Is That Plugin Preset Really Helping Your Mix?

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The truth is, we can't just blindly trust our mixes to presets - for a number of reasons. But there's one reason that trumps them all.

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This is fantastic, Graham. A topic that's not covered nearly as much as it should be. In fact, I think this is the first time I've ever seen it truly discussed. Thank you as always!


Awesome demonstration, very clear explanation that'll really help me get better at mixing


Presets can be good only like a starting point to work... Nothing more than that !...


Has anyone also noticed that Graham picks strategically hypnotic lyrics to use for these demos? Today's is Old man(God) forget you. Your dreams will never come alive. These videos really teach me a lot but I really don't enjoy having religious ideas pushed on me. Oh well, as Bruce Lee once said Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own


Excellent point about the volume gains. I almost never use presets as they are, but for compression or reverb I will sometimes use them as a starting point and then tweak from there. As you mentioned, there is no way they can be tuned exactly for every track, since the tracks all differ.


Personally I can't hear much difference with the EQ3 except for possibly a boost in low end, but the channel strip sounds much better to my ears and the EQ curve looks like my typical vocal EQ


Misleading.... by picking vocals, which should sit out in front of the instrumentation, you chose a subjective example. I can actually hear the difference in the eq after level matching... poor example.


Thanks i needed this. Bad habbit of picking presets and thinking exactly what you said!


You definitely nailed it in this tutorial. The lesson in this video cannot be understated! The psycho-acoustic effect of "louder=sounds better" is always at play, and as mixers we should be aware of this. You can't eliminate this effect, it's a natural part of our psychology. The only thing we can do is be aware of it and to be strategic about it by doing as you showed in this video: namely, always level match when you're deciding whether a plugin is doing something to help the song as opposed to just making it sound louder.

Btw, I like how succinct you were in this video as well as your careful choice of words. Great standard of quality to aspire to.



Level matching is for babies, clipping is where its at yo.


I wish plugins would detect how much louder they're making your track and automatically level match the output with the input.


New intro is dope...

would love to hear this same experiment with the SSL eq or H-EQ. I used to mix everyday for film and television w that EQ3 plug and found it to need LOTS of +/- EQ gain to make the noticable changes needed. A dB or two on THAT plug-in won't give you much. I switched to H-EQ and it has provided me with fantastic results. Should try.



I decided on buying a MXL V97 microphone and have been building a home studio with acoustic treatments. I recently have ran into a issue.

I had purchased a laptop that only has 1 audio jack. The microphone that I am using is a condenser microphone. I know that typical condenser microphones require 48 Volts of Phantom Power. So I purchased just a box with the 48 volt Phantom Power with the XLR output and input.

I tried hooking it to my computer with no results of my computer recognizing the microphone. So my question is since I only have one audio jack on the computer itself. Would it be needed to buy a splitter for the computer like a Audio Jack & Headphone combo splitter?

Or would I have to purchase a Audio Interface instead of using just the 48 Volt Phantom Power box that I'm using?


I decided on buying a MXL V97 microphone and have been building a home studio with acoustic treatments. I recently have ran into a issue.

I had purchased a laptop that only has 1 audio jack. The microphone that I am using is a condenser microphone. I know that typical condenser microphones require 48 Volts of Phantom Power. So I purchased just a box with the 48 volt Phantom Power with the XLR output and input.

I tried hooking it to my computer with no results of my computer recognizing the microphone. So my question is since I only have one audio jack on the computer itself. Would it be needed to buy a splitter for the computer like a Audio Jack & Headphone combo splitter?

Or would I have to purchase a Audio Interface instead of using just the 48 Volt Phantom Power box that I'm using?


I always level match compression/limiting, and I sometimes do in EQ if its overtly obvious, but if it's just like 3 or 4 dB, I don't bother with it. I use 90% analog EQ plugs, many of which, much like their hardware predecessors, don't have output trims, so I'll just turn the fader down if I think it's too much of a difference


IMO, presets are only useful to get you into the "ballpark" of what you're looking for. That said, I never use the factory presets on plugs; although I've stored my own settings and made my own presets from time to time, but... even then, I don't reach for them all the time. There's just no way that the programmer of a preset ( including yourself) can anticipate what you'll need in any given mix scenario. Knowing your tools - what they do, how they work, and how their parameters will effect your mix at that moment in time, are the most crucial things. Context is the key. What works well for one mix won't necessarily work well for another. IMHO of course. ;)


I've been mixing for a number of years on my own material, and never, ever realized this for one reason or another. Obviously I knew what I was hearing, which was louder=better, but never utilized the techniques of actually matching and comparing, as I usually settled on just presets and making small adjustments. I've now found myself going back on everything and doing this to fix errors, and it's made a huge difference. Thanks for this one!


Hi Graham, Well done ! I use the Ozone Nectar 2, and actually I feel the compression doesn't make any feelable change in the process.
Do you have any experience about Nectar 2 and it presets ?
But I should mark that the Nectar 2's EQ is awesome


Using Pro Tools 12 on a PC and I am a Newbie. Like the level match suggestion. I don't see this Avid Channel Strip you refer to in my plugins though.


Every plugin should have automatic gain compensation. I don't get why DAWs don't implement this themselves. It'd reduce the need for every plugin manufacturer needing to implement it.
