Why did Einstein say 'God doesn't play dice'?

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I don't think random exist, everything is already in a position where it supossed to be, random may be like appearing and disappearing, but objects do not disappear or appear from nowhere, even computer random is not actually random, computer is programmed to give you random numbers but on its program its actually codded when and how, so there is an order of things, even air may seem random, lottery may see random, but it has an order on position, random is not a position or distance or something that can appear or disappear, it's nothing more than the unknown position or order of things, unpredictable to humans, but in nature random does not exist, it only exist to us unable to understand nature. the wave particle probability is just part of nature that we don't understand yet, the moon is there even when you are not looking


Before you start guessing what Einstein meant, you might want to have an accurate representation of what a dice even looks like


"Bell's theorem actually says it's impossible"
That's not exactly what Bell's Theorem/Experiment says.


Just seeing your very good video. Complementing with a phrase of an amazon short book: "Dice face will constantly be changing depending on its energetic spinning speed, but its face values will always be one of six solutions. If the dice isn’t altered, its occurrence-probability c*c will be 16.666% for each eigenstate-face (the sum must be 100%). The possible eigenvalues ζ are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and its average “expected value” <ζ> is 3.5; but if nature completes its information or measurement is done, then its face will only be one of them (100% one face, not the average), i.e., the well-known collapse situation. For example, if a million dices are rolled at the same time, the expected total value will be very near to 3.5 million; the addition of all the collapsed values. Reiterating each dice on every collapse, a different valid-value will be expected, but there will never be a mixing face situation (dice is a cube and not a sphere) nor a superposition of the six faces nor the “creation per dice” of new universes that contain each unique solution.
Taking Dirac’s notation to the Einstein’s dice example, we can say that the system |Dice> is represented by the linear addition of each dice face orthonormal solution |Dn>:
|Dice> = 0.408|D1> +0.408 |D2> +0.408|D3> +0.408|D4> +0.408|D5> + 0.408|D6>;
where for each face, its probability of being observed when collapse = 0.408*0.408 = 0.1666; and its eigenvalue when Operator Ô observes: Ô|D1> = 1|D1>, Ô|D2> = 2|D2>, Ô|D3> = 3|D3>… meanwhile the expectation value of Ô |Dice> = 3.5|Dice>. The useful Mean Square Deviation of this |Dice> will be σ² = (1/6) Σ (ζn – 3.5) ² = Σ c*c (ζn) ² – (3.5) ² = 2.91667 and the RMSD root mean square deviation σ = 1.7078. In this example, the reader can appreciate that RMSD are just an idea of possible values dispersion; real values are one at a time." The book is: Space, main actor of quantum and relativistic theories... hope you enjoy it...


God doesn't play dice, we just aren't smart enough to figure out the pattern. Think of a pattern sequence puzzle but it's set to God-level difficulty, to a human it just looks random. Similar with how a pattern sequence puzzle may look random to a kid or low IQ individual, which will have them taking a wild guess at the answer. The equivalent of that wild guess is like scientists using this "God plays dice"


All things that were worth doing, were once deemed "impossible"


Actually, as noted in my video, "Does God Gamble with Creation?", in standard physics, unobserved systems are deterministic. Only observations are random.  (In his paper on the uncertainty principle, Heisenberg argued this is because of our invincible ignorance of the initial state of any probing quantum.) 

Let an outside observer define her system to include both the original system and its observation process.  (This process is not mystical, but obeys the same physics as any other physical system.)  As long as she does not observe the larger system, it is entirely deterministic.  This means that its observation process is deterministic.  So, if you avoid "interpretations, " and stick to physics, quantum dynamics is deterministic.

Bell's Theorem correctly precludes hidden variable interpretations as long as locality holds.  However It does not, as is often claimed, exclude local realism, only local Platonism.  Plato held that numbers and figures preexist in nature, but Aristotle pointed out that quantities in nature are not actual numbers, but only countABLE or measurABLE.  In my video I show that if the spin measured in the EPRB experiment is the preexisting spin, then conservation of angular momentum is violated.

All of this can be resolved by avoiding interpretative assumptions, turning to standard physics, and asking what happens when a free electron interacts with the bulk matter of a detector.  Such interactions are routinely described by the Hartree-Fock approximation.  Of course, the solution of the H-F equations depends on the initial state of the electrons in the detector, which is largely unknown.  These unknowns are Manifest Variables, not hidden variables.  We very well know what we'd like to know.  We just don't know it. That makes quantum randomness epistemological, not ontological -- without violating locality.

