Which Model Kit is Right for Me? | How to Pick Your Next Plastic Scale Model Kit

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In this video, we'll take a look at some of the most-popular plastic scale model kit manufacturers in the hobby today & *help you pick out which model kits are right for you!* Whether you're a true beginner looking to pick up your very first model kit or a seasoned veteran builder looking to check out some new brands, then this video is for you.

We'll rate our plastic model manufacturers today on two general factors: difficulty of assembly & part count.

Do you agree with my selections? Let me know in the comments below!

*These ratings are all based on my personal preference & experience with these brands - at the time of recording, I'm not sponsored or contractually tied to any of these manufacturers

Intro 00:00
Ranking System Overview 00:37
Academy 03:24
Airfix 05:00
Asuka 06:33
Border Model 08:18
Dragon 09:52
Eduard 11:53
Hobby Boss 13:31
ICM 15:05
Italeri 17:18
MasterBox 19:29
Meng 21:13
MiniArt 23:06
Revell 25:24
Rye Field Model 27:22
Takom 28:00
Tamiya 30:44
Trumpeter 32:27
Zvezda 33:53
Final Adjustments 35:04
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I pick the ones that are reasonably priced, my fixed income tells me i ain't spending 50 bucks on a plastic model kit, but im good with that


1. Nice sweater 2. ICM makes awesome figures 3. Revell kits base their 'difficulty' levels on the # of parts -- not the level of frustration in assembling 😆4. No Aoshima or Hasegawa? 🤔 And I think Tamiya should be more centered in the Ease of Assembly and High Parts count quadrant. Great stuff! Thanks! 😀


Would love to see you do this as a part 2 where you get in some of the other well known manufacturers such as Fujimi, Hasegawa, AVF Club, and I Love Kit. Some others to consider which I see in my hobby shops are Bronco, Kinetic, Roden, AMT, Aoshima, Heller and Monogram (older manufactures). I know your channel is more Armor focused and some of these manufacturers are Car and Aircraft focused but I think your method of "rating" these could be helpful for a lot of people getting into the hobby.


I have to tell you that after watching MANY of your videos, especially this one I decided to get back into the hobby! This may seem like small change am 67 and haven't touched a model kit of ANY kind since I was 14!!! This is a no B.S. comment!!!! I originally started the hobby at age 7, lol yes, that was back in 1963!!! Back then I was fascinated with the German aircraft of WWII. I done a few versions of the 109 and FW 190. I moved to more complicated models like the Stukas and a Tiger and a tiger 2a HE 111. My painting was very rudimentary at best, mostly used the Testors very small rattle cans. I then moved into the world of tanks at about 9yo, german of course was first with Panzers (not many variants were available back then) then moving to the tiger and the tiger II. I had 4 long shelves filled with airplanes and tanks. At 11 I moved into the world of car models. I started collecting car mags at an early age and my father a Master Journeyman Bodyman had started teaching me bodywork and painting cars at 10yo. I would estimate I probably built over 100 different cars. I learned how to detail engines and undercarriages and at 13 it all came to an end when my father bought me a real 1957 Bel Aire Custom Coupe. It was in 2005 when I had a catastrophic back injury and have had many years of sitting on my butt and really needed something to do!!! I happened upon one of your videos about 4 months ago (I've been a literally YouTube newbie since 2021) and it peaked my interest!!! Ive watch Barbatos Rex videos (hate gundams) fro his tool and painting videos and Andy's Hobby videos. Between the 3 I really like your videos the best! This past Wednesday I ordered the Tamiya Vietnam gun truck model with the 4 50. cal's. I'm not sure which glue is right so I ordered the Tamiya extra thin and the Tamiya extra thin fast set. I got the Mig 3 color Military colors set. I learned how to make decals and I'm going to display it like it came from the factory this way only because I really don't want to screw up a $50 model lol. I already had most of the tools from a few smaller projects (not model related). Sorry this was so long!!! I'm already planning my next project the mating of a 5 ton truck with the M113 and then the M48 tank. Being a vietnam veteran This is very nostalgic for me, I took a convoy from Da Trang to Da Nang and we had 5 gun trucks for protection. So again I thank you (not sure yet how my wife will feel lol) so keep making these great videos!!!! Who knows, maybe the M48 might get dirty with a few pock marks


Wow, that was a fantastic video. Really appreciate all your time and effort to do that. It educated me on a subject that I just started. Working on my second bill and your YouTube videos have been very helpful. 😊


Hank, this is a very informative video. You really categorize the manufacturers well in a straight forward understandable manner. I’m returning to the hobby after DECADES and was floored by the changes that have taken place. I’ve watched many of your videos and find them very helpful. Keep up the great work. Thanks much


Thank you for making this video. I am just getting back into model building after 40 years and the model world has changed a lot. It is hard for a newbie to know which Company makes a model kit that might be good for my level. This goes a log way in clear up the muddy waters.


