead of sponges or those scrubbers...

Not to mention the excess of manufacturing, packaging, shipping, personal expenses including petrol & tax when purchased these products.

Your channels thrive with positive vibrations giving hope that your vast number of follows can become deeply involved with turning our world right side up instead the direction presently headed, please keep up the great work.

We aplaud you again for your public awareness of things like perfumes & the Diva Cup. You encourage even the most motivational of us to try even harder.

If you would like to connect I'm Doctr Detroit. Yes, spelled like that. Living in New Zealand 11 years after a period of working as a Robotic Engineer in America and Japan, now a Chiropractor. There are  some Swedish people here, great outdoor music festivals and a minimalist lifestyle you and your partner would enjoy.



It is said consuming wheatgrass will provide natural sun protection- I was really into it for one jar and then it changed and I couldn’t stand the new taste! I will love to try to grow my own after my big move. Good vid.


One might use a safety razor. Only the blade wears down. They can be placed in the soil of a well marked potted plant and allowed to rust away.


Love this! I can completely relate to the whole having large palettes while traveling to china issue! I used to have so many palettes and I wanted to take them with me every time I traveled and now i have beautiful as they are, they take up way too much space in my luggage. I have since then let go of having so many palettes : )


I totally agree and use similar natural products. I do use castor oil for my skin and hair too.

I make my own lip balm with shea, coconut oil and beeswax and sunblock with coconut, raspberry seed, and carrot seed oils, shea butter and zinc oxide. Works really well!


You don't have to be a minimalist to see how useless makeup products and skincare stuff are. I've just always found them trashy and happily, my mom was not into these and didn't force me to use any. I only experimented for about 2 years as a teen and decided that, just like cigarettes, it's a terrible habit to have and just.. stopped. I've never felt sad about it or anything, just a big relief that I got rid of the mentality that I NEED to fit in in order to be.. worthy of anything, really.
That said, you look gorgeous without makeup. You absolutely don't need any and I'm sorry that you felt otherwise back in time. I'm glad that at least minimalism helped you realize that and that it makes you feel happy and free. Please, don't ever let people tell you that you're not worth it, just because you don't fit in their perspective of an acceptable person. Your people always will find you perfect just the way you are.


3:10 If you want a substitution for sunscreen that comes in plastic bottles, you can just wear a sun hat/fishing hat, and UV arm sleeves when you're outside :)


Glad I watched this one. The first thing that appealed to me about the channel was your air of authenticity (I dislike the whole glamour thing and the fact that a small number of people get insanely rich through promoting it, not to mention torturing animals in the process) and this confirms my first impression. And on the subject of perfume, I do like to point out to people that chemical 'air fresheners' don't actually freshen the air. They pollute it.


Love everything about this video. I also stopped using nail polish and dye in my hair. My skincare has only 3 products (cleasing oil, moisturizer and sunscreen) and it will be like this for a while... Not engaging in anymore wasting money. My money will go to tattoos and food now haha


Love your videos! What about a wardrobe tour?!