The H-F equations, being non-linear, also explain why superposition fails for classical objects -- explaining the so-called "collapse of the wave function."
All of this is detailed in my video.

Thank you, DP


"God doesn't play dice" No, he doesn't play as such if he can calculate the outcome


What if dice is us, rather than God throwing us, we throw our selves, in other words "we have a choice" and it constantly changes, whether we choose or not, we end up where we threw ourselves into "chose to end up living in positive or negative way".


Probability is probably true, certanity is certainly true.


Nah. God doesn't play dice. God just knows the answers and we don't. Let's not overvalue our own human genius. There could be 4 other forces of the universe that we don't know about keeping us from finding bridges from here to there.


Why do you think the universe is complete?
The big bang hasn't ended yet.
It is still taking shape.
Good video. subbed.


He said that because he actually didn't. According to _The New Penguin Dictionary of Modern Quotations_ he actually said:

_"I, at any rate, am convinced that _*_He is not playing at dice._*_"_


So ok the world could have not happened by chance. Here why: Parmenides (a physicist I think) says ex nihilo nihil fit which pretty much translated from Latin says “out of nothing comes nothing” so the “atoms” that collided together to make the universe need to be timeless, always there and always will be but the problem with that is that if they were timeless and were always there than today wouldn’t be possible to get to. There would always have to be a day before it, and before that, and before that. So that rules out that the atoms were always there and that the universe is timeless. Now chance. It couldn’t happen by chance because there are 122 “dials” that have to be right in the universe in order for it to exist. Some of those include the force of gravity, where the stars and planets are, the speed of light, the speed at which sound travels, time, space and more and all of these have to be exactly right in order for the universe to exist. The probability of just 1/10 of that happing is 1 one thousandth of a trillionth. The odds of everything happening is 1:10^138. And science has proved that the universe only extended one time so those odds, you take a shot in the dark, and you only get one shot. Maybe we just got lucky? No. First law of metaphysics (the ex nihilo thing) says that something can not come from nothing. Out of nothing comes nothing. Therefore that goes to say that everything that began to exist, must have a transient (an outside) cause because it couldn’t have come out of nothing. Nothing can’t create anything. So those “dials” or forces could have not turned themselves and they could not have come from nothing and they could have not come from 2 timeless atoms that collided to create the universe cuz again, there would be no present day. So therefore chance is ruled out because nothing creates nothing, everything that begins to exist must have a transient cause and something timeless would not have a present day. So there fore that proves a god. Not the Christian God but a god. With the Christian God that’s a little more complicated but I can say right now that God said he has always existed so that’s why heaven has no time and that’s why he could be able to create to universe because he is a transient cause that could start the domino effect. I hope that made sense.

Edit: what I mean by this is God does not roll dice because it would be impossible for the world to exist if he did


Einstein meant that God loves Physics that god had the universe follow precise the law of conservation, the the third laws of thermo dynamics, and the first law if motion for example are not a dice game and so God know exactly the consequence of his creation at at any given condition. A precise prediction of put come is assured


The Murgu paradox or The rupture point for liniar velocity.Asuming the atoms are sferic.Doesn't matter the model Bohr, Schrodinger etc. because we treat only relation of interne inerti in atom itself considering is independent from another inertial system.And every body can to applay it for wave form to.We say at moment 0 the speed for atom is 0 at moment n the speed is c.Considering the nucleu a referential point for atom the lamda for electron will be x in 2 direction and 2x in one? Sorry maestro I send it to you but maybe soo wiil be heard.


We Don't know the outcome so, it does'nt mean he plays Dice, you rejected your own claim that you cannot judge the casino dice for instance, could that not be possible in sub atomic level too that we still don't understand? We see how law works every where with perfect harmony so, it seems everything is Governed. Not random


Einstein said that because he didn't believe Heisenberg's indeterminacy principle. He used the word God in place of something we don't know, the deep place of something we are trying to grasp. Giving way for a theory to determine this. So God may not be playing dice.


Dude when you describe God as all-knowing, it automatically says that he does not require observation to gain knowledge of things. We need to experiment, as human beings because without evaluation and measurement knowledge does not come to us. As far as the Physics goes, what you describe in the video is literally a limitation of Experimentation because the way we measure, the very act of performing a measurement causes a huge disturbance at a Quantum Level. But God does not measure because he possesses that knowledge without it. Again, by definition, God is all knowing. And if it hard for you to believe in God, believe in a power or a deity similar in Power, authority and capability because that is the fundamental belief. People have just given this a name, which is God.


there is 0 chance to Win a lottery if u didn't do that action and participate on it.
This also applies to the Universe, it's cannot begin and exist without the action of God.
