lost inside my mind (playlist)

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Take a break from this messy world 🎶 let go of your worries and rest here with me..🫂

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✨If you find peace here

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Tracklist :
0:00 until tomorrow
4:00 snow

7:22 nothing feels the same

11:00 alone with myself

14:54 void

18:54 memories

22:54 solitude

25:20 wake me up

28:31 lost road

30:51 life on repeat

#darkambient #darkambient #nostalgia #music #sleepmusic #ambientmusic #untildawn #ambientmusic #emotionalmusic #ambient #vaporwave

This music is not free to use 🚫. All of the songs present in this video are the property of Heart Broken Club. Any reproduction of this content without consent is strictly forbidden.
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Recently, my life has been going great. I've got the internship that I've always wanted, I have straight A's at a university, I'm pretty close to being in a relationship with this girl, My lifts have all been increasing (I just hit a 315 bench), and I have an excellent friend group. But despite this, I always come back to these playlists because I wasn't always this happy. I use these songs to reflect how far I've come from a depressed, lonely, and insecure person through all the hard work I put in. When your back is against the wall with nothing to lose you can truly achieve anything. Don't give up, you got this :)


The character is Chitose Karasuma from "Gi(a)rlish Number", if anyone was wondering


My life is literally on repeat, it is an inescapable loop never deviance just endless personalized suffering


mann.. i remember when i was really lost and confused in hs. I didnt really have too much friends, i just floated around and finally joined the 'losers' group during my senior years. i felt really alone and worried. everytime i came home i just played games to escape reality, and argued with parents alot over trivial things. after graduation, i didnt know what to do or where to go, just existing just because. and now i go gym alot, work a lil and have a goal to become a detective. i still do wish to be sleeping in a cold room in my bed with the cold rain outside forever, but life is life. during the time i am posting this most hs kids have graduated and are soon completing their hsc exams. My only words are dont give up. even if you feel alone, just forget about it. the people you meet are precious but most are temporary. keep a good circle of friends you feel comfort around, not ones who leave you feeling alone. remember gojo's mentality? be free and grateful like him. im sure most friends will help you out when you reach out to them, even if you barely have talked to them for ages. gn and gl


Recently I have been trying to find reasons why I should care about my future so that I can pull myself together and focus on things that matter. I couldn't find such reasons, what's more, I discovered that I never actually cared about success in life so I probably won't just start caring about such things out of nowhere. Despite of this, whether I want it or not, time goes forward and I have do the things I have to do, that's why I need motivation, and because of inability to take life seriously it would probably need to be some similar kind of motivation to when you want to beat some difficult game or level


this song helps me kind of cope with stress, my problems and even sleep, love it and play it on loop <3


Checkpoint: I decided to list my first checkpoint here, I don't know why, but I still need to learn how these checkpoints work.
Saved: 06.10.2024 15:27 pm.


I've recently felt really weird. A week ago I was playing videogames and having fun with my friends and one day later I stopped, because I wanted to change and realized I can't live like this if I want to achieve something great. I'm only 15 years old at the moment and I don't know what to do with my life and it makes me feel stressed and uncomfortable. I remember all these memories with my old friends and the late night walks, and how it just felt right. But at the moment everything I do feels wrong in its own way. I just hope that soon I will find some answers and become stronger. I understand its a phase I have to go through, but it can be hard.


Hola!, llegué a tu canal por casualidad, y ahora escucho tus videos. Gracias por compartir estas melodias tranquilas.


bro your playlists are carrying me, tysm


another legendary find yup great playlist


Picture you in a nice blueish purple room, completely dark. Having this music playing while you sit in your bed playing a game or thinking about anything that has been going on in your life, if it's bad, good, horrible, anything beyond that. Try having a pet with you, helping you through the times you've gone wrong, or took an unexpected turn. Silently crying in your pillow late at night so nobody will wake up. You think about it, more overthinking. You slowly drift off on the late night of a rainy day.

Life isn't hard unless you go easy on yourself.
People will make fun of you or even bully you.
All you have to do is stay strong and I promise..
It will go away before you know it.
People don't understand how loveable you can be..
Just look at you.. Such a master peace of art..

I'm always here for you, though you might not know me..
I'm the stranger you can look up too...
I promise dear...
All your downs and worries will soon drift off.
I Love You.


I sat here for a while debating on commenting, it is now 2am on a Saturday I am sitting here tired yet not tired just staring at a screen feeling empty, anxiety screaming at me, an all the time constant it seems like these days yet the reason why I don't know, feeling like there is a massive hole in my chest and again I couldn't tell or give a reason for it . I don't know if this will be seen nor do I mind if it doesn't but thanks for the peaceful music


Alone once again. Well, i tried my best at least, people come and go, it's really hard when you give everything to see someone smile just to them throw all alway in the end. Life plans thrown away, I got into the college I promised to get into, I started working like I said I would, I started going to the gym too, but it all seems meaningless now... 3 Years of my life by your side, i saw you go through relationships, I helped you with your problems, and despite the disagreements, I always stayed by your side, and when we were finally together and I thought everything would work out, you decided to throw it all away... I know it was your decision, and i respected that, even though I was mentally destroyed, but what you did was unforgivable for me. Starting a new relationship less than a month later, with someone you barely knew... Our 3 years together really meaned nothing? Our history and moments, to forget all of that in just one month? I really can't hold my frustration.

Sorry guys for saying all of this, but i really had to take a breath and release what was stucked on my head for the past 4 months, i'm really enjoying the playlist as well ❤❤
Although it didn't end with a happy ending, it was the best 8 months of my life


i suddenly remembered when i was in junior highschool playing skyrim all night while having no burden thought of future. well, as for today, i think nothing change except the burdening thought of future start to brim on my mind


these audio's are the only thing that has made me feel relaxed and actually a slight precent of happiness, even if it's just a slight bit of happiness it doesn't matter, do i even care to begin with? idk bc i never cared to notice, the only thing processing through my head r regrets, hatred towards myself and needles destroying my sanity bit by bit. i want to ask for help but havent bc im going through this bc i deserve it.


My day was going down; but now I feel at peace after this video. Thank you a ton again bro. Lots of blessings to you. ♥


While the replies here are sad yet relatable… I’m glad to see a lot of y’all still have hope. Keep going friends 🫶


Sometimes I can't deal with the pain, but I have to but a fake smile because I'm the happy friend but sometimes that happy friend is the saddest person there and I'm that one always cares about people all the time I want to protect and heal people but it's hard to do it, but I have to do it all I really want for a friend these days is a really friendly person but I can't find one It may take a bit but only time will tell