Αγία Κόρη, Όλυμπος. Agia Kori, Olympus

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Στους πρόποδες του Ολύμπου και μόλις 5 χλμ από τη Βροντού Πιερίας βρίσκεται εκκλησάκι αφιερωμένο στην Αγία Κόρη. Χτισμένο μέσα σε μια καταπράσινη πανέμορφη ρεματιά και αφιερωμένο στην άγνωστη κόρη, που κατέφυγε εκεί, προκειμένου να ξεφύγει από τους Τούρκους. Σύμφωνα με τον θρύλο, η Αγία Κόρη έζησε την εποχή του Αλή Πασά στην Ήπειρο. Αυτός την θέλησε για το χαρέμι του, λόγω της εκπληκτικής ομορφιάς της. Όταν έμαθε το προδιαγραφόμενο μέλλον της, ακολούθησε Ηπειρώτες ξυλουργούς που πήγαιναν στα χωριά του Ολύμπου για εργασία, μέσα από τα βουνά. Ο Αλή Πασάς όμως έμαθε για τη φυγή της κι έστειλε ανθρώπους του στη Βροντού να την συλλάβουν. Το τελευταίο της καταφύγιο ήταν μια σπηλιά, όπου έζησε τρώγοντας χόρτα και ότι της άφηναν οι βοσκοί. Βρέθηκε νεκρή και θάφτηκε στη ρεματιά, που χτίστηκε το εκκλησάκι της, απ` όπου αναβλύζει αγίασμα. Η Αγία Κόρη δεν έχει αναγνωριστεί επίσημα από την Εκκλησία ως Αγία, αλλά έχει αναγνωριστεί στη συνείδηση του λαού, μετατρέποντας την ομώνυμη ρεματιά σε δημοφιλές προσκύνημα.
At the foot of Mount Olympus and just 5 km from Vrontu Pieria is the small church of Agia Kori. Built in a beautiful green ravine and dedicated to the unknown daughter who fled there to escape the Turks. According to the legend, Agia Kori lived during the time of Ali Pasha in Epirus. He wanted her for his harem because of her amazing beauty. When she learned of her destined future, she followed Epirote carpenters on their way to the villages of Olympus for work, through the mountains. Ali Pasha, however, learned of her escape and sent his men to Vrontu to arrest her. Her last refuge was a cave, where she lived eating grass and what the shepherds left her. She was found dead and buried in the ravine where her little church was built, from where holy water flows. Agia Kori has not been officially recognized by the Church as a Saint, but she has been recognized in the consciousness of the people, turning the ravine of the same name into a popular pilgrimage.
00:00 Intro
02:30 Σπήλαιο Αγίας Κόρης
06:12 Καταρράκτης Αγίας Κόρης
09:25 Outro
At the foot of Mount Olympus and just 5 km from Vrontu Pieria is the small church of Agia Kori. Built in a beautiful green ravine and dedicated to the unknown daughter who fled there to escape the Turks. According to the legend, Agia Kori lived during the time of Ali Pasha in Epirus. He wanted her for his harem because of her amazing beauty. When she learned of her destined future, she followed Epirote carpenters on their way to the villages of Olympus for work, through the mountains. Ali Pasha, however, learned of her escape and sent his men to Vrontu to arrest her. Her last refuge was a cave, where she lived eating grass and what the shepherds left her. She was found dead and buried in the ravine where her little church was built, from where holy water flows. Agia Kori has not been officially recognized by the Church as a Saint, but she has been recognized in the consciousness of the people, turning the ravine of the same name into a popular pilgrimage.
00:00 Intro
02:30 Σπήλαιο Αγίας Κόρης
06:12 Καταρράκτης Αγίας Κόρης
09:25 Outro