FFXI - Zipacna (Ve'Lugannon Palace Golem NM) - WHM Solo

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Zipacna is the Golem NM that can be found in Ve'Lugannon Palace, one of the sections of Sky. It is a 3-4 hour spawn from last time of death and drops one of the two pop items needed to spawn Genbu.

As I solo more and more NMs on WHM, I begin to realize the importance of full timing a PDT set. To put a WHMs defensive capabilities into perspective, a 75 NIN has the same evasion skill as a 90 WHM. Compound that by the fact WHM has no natural parry skill and a shield skill that is not used very often due to Dual Wield, you begin to notice that your only real option for defense is PDT.

Because of this, I recommend any WHM intent on soloing anything full time a PDT set just to spend more time swinging and less time healing.

As for Zipacna itself, prepare for some hurt. Even with full MND set Slow he swings fairly quickly. Paralyze will help weather the damage, as will cureskin from Afflatus Solace and a PDT set. Just keep your HP up and you'll do okay.

Also, as one might notice, Zipacna runs around with quite a bit of Regain on him. He uses TP attacks quite often, though they aren't too damaging.

Finally, I'd like to apologize for how unorganized I seemed during the opening minute of the fight. I have been camping Zipacna on and off for a few days now and this was my first opportunity to actually fight him. I was quite excited so I definitely did not go in prepared, instead opting to just claim him and run at it.

When you do claim Zipacna, make sure to watch out. Sky is all about magic aggro monsters so be sure it's safe from any extra adds or you may be in trouble.



Character: Ghishlain (WHM90/NIN45)
Server: Ragnarok

BlazBlue: Continuum Shift - Condemnation Wings
Knights in the Nightmare - A Valkyrie's Determination
Final Fantasy X - Victory Fanfare



Beastmaster extraordinaire, this Tarutaru kicks ass and takes videos and names while doing so. His music selection is superb as well!


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a 2034 hexa, nice work XD makes me wanna get onto Ragna just to visit ya :D also i have found a reason to get onto youtube, to watch you kick random mobs asses all over the place with your whm XD



Yeah, he really wasn't. I was expecting more of a fight. When I killed him I was like "Wait... wha?" and did a double take on the fact that he was actually dead. He was definitely harder a few months ago when I didn't have as good a weapon and didn't full time PDT like I do now. Now that I do the above, he seems much simpler then when I tanked him for about ten minutes waiting for a BST partner to come and finish him off.



xD I'm glad you like it. I'm expecting some nice numbers to emerge once I go solo the Olla family sometime later this week. Their pots so they have low defense and blunt weak =D
