Is It A Bad Idea To Date A Younger Man?

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Is it okay to date younger men? How can you trust guys (in general) after an abusive situation? How do you not get emotionally attached too early? What to do with exes?

We've picked out a mixed bag of reader questions to answer in today's video. Be sure to leave more below which I'll try to get to in a future video!
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With the dating a younger guy thing well.... My mother is 11 years older than my dad. They will be married for 24years in June.


My parents were 8 years difference. She was older. She already had a son too. Dad said it worked for them, because they always lived in the moment. The past, was the past and they embraced the current trends, and moved with the times - together. They were married 53 years, before dad passed. ❤️❤️
Older women ROCK! ;)


My best friend is 17 years older than her husband. They met when she was 40 and he was 23. They have been happily married for 25+ years. She has now retired. He has a corporate job, he continues to work and supports her...They travel, enjoy family events and are best friends....age is just a number.


About a month ago, I met a guy three years younger than me. We were hanging out a lot, and talking to each other. I would give him advice, and he would give me some, too, but eventually it sort of became something more. I started to like him, and eventually I found out he liked me as well. At first I was really against the idea of dating someone three years younger than me, regardless of how I felt. When I tried to completely cut ties with him, it impressed me and moved me just how hard he tried not to lose me. It was very touching, and I just had a hard time sticking to my decision. We're dating now, and things are pretty good. He makes me very happy.


If that younger man is Matthew Hussey, I see no problem with that.


My partner is 15 years older than me, and I love her so much. Great thoughts Matt


OMG! I’m 52 dating a 30 year old. We are crazy about each other and we are at the same place in our life as I’m in a rebuilding phase. I don’t know if this is going to last forever, but a relationship with an older man might not either. Life is a book full of chapters, some short and some are long. All I know this chapter is exciting.


My husband is 20 years younger than me. We are celebrating our 2nd anniversary next month. some things worry me about the future, but we're very happy and very much in love.


My grandmother's second husband was 15 years younger and she was amazingly happy until she passed from cancer. My step grandfather is a kind man. 💓💓


What do I do when I only attract younger guys? I prefer dating someone who's close to my age but it's hard when you have a baby face..


I'm in love with a 24 year old girl while I'm just 18 and all these comments brought some hope in me


My wife is 40 and I'm 29. We've been together nearly three years. Been married two and a half and we have three kids. Boy last year and twins this year. If we went out in public people couldn't tell my wife is older. She looks very young for her age because of yoga and exercise and good diet even though she has a plus size body.


Dating younger men is not my cup of tea but things changed when I met my partner. I was not comfortable having him as my boyfriend because of the huge age gap. But as we go along I learned that he thinks more mature than me. So I guess it's not bad dating younger men for as long as you're compatible and have the passion for each other.


Sometimes it begins when one person looks younger than their real age and closer to a younger man than to a guy near their age and a younger man doesnt matter. I never looked for a younger man but this guy began to chase me. I ended up having a relationship with him and we are now deeply in love.


If you are older go out with him! Who cares? Whats the worst that can happen? You will suffer? Well if you really are at an age when you already feel like an "older woman", you already know tht heartbreak is not the worst thing that can happen in life. Why so much theory?


My husband is 20 and I am 31 we are two peas in a pod and he is my lifeblood so yes age is just a number.


:sigh: I love younger men. They have so And their batteries recharge so quickly. You don't have to worry you're going to give them a heart attack.


I’m 40, he’s 27. We started off as friends in the gym. He’s a personal trainer, so he’s practically around young girls with big glutes, hamstrings and tiny waistline all the time. The initial fears of been left were there, as I was married for 10 years to a guy ( same age as me) and he left me for someone younger. It’s been 2 years in this relationship. It’s going really well surprisingly. He’s very mature, my daughters are comfortable with him as well. In between divorcing and meeting him, I dated many guys of all ages, the ones which were older or same age. They were set in their ways and appalling and treated me really badly as well. The current guy is the beat by far. Lovable and supportive. I’m from a Asian background so these kind of relationships are frowned upon in our culture.especially the region he is from. Hence we don’t talk about marriage. Also though he did admit that he wants to marry me someday. We did split up for while, but then he didn’t give up saying he doesn’t want to live with out me, besides attracted to each sexually we have top conversations and we can’t stop laughing at each jokes. We make fun of each other. When we were apart, he said he missed out little banter and he couldn’t focus on workouts and he can’t go in competitions without me. Fingers crossed for the future. Right now I’m feeling blessed.


I admit I was surprised to hear this advice. My mother was 11 years older than my father. They were best friends, and age was never a problem. I'm in my 40s and a man in his 30s would be no problem - a Gen X-er like me but on the younger end. Someone millennial-aged, though - no. I've dated men my exact age and have been able to relate completely on the pop culture of our youth - music, TV, movies, events, etc. - which was amazing. But the relationships weren't great. I've dated men 10+ years older than I am, where I missed some of that kind of relating, but the relationships were so much better in the more important ways. (And I dated a man 10 years younger than I am and that went quite well - he was pretty enthusiastic about what I brought to the relationship as opposed to women his age.) It takes slightly different planning for later in life with a significant age difference, but there's only so much you can account for. My mom expected to pass away first, but she's now 88 and my dad died at 49. Not trying to be a downer! Just saying that I've learned in my life that we try to arrange things so they'll "work out, " but I think to make age a deciding factor is more naive than not. Be aware - anticipate and discuss issues that are likely to come up. But ultimately, what will happen will happen so forgoing an amazing relationship with someone just because of age could cost you dearly. It is much much more difficult to find a beautiful relationship than we're led to believe by this culture of constantly sorting through a parade of potential partners.


Younger guys communicate way better then my age group and are old souls ❤️
