'Dalit Muslims Don't Have Dignity in India, How Can They Have Their Documents' | The Wire

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In a short interview with The Wire's Faiyaz Ahmed Wajeeh, Author Ayub Rayeen describes the state of a Dalit Muslim in India. Dr Rayeen sheds light on the deep caste divides in the Indian Muslim community and says that when Dalit Muslims in India, a doubly marginalised community, are not granted basic dignity in India, how can they manage to gather relevant documents for BJP government's proposed NRC? Dr Rayeen is the author of a book titled 'Bharat Ke Dalit Musalmaan'. In this interview, he talks about excerpts from his book too.

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Shandar discussion, problem yahi hai ki India ke middle class logon ko pata hi nahi hai ki India ki ek bahut badi abadi had se zyada gareeb hai, inki tarakki ke bina India tarakki nahi kar sakta, afsoos media kuch nahi dikhata




Nice discussion. This research should be utilised to improve the social and economic condition of these backward class or dalit Muslims.


Thanks Wire team and Dr. Sahb for making this type of informative video.


800 साल हुकूमत रही जब क्या कर रहे थे जब 800 साल में मुस्लिम हुकूमत आप की गरीबी दूर नही कर पाए 70 साल में कैसे दूर कर पायेंगे


How can the anchor suggest that Dalit-Muslim can also be called Pasmanda Muslim ? without knowing the evolution of the historical context of these words. Pasmanda Muslims are the converts from 'Sudra" Hindu communities to Islam while Dalit-Muslims are converts from 'Untouchables" who are not ever Hindus as per Manu. The Pasmanda Muslims won't have "Roti Beti Ka Rishta" with Dalit Muslims unlike Pasmanda Muslims when they are Financially fit they will have relation with upper caste Muslims. Both Pasmanda Muslims and Upper Caste Muslim lookdown Dalit-Muslims and treat them as 'Untouchables" in practical sense. This attempt of Pasmanda Muslims should be nibbled in the bud itself as it has hidden agenda. Further, the Wire should also note that, ISI Bangalore also published a book on Dalit Muslims of Karnataka. The phenomenon is not a case of Bihar. The Communities that were described by Dr.Ayub Rayeen are not from Untouchable Muslim communities, they are the counterparts of Hindu OBC communities. The Dalit-Muslim Communities are Mehatar X Pasi X Scavengers, Muslim Chamar, MuslimBhangi are some from Bihar. Pasi doesn't mean "Toddy-Toddler" how extract "Neera" from Palm trees, they are called "Halal Khor's", where as the profession of "Pasi" is cleaning and an Impure community treated as "Untouchables", unlike the OBC Halal Khor's. In Telangana and Andhra, "Borae Wale" who knit Palm Mats that are used to role the dead bodies and Ghodae Wale - who take care of Horses and treated as Untouchable. There are 98 such Untouchable Muslim communities that have embraced Islam from Dalit background but can't be called as Pasmanda Muslims as they are Dalit-Muslims. The list of such communities can be found in 1936 Scheduled Caste Order of British India.


..Dalit Musalmano ko Babasaheb ke dikhaye raste per chalna Chahiye aur Islam tyag dena Chahiye...Keval Babasaheb dikhaye raste per chal Kar hum kamyab ho sakte Hain...Jai Bheem Namo Buddhay....


There is no caste system in Islam, But in India Muslims are divided on caste lines.

Muslim society in India consists of several status groups or biradaris that are broadly sorted in three categories:

The Ashrafs (the ‘noble’ elite or the ‘honorable ones’),

The Ajlafs (backward Muslims), and

The Arzals (Dalit Muslims).

Ashrafs – They are Muslims who either claim to have a foreign pedigree, descendants of Muslims from Arabia, Persia, Turkey, Afghanistan (Syeds, Pathans), or who are upper-caste converts from Hinduism (Rajput, Gaur Muslims or Gada Biradari, Tyagi Muslims among others).

Ajlafs – They are middle-caste converts, who were into ritually “clean” occupations.

The Ansari momins (weavers), darzi or idiris (tailors), rayeens or kunjaras (vegetable sellers), Teli Malik, Sheikh Sarwari, Quraishi-Kasai, Gujjar, Ghosi, Gaddi, Mirza or Beg ( Lohar), Saifi ( Badhai) fall in the Ajlaf bracket.

Arzals – They are from the lowest, “untouchable” castes like halalkhors, helas, lalbegis or bhangis (scavengers), dhobis (washer-men), nais or hajjams (barbers), chiks (butchers), and faqirs (beggars).


Co-Founder & Ex- General-Secretary, "Delhi State Muslim Backward Classes Federation" ( non-funtional now ) welcomes you, Sir. Now I am NRI doctor in Middle-East.


