Would You Date A Man Who Makes Less Money Than You?

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There is a difference between a man who is financially unstable, and a man who simply makes less than you. Don't confuse the two, and ask yourself, is his financial position really a factor when trying to have a healthy relationship.

I'm not advocating for dating broke men, but I do want you to be open minded about how much importance you are putting on his financial position.

As a certified life coach, dating coach, and relationship expert, I want to make dating and relationships easier for you. I pray you find this video helpful, and that you will receive the man who is truly best for you.

If you are asking any of the following questions:
- Should you date a broke man
- He makes less money
- Gold digger
- Dating broke men
- Is it okay to date a broke man
- Dating a broke man
- Dating coach for women
- Dating expert
and more, well I believe this relationship advice for women video will give you the clarity you need.



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Being equally yoked is most important first. Second, what is his character and integrity like? Too many woman view money as the most important thing in a relationship. You could lose all your money tomorrow, but would you rather someone be with you for your morals and values, or the money in your bank account?


The trick is finding a man whose self esteem isn’t affected by the woman making more. It can work, but I’ve seen it fail quite a few times.


Yes i would, as long as he treats me right his bankaccount does not matter....and he should not want to live above his paycheck.😐


I am dating someone who makes less but in our future we see and have a plan to build.


Thank you for this one. I talk to my girls about this all the time. Money is not what I’m looking for. It’s definitely character. And when it comes to finances I just need to know that that man is responsible with whatever he does make. My girls think I’m crazy. We live in a society we even as little girls our mother is telling us go for the money. He has to make a lot of money. That is so unfair to put that pressure on a man. You can be missing out on the perfect partner for you when you look for superficial things.


No. I totally disagree. I chose someone who didn't have anything for the sake of "love"..and I got burned bad. Then that man went after ME for spousal support. You speak on character but it's hard sometimes for people to evaluate character when some men wear masks for years -- intentionally prey on loving, stable women for their own personal gain.
I usually agree with your thoughts but this right here..no, you are leading women astray. Men need to be financially stable prior to committing to a woman, otherwise his insecurities will slowly start to creep in and consume his mind turning his good woman into unsuspecting prey.


A man being broke doesn’t mean he has good character. I’ve dated a broke guy who made me go through hell. My sister is dating a guy who makes half a million a year and she’s been living her best life


In principle I agree. However when I have dated men who made less in the past, they were irresponsible with their money and lives. (Having children outside of a committed relationship, not providing for their children, mooching off family etc.) I paid for things like dinner and one in particular would complain about minor things. If I said be nice to the server I got " I want my money's worth." It's MY money fool. Unfortunately there is often baggage and psychological issues that often go hand in hand with low wage earners. (Poor self esteem, making poor choices.) With all due respect.


Yes if its a liveable salary. Meaning he could live alone and care for himself on his salary alone without roommates or family help. I apply this to myself as well.


Yes I would. I'd rather date a man with a job and making money versus one who don't work and can't bring anything to the table.


I think its a balancing act. Some men might not make a ton of money, but could be very wise with his money and focus it on things like acquiring properties, investing, saving and building. You may not have a fancy life, but you would have a comfortable life. I know a man who makes very average income but he was smart with his money and has built more wealth than people who make 2x his salary. I think that shows a lot of character.


Making less is one thing but comfortably making less with no vision or plan for future betterment is another if a woman is ambitious with a visionless man it'll only be a matter of time before they start to unravel


I must say.. a man once offered to take over my whole rent to relieve some of my stress and so I can put my money towards my investments. I chose to decline the offer. However, it's the fact that he saw me independent and he still had the ability to match my energy and cover me as a woman. It's not about much money he makes. I don't know how much money he makes. But it was his initiative to cover me that spoke volumes to me.


I’m happy that he has a job or a career.... He is working and bringing something to the table. He is not expecting me to do everything in our relationship.


An older man told me' a woman will take a chance, but a man looks for security."


It’s a No for me 🤷🏽‍♀️ Been there done that...


Yes I would. If his money can maintain the family.


Yes, it's not about money. It's about the heart of a man


I feel if I'm gonna date/marry someone who earns lesser than me, he must be the hardworking type that is willing to be better. His character towards responsibility and a better him will be what I'll be looking at.


I’m single and will stay that way😊 I ❤️ hearing Stephan speak and analyze on relationships
