Top 4 Bank JUST Freaked Out | Major WARNING.

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Citibank freaks out on the potential for a jobs recession coming.

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This has been a growing bubble for years. We are already in a recession just because they government changed the definition of a recession doesn't change how it happens.


I’m in construction in California. It’s really slow and people are starting to get laid off. It’s June and there are a lot of people on the out of work list right now. That’s not normal.


Pay your debts, save as much money as you can, act as if you're replaceable because you are and we're in a recession.


Maui is being hit hard with less income. When the tourists stop coming or have to pay these ridiculous resort prices, they have nothing left over to spend. Small businesses are about to lose it all here. Theres also a mass exodus going on here. People cant afford the property taxes and jobs just dont pay enough here. Even less than the rest of the nation which i dont understand. Here soon no one can vacation on maui when no one is here to work. With what FEMA and maui county did after the fires, ruined this island.


I don’t need Citi to tell me we are in a recession 😂


Weve had 45 years of being able to kick the can down the road. Moving from high to low interest rates, enabled by constantly tweaking the cpi measures, growing national and private debt, getting more women and immigrants working, inflating assets and tax incentives to help do so, flooding the economy with redistributed wealth from the middle class to the poor who consume and the rich whose uneven wealth looks good to the top line numbers, globalization trends, enough young people working to support an ageing population, developing nations allowing for cheaper and cheaper goods, and the only thing that actually helps in the long term, technological innovation to improve productivity. And for the USA, its reserve currency has allowed it to really get away with all the funny business for half a century. Now, we dont just have a reversing of all these things, except technological innovation, we have to pay for all debt we accrued in the process. Nice! Who would have thought having an economic system where you could get stuff now and avoid the payback until way later wouldnt end well when its placed in a political system with short term political cycles and the financially ignorant!


The airlines here locally in California just let go half the staff which is unusual for this time of year


It looks like the increased (total) sales are mostly due to price increases. There is no real growth.


Sheeesh I was wondering when it would be made public lol


We are already in recession. I see thigs first hand as I run orders for a retail company that is listed. Its fallen off a cliff over the last 3 months especially but realistically over the last 8 months.


I blame the Democratic Party for this recession especially bringing in all these people from all over the world and paying for their food housing clothes it’s horrible how much debt we are in and no stop to this atrocity


It's not rocket science. Consumers are spending money they don't have, especially the younger generations. What supports this statement? Look at avg household debt, debt defaults, savings, and credit card debt lol


I feel like I need to take out a loan to go grocery shopping...


Small business are in trouble. Restaurants are closing like crazy in OKC. I can't imagine any sane entrepreneur opening a new business in most blue states. One thing is when a small business closes there it not another replacing it. I just hope Best Buy hangs on.


Looking for a plumber for our 2nd floor bathroom. The plumber does new rough ins and no or little service. He said he was very slow. This is a stark contrast to just a few months ago when I couldn't get a contractor to show up to give a bid. Drywaller said same thing.


Being parasitical, government spending should be subtracted from GDP.


This is all stuff everyone has been feeling in the background and is just starting to show up in the data. Everyone knew this was coming. Which puts us one step closer to rate cuts


Somebody finally got to wake up call, you'll see how many people are still in denial


Recession started when your mate said, when we had 2 negative GDPs one after the other, they change the measure of inflation, recession etc...


Man, you don't hear any of this on the main stream media. Thanks Kevin for keeping them honest.
