68 Minecraft Blocks with secret features

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In this Mumbo Jumbo Minecraft video, Mumbo looks at 68 Minecraft blocks that have secret Minecraft features. These could be useful redstone applications, game changing mechanics, or be helpful for industrial minecraft farming. Some of this covers technical minecraft, Minecraft survival and Minecraft general knowledge/Minecraft trivia.

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I love how quickly this changed from “obscure block behavior” to “advanced redstone tools”


He has to keep the number of items appropriate too gotta love mumbo


This isn’t a block but instead a mob, but I still wanted to mention it. Bats were added to Minecraft as a way to make strip mining easier: if you hear a bat, you know there is a cave nearby. They basically used an animal that has supersonic hearing and made it super useful if you can hear it, which I find very cool.


If you wanted to add one more, you could have added Coarse Dirt! You can use a hoe on coarse dirt like regular dirt to turn it into farmland. While that might not seem interesting, this means that Dirt is actually a completely renewable resource, because you can craft Coarse Dirt by using 2 Dirt and 2 Gravel, giving 4 Coarse Dirt. And since you can trade for gravel from Piglins, this means that as long as you have at least 2 dirt, you can gain a theoretically infinite amount of dirt


A 15 minute Mumbo jumbo video is what I needed


For my future endeavors:

0:22 leaf-stone, send redstone signal
0:35 actual trapdoors, trapdoors duh
0:44 water logged stairs, water direction
0:53 shape-shifting stairs, secret staircaise
1:07 wall stone, send redstone signal
1:31 zombie proof door, open doors
1:48 infinite fire, netherrack block
1:56 falling fencegates, mob farming
2:05 redstone slabs, redstone lines
2:14 fences & iron bars, redstone doors
2:23 move-able blast resistance, ancient debrees & netherite blocks
2:46 passing sounds, v1.20 amethist transmitting skulk frequency
2:52 unoxidising copper, lighting
3:06 shulker clip, hidden entrance
3:17 stationary terracotta, non-slime sticky
3:33 the fine line, farmland, pathblocks, soulsand gap
3:41 temporary transparancy, secret entrance
3:54 muddy items, mob farm/secret entrance
4:04 dripping mud, clay generator
4:09 weird farm chains, go watch video
4:36 frost stander, fast ice generator
4:54 boat path, fast travelling
5:01 lava farm, cauldron over lava dripstone
5:09 wool blocks, block sounds
5:23 sad carpet, do I need say?
5:42 secret spy glass, stained glass
5:51 J points north, cobblestone
6:03 moss block flying machines
6:20 magma diving, air source
6:30 mangrove roots, waterlogged roots
6:42 weird redstone, redstone & observer
6:56 crying obsidian, unexplodable
7:03 mushroom breakers, frame breakers
7:12 strange slime farms, brown mushroom
7:33 composting moss, bone generator
7:49 bamboo key, hidden entrance key
8:00 cactus breaker, minecart stopper
8:10 wither spawner, wither roses
8:22 follow the sun(flower), lost again?
8:29 secret code, lilypads
8:49 sea pickles, water stream aligner
9:02 water redstone, soulsand on stream
9:15 trampling zombies, turtle eggs
9:28 underwater explosions, BREAKS BEDROCK?!
9:39 dead corals, tnt duplication
9:49 spongebob dry pants, nether
9:56 super smoker, hey bales
10:04 smoke bees
10:11 slim blocks, honey blocks
10:22 constant firing, redstone lamp
10:38 sadness, fletching
10:45 shulker boxes, redstone stuffs
10:57 campfire collector, mob farm
11:12 composters and cauldrons, go watch video
11:26 the jukebox, more redstones
11:43 the enchanTMENT table, on MCPE ._.
11:57 the lodestone
12:06 the trapolding, scaffolds
12:19 reading, traps & hidden entrances
12:35 signs & water, water stopper
12:49 barrels
12:57 weird transmitters, observer chain
13:10 redstone lamps
13:24 punching stone, silverfish warning!
13:38 target blocks, compact redstone
13:50 redirecting redstone
14:11 tripwireless string
14:24 strange hoppers, redstone stuffs
14:39 powered rails, + observers
14:48 instant redstone, more redstone :D


He forgot to mention that you will only phase through Shulker boxes if there is a block on top of you because the shulker box will try to push you upward, but can’t because of the block above you. Hoping this helps


With the J points north, you can do that with any block: when you start breaking it and the middle of the break pattern appears to be a Y, you're facing north


I feel like the mention of tunnel boars was 100% a dig at Scar and Grian.


4:29 Actually, you can turn rooted dirt directly into mud without turning it into dirt first!
It's a very niche interaction


(7:50) you can also make a furnace key without consuming resources by using an empty bucket, as it's the only thing you can put in the fuel slot that hoppers can detect, so if you hook it up to a sorting system to detect if the item is an empty bucket, you can take your empty bucket to use later without needing a constant supply of stuff to put in your furnace


Fun fact: In HC season 7, Grian used the shulker clip to hide the Mycelium Resistance base (that’s also how Stress accidentaly got in)


Fun fact about minecraft mobs: When mobs are wandering, they select a random block within a radius, set a waypoint to that block, and pathfind to it. they will not mark blocks that they cannot reach(either because it is blocked off, there is no valid path to the block of choice, or(and i could be wrong on this) the path to the block requires them to travel too far away)

but the interesting part is that they will not wander to non-full blocks(stairs, slabs, etc.) but still pathfind on trapdoors(as mentioned by Mumbo), which is why pathfinding mob farms work


The whole Enchantment v.s. Enchanting argument started at around the release of 1.13 for Java Edition. Apparently, the name of the afformentioned block was changed from Enchantment Table (which Bedrock and pre-1.13 Java editions use) to Enchanting Table (1.13+ Java Edition). Enchanting implies looks, Enchantment implies properties. This is just based on the denotations of each word. Personally, I use both sometimes, mainly because I heard others refer to it as both names. I /might/ use one more than the other, though. I'm not sure anymore.


Mumbo helping new and old minecrafters. I'm sure Doc will appreciate the advice at 2:43 .


Correction, for anyone wondering, you DON'T NEED DEAD CORAL or even slime blocks to duplicate TNT. People have been making videos about it for ages, but for some reason the coral fan option is the most famous one. You can just search "tnt duper without coral" and you will get plenty of videos (if not options) to choose from. I have personally used one in 1.19.2 (using only regular pistons and note blocks, not a single slime or coral).


2:43 Mumbo knew what he was saying mentioning Tunnel Bores.
7:23 Hahaha knowing the context behind this first is beautiful.


2:25 I actually considered this mechanic for designing a mob head farm. Needed a chamber for the charged creepers to blow up in, and for whatever reason I was too stubborn to use a moving hopper minecart as collection (wanted to be rid of minecart noises), so instead I wanted a piston to open a stream of water to push the heads into a corner with a stationary hopper minecart, and thus I planned to use ancient debris as a blast resistant pushable block.


I'm glad I learned some facts ! Correction at 4:21 : it's azalea trees that make rooted dirt when grown, not acacia.


the reason why the leaves send updates through one another is because leaf blocks have a variable that says how far away the nearest log is to a leaf block (only through other leaf blocks). this is used to determine if a leaf block should decay or not. even though leaves placed by players don't naturally decay, the variable is still updated, so if you push a log to a block next to a leaf block, the value will change which for some reason is detectable by observer.
