Best Model Kits for Intermediate Builders | 5 Kits to Improve Your Skills

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Have you been building plastic scale models for a while now & feel like you're ready for a new challenge? This video is for you! Today we'll check out five great kits for intermediate scale modelers looking to try something new themselves, improve his or her skills & have a great time along the way.

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Next video should be Advanced Models you recommend.

You are not only an excellent model builder--you are superb at doing this channel! In addition to models (most of the same as yours), I too collect old military rifles, revolvers/semi-autos and restore them. Keep up the great work and keep the videos flowing!


0:53 Tamiya No 35376: M18 Hellcat
2:44 Tamiya No. 66120: P38 Lightning
4:25 Alpine Miniatures No. 35304: WW2 Us Infantry
6:24 Asuka Model No. 35-028 British Sherman w/ Accessories
8:05 Border Model No. BF-001 Messerschimtt BF109


Great list Hank, i agree concerning the Asuka shermans i have a small handful in the stash. My favorite is the M32B1 made by Tasca. Wonderful kit.


To this great list I would add the Tamiya Nashorn in 1/35. The gun has even more detail than that of the Hellcat, and the model builds up the way Tamiyas always do.


Thank you for the info. I just picked up the M18 Hellcat. I've been looking forward for this build for a while 😂.


Another cheerful and very informative video! Your M18 build is still one of my all time favorites. I think another thing that makes it and the Asuka Firefly great intermediate kits is that it really opens the door for aftermarket goodies and camo techniques!


Great kids, Hank.
We'd like the 109 that's my favorite


Ive got about 9 kits now, did order the hellcat and will be on my bench and channel soon. thanks pal. great vid as usual buddy


Great video as always! Just finished building the Tamiya Hellcat, and it was the perfect project as I begin to move into a more intermediate level. I added a bit of stowage (which I've only really done on a couple of kits) and the plain olive drab camo is friendly to a brush painter such as myself. Would really recommend the Tamiya Hellcat because its an amazing kit.


When I was an intermediate, a few years ago, Academy came out with their Tiger 1 tank, with interior detail, in 1/35 scale. I thought it was awesome, as I couldn't remember another tank kit with full interior detail. The fit was very good and made you think about how you were going to paint all that interior. There are some inaccuracies, but I wasn't too concerned at the time. It builds into a great model, especially for intermediate builders. You feel like you have accomplished something you can be proud of, when you are finished. Very rewarding and enjoyable!!!


I’m a real novice but hate not being skilled enough to try these. I have bought 16 kits so far and am currently on build number 3 (Airfix T34 1:72 which is an old mould from 1968 and is pretty poor).
I grew up in the 1970’s and 80’s and I had a few Airfix kits so that’s what I first went with. Have 3 Tamiya kits in 1:35 scale to try too including jagdpanther, but I’m worried about attempting weathering and know without it, the build just resembles a plastic toy. Oh I’m not great with an airbrush yet either. Hope I’ve got enough life left to get good! 😂 I’m mid 50’s lol


I like the concept of this video. Your kits were well chosen for a builder that is trying to progress from basic build status. Nice idea for a video


Really glad to see you put a figure as a recommendation because I really love painting figures mainly 1/35 and 1/16th scale. I've often bought kits from Mini art mostly for the included figure and I love they way you can really bring them to life. my favorite brand has to be Master box, my niche is WWII pacific theater stuff. By all means initially challenging but I practiced a lot with cheap toy soldiers to refine my skills until I became more competent. I've tried Humbrol enamels and Tamiya acrylics but I really love the high quality Ammo figure paints, but I also think that AK paints are good too. however rather ironically I've never tried Vallejo paints. I really love your videos although I consider myself good at painting figure it takes me far too long and I not actually that great at smaller 1/72 scale stuff or some of the complex mini art kits which are a fun challenge none the less.


Hmm, I'm going to have to pass one these, Mr. Hanky.
I bought a Vespid A34 Comet in 1:72 scale some months ago and it had those assembled tracks. Can't remember this much swearing when building a kit before or after. It was my second scale model in this "hobby run" so I was finding my feet with the airbrush, thinners and especially primers. So all that compounded didn't build my confidence.
When I got a basic M4 Sherman from Tamiya for Christmas I stuck to the basics, made the tank pretty plain. Left the tracks working on the wheels in the rubber bands. Left only the glossy varnish on and that's the kit I'm really happy with - this "museum refurbished" look. Plus it can actually roll on its tracks 😆
We've got a model show coming up next weekend here in Scotland in Perth so I might get some inspiration form other builders there. Happy building!


great list! abit similar to my taste 😀Ive been looking at the tamiya M10 achilles and ive got a rfm firefly on que when im finished with a tamiya easy eight (fantastic kit)


Thanks for the tips for intermediate builds. I was able to grab 2 of the 4 models at decent prices. (The P-38 from Amazon and the Bf-109 G from Amazon Japan). Again thanks for the info and I look forward to building them after I get a few more models under my belt.


Assembling Tamiya Hellcat's tracks was incredibly frustrating. I stopped building for six months in the middle of it until a friend encouraged me to complete it. I finished it and it came out pretty good.


Don’t forget the 1/35 Tamiya M4a3 Sherman with the 75mm cannon and three US infantry figures! It was my first kit and it’s a great kit! I just got around to building the figures and they came out great!


Yes I love Asuka Shermans and I agree they are the best curbside Shermans out there.


Thanks for the info. Haven't built any 1/35 yet but the 'Firefly' might open that chapter. Really liked that one. And the P-38 as my first Tamiya maybe?