जनाब डाक्टर राइन साहब आपसे गुजारिश है की नट जाति जो हिन्दू और इस्लाम को मानते है इनके दोनों प्रकारों की जमीनी हकीकत का वीडियो एक जरूर से जरूर बनाने की जहमत करें क्योंकि इनकी भी हर क्षेत्र में बहुत ही बदहाल दशा है


There is no caste system in Islam Chuke Hamare Pyare Nabi Mohammed Sallallahu Alaihi Salam ko beta Nahin hua aur Imam Husain alaihissalam mein apni bread se Hatke Iran ki princess Shahar Bano se Nikah kiya tha Islam mein peer peer Har bread Se Hota Hai aur Har bread ke Insan ko masjid ka member Diya jata hai Satyamev Jayate


Recommanded reading : Please read " Masawat ki Jang " by Ali Anwar . Also read : " Caste in lndia " by Sir J.H. Hutton.


Need to amended article 341 of Indian constitution and provide schedule cast reservations to Dalit Muslims ☪️ jai hind


Thanks brother Kum se Kum aap ne apne community ke pichre, logo ka pata to kiya research to kiya, ummid h ki padhe likhe log or jyada research karege, Dalit Muslim ke halat pe.


Garib garib hota ja raha he our maldar maldar hota ja raha garibo ki madad honi chaiye


Siddhartha yadav Indian advocate and studying for UPSC....
Why government of India Ambedkar and Buddhism history misrepresentation....
What happened with jogendranath mandal and dalit people position in India and Pakistan's partitions....
Hindu SC AND ST OBC Muslim others religions conversion to Buddhism only....
Jai bhim jai Bharat namo
Lectures on it....


Sir abhi ek or video bnao dalit Muslim schedule caste case ke bare mai


Indian Muslims should have defending their rights and dignity


It is painful to read this 📖. Excellent work. And it shows even with Islam, castsism is deeper then i can imagine. It also exposed the bitter really the hypocrisy of Muslim leadership.
Somebody told me that, मुस्लिम धामिर्क होने का ढोंग करते हैं। After reading this book i agreed.


Exactly 30 years ago to the date, 19th of January, 1990 is a day that no Kashmiri Pandit would ever forget. As the night fell, electricity was cut in most parts of Srinagar, except in selected areas around mosques. Soon from the loud speakers from those mosques and from frenzied crowds pouring on the streets, came a chilling message for the minority Hindus and Sikhs living in the valley - "Ralive, Tsaliv ya Galive".

The threats to the small Pandit community of Kashmir had been coming for long. In 1980s Sheikh Abdullah's government renamed over 2500 villages from their native names to Islamic ones. He also started giving communal speeches and calling Kashmiri Pandits as "mukhbir" or informers of the Indian government. Thereafter the targeting of the Kashmiri Pandits, for destruction of their shops, factories, houses and temples picked up speed.

On 14/09/89, Pandit Tikka Lal Taploo, a prominent lawyer and BJP politician, was murdered in Srinagar in front of several eyewitnesses. His killers were not caught. Soon after Taploo's murder, Nilkanth Ganjoo, a judge of Srinagar High court who had given the death penalty to terrorist Maqbul Bhat, was shot dead. His bloodied body lay for hours on the street, with his family unable to take it away.

On 04/01/90, Srinagar based newspaper Aftab released a message, threatening all Hindus to leave Kashmir immediately. Posters were put up on doors of Pandits asking them to go away from the valley.

Then came the nightmare of the 19th.

As the night fell, blood curling threats and slogans were broadcast all over the valley, asking for death to the Kashmiri Pandits. Thousands marched through the streets and lanes chanting "Ralive, Tsaliv ya Galive. Death to India, death to Kafirs". Till morning they were seemingly neighbors, friends and colleagues. Now they were baying for blood.

Huddled in their homes, surrounded by howling mobs, the Kashmiri Pandits knew that if they survived that cold, dark night, they would have to leave their homeland, where they had stayed for thousands of years.

The 7th exodus of Kashmiri Pandits from Kashmir started the very next day, the morning of the 20th. It was not peaceful. During that period anywhere between 216 to 1341 Pandits were murdered, many by their neighbors; their women subjected to unspeakable brutalities. Anywhere between 3 to 6 lakh Kashmiri Pandits left their homeland, probably never to return again.

And oh yes, what does "Ralive, Tsaliv ya Galive" mean? These words were hurled at Hindus of Kashmir 600 years ago, during the brutal rule of Sikander Shah Miri. It triggered the 1st exodus of Kashmiri Pandits. It means "Either convert to Islam, leave the land or die"; three choices given to the Kashmiri Pandits, thirty years ago. They chose the last two.
