Determining rules for graphs of exponential and logarithmic functions | Methods 3 and 4 | MaffsGuru

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Determining rules for graphs of exponential and logarithmic functions | Methods 3 and 4 | MaffsGuru


Reading the title will take longer than watching the video! However, if you're wanting to know how to find the rule of a graph then this is the video for you.

This video takes a look at three common forms of equations; exponential and logarithmic functions. I look at what we need to know to solve these equations and, primarily, it's two coordinate values.

Knowing at least two coordinates allows me to use all sorts of algebra or my CAS to find the missing values.

Three examples are covered in the video and a number of top tips to help you ace the exam.


Key Points:
[Coming Soon]

This maths video has been created for my students in Australia, but it is equally helpful for students in the USA, UK and other countries who are looking for good maths videos for both high school and middle school teachers.

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## 12
++ Determining rules for graphs of exponential and logarithmic functions
Рекомендации по теме

This video is random. I start by talking about mosquitoes ... move on to some Maths before skipping to a Spice Girls track and then talk a lot about Cocoa. Who said Maths needs to be boring! Are you liking the videos? If so ... hit like and make a comment. Thanks for watching!
