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Hi Friends,

✨ Today's video dives into 19 things I no longer buy to save myself money. I hope you enjoy and let me know some of the things you no longer buy to save yourself money in the comments below!


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✨ Tags: Things I No Longer Buy, Things I Stopped Buying, Finances, Finance, Personal Finance, Money, Money Chats, Money Talk, Budget Tracker, August Financial Reset, August, August Money, Budgeting, Etsy, Budget Spreadsheet, personal finance, reset for a new month, finance, organization, lifestyle, Vancouver, Canada, monthly budget with me, budgeting tips, paycheck routine, money goals, money challenge, money saving challenge, savings update, how to track your finances, how i budget my money, how i budget my paycheck, credit card user, financial goals, budget by paycheck, budgeting for beginners
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I used to believe in buying higher quality clothes, but I’ve found that expensive items these days doesn’t mean better quality. I also realized that I don’t like wearing the same thing for years and years. I like switching things out often which isn’t great because fast fashion is terrible 🤦‍♀️


I have definitely started utilizing free gyms at work, coffee at home primarily. I have become better with meal planning and preparing before I go in the store for week at a time.


I started budgeting this year and having a grocery list has helped SOO much! BUT also having the discipline to tell yourself no lol


I don’t spend any money on rent. I picked up a caregiving job where in exchange for services, I get my own bedroom & bathroom on property. In addition, this is a paid position and a portion of my income is non taxed because of the living arrangement. Mind you, I live in Southern California so the amount I save per month strictly on rent is substantial. Since I effectively work from home, and the company I work for does not require a uniform, I spend very little on clothes. In fact, I did buy clothes this past weekend after probably 4 months of not doing so. I’ll probably wait another 4 to 6 months before hitting a clothing store again. I do have Spotify premium, a gym membership and I will visit a hip coffee shop nomore than once a month. Given that I earn in excess of 6 figures, and I fully fund a 403b & my Roth IRA every year, I think splurging $36ish a month is alright. I hit the gym 4 to 6 times a week, listen to Spotify everyday & when I visit a coffee shop it’s with a friend. I also rarely drink alcohol. I’m talking at most, 2 cocktails in a month. But I’ve gone years without imbibing. Ohhh, another one is not having a pet. Pets can be expensive. I hike 2 to 3 times a week so I’ve taken to admiring wildlife on my walks. They say crows can identify people so I pretend that there’s a crow out there who greets me every time I hit the trail. Easily save hundreds if not thousands every year this way.


Books! I go to the library—. I can even get kindle books from my library. I’ll never reread a book anyway. Btw, your hair looks so good!!!!


Gym membership- I can workout at my apartment or preferably outside


So helpful! It's a small thing, but when I realized I could switch to only paying about $5.99 for Netflix instead of the $13.99 I was paying for, I went for it - I don't care about having my show cut by ads if it means to save money! ◡̈


I second the Starbucks. I went to Starbucks recently to get a small white chocolate mocha and it was almost $6 for that tiny little cup and it wasn't even good coffee.


I just wanted to say that I found your account through this video and you are the type of woman I want to become. As a young uni student, you're so thoughtful, so well spoken and eloquent and exude confidence and this was an instant subscribe. I love that you're also so environmentally concious and I found myself nodding to a lot of your points :) look forward to more content! 💗


rethinking my spending on clothes was definitely a big thing for me. i used to buy cheap pieces because of the cost, but i ended up having to buy clothes more frequently. so i’ve started slowly building up my wardrobe to have pieces i love so i know that i will have them for a long time


Notes for myself✨️

1. Nails + beauty treatments you can do yourself at home
2. Lunch at work
3. Food Delivery (Uber Eats)
4. Too many cleaning products
5. Cheap clothes + Jewelry that won't last
6. Cheap unecessary organizing items
7. Paper Towels for everything
8. Unecessary supplements
9. Grocery shopping without a list
10. Animal products (for Vegans)
11. Feminine products
12. Plastic water bottles
13. Gym memberships or fitness classes
14. A bunch of subscriptions
15. Workout shoes
16. Seasonal decore
17. Amazon shopping constantly
18. Daily Starbucks
19. Not returning things that you won't use or don't need


I’m a door dash hater too. It’s so expensive takes too long and not fresh!


Great list! I love the sustainability angle too. 💕 Another thing I don't buy is books! The public library is the best and seems to always have exactly what I want to read. 📚


Ugh food at the office and skip the dishes at home is so rough. It’s so expensive but I love it so much! I do only one day in the office so I feel justified but I really shouldn’t. Between parking, coffee and food it really adds up. But man I love it lol


The craziest thing I see people do is buying (expensive) coffee outside of the office, while there is coffee available at the office for free. And that coffee is actually very good quality. 🤷🏼‍♂️ And people also buy sandwiches for like 6-7€ outside the office every day. A homemade sandwich is much cheaper and just as good.


I noticed I was inviting my friends out to meals, or drinks to often. When I reflected on why I couldn’t save properly, it became clear it was because I was always buying and they got used to that and at that point I was being used. Save yourself money by knowing your worth and limiting how often you go out and offering to pay for people.


I used to buy Starbucks twice a day, 2 years ago and idk why I did that 😂 so glad I stopped after realizing hm money I was spending a month reloading $25 every time. I also stopped ordering Uber eats a lot because damn it is soooo not worth it!


I’d love to see you make a video on investing!! I loved watching your video about how to get to 100k and I’ve been sooo interested in investing (focusing on some CC debt atm first 😬) but I really wanna invest and I find it so overwhelming!


I no longer buy lunch out and make my own lunches. I also stopped buying trending makeup and multiples of things, and just focusing on that I have. I also stopped dying and highlighting my hair, nails, salon beauty treatments etc.. and just do it myself, and just have my hair cut but not the expensive balayage etc I used to get.. I buy coffee out but limit it to just weekends, and usually it would be siting in and never takeaway.


I no longer pay for Netflix, gym membership, and DoorDash.