I appreciate your thoughts on graphing out the manufacturers and found the video very useful. For the ones I have experience with, I wouldn't have any significant changes to your rankings. One thought however...since the complexity and part count are so highly correlated, maybe a new ranking with a different dimension than part count. Off the top of my head: How well the model goes together (fiddly, poor fitting, fits like a glove); skill level of the modeler required (may include tools needed, working with PE, etc.); time to build (is it a 10 hour build or 500 hour). Those are just a few to get the discussion going!


Easy to follow instructions, the parts go/ fit well, detailed kits yet without too many parts in the box...sounds exactly like Tamiya's kits. Tamiya is still undoubtedly the number one plastic model manufacturer. Takom, Dragon, Trumpeter, Border have way too many unnecessary parts.


very nice to watch and get some real good info! When i used to model (at age 10-14. ;) I always preferred Tamiya and Matchbox over Revell …Revell used to have sloppy parts….Tamiya still my fav! Thanks Hank for explaining so clear and precise!


For me, *the* *number* *one* criteria that defines if it's a "good" kit or not is how much filling and sanding is required? How well does it actually go together? Accuracy and detail are the next two criteria, but I'll take a (slightly?) less accurate or detailed kit that goes together well over an accurate & highly-detailed kit that is a nightmare of badly fitting parts every time. But that's just me.
So I always try to do my research before I buy any kit of a given subject.


Since returning to the hobby, I've been thoroughly pleased with kits from Tamiya, Academy, Airfix and Special Hobby. The latter two limited to their more recent offerings. I've thought all were a good balance between cost, complexity and detail.


Thanks for putting this together. I’ve built kits from about half of these manufacturers (and a couple from manufacturers not listed here) and I really can’t disagree with your ratings for those manufacturers whose kits I’ve built. This is an excellent guide for anyone new to the hobby or for those of us long of tooth but who tend to select kits from their ‘go to’ list.


Great vid broham!!! Personally i follow a simple golden rule. And be advised: Only seasoned players should fallow this!!! Well seasoned modelers know, everything looks good and nothing is impossible after a tasty six pack! (or your juice of choice 🤷) 😉🫣🤣🤣 But seriously...VERY insightful vid! Keep up the great work!👍🍻


Although not an armour or aircraft modeller myself I found this very interesting and it matches well with many of the kit reviews I see in FSM and Scale Auto. I mainly build trucks in 1/24 and 1/25 scale, here the kit market is very different with many of the offerings being re-releases of 1970's era tooling (all the Round 2 AMT reissues for example) combined with a small selection of modern day rigs like the Moebius LoneStar/ProStar tractors and two different van trailer kits plus a modern flatbed. One thing not found in the big rig kit selection is multiple manufacturers offering variations of the same prototype!


Excellent video - one of the first such type of video I have seen


Love the comparisons, really appreciate the information. I'll be saving this in my reference file.


Great video . Tho I disagree with the placement of Border Models . I think they should be a little more to the challenging side, due to the engineering of their molds . They require a fair bit of cleanup and they use a very soft plastic . The detail is very good, the assembly is very good as well . But the clean up is a slow process. And they miss part assembly steps . Suddenly a part just shows up on the next level installed . Ie: a grab handle, and there are a few in the kit of different shapes . And for some unknown reason the assembly instruction have some parts reversed . I am currently building the Panzer IV Ausf.F 3 in1 kit with vorpanzer and Schulze options . The leaf springs for the suspension is backwards IE: left side to right side . This was like that on their first F model . You would think they would either issue a correction sheet with the instructions or redo the instructions . As they are different instruction sheets from the first F . Missed the boat on that one . I knew about this from research before buying and building . Lots of build videos point that out, and so do historical photos . So for my opinion, that makes them more challenging. But they sure do fit together nicely . I like their kit subjects and fill my needs . Just my 2 cents


I still like to build the old stuff
Been building kits I did when I was younger
( started building models in 1970 ) you do the math…
Been really getting into AIRFIX KITS…
in the stash…
I’m not a professional model builder, but I can hold my own when it comes to detailing and painting…
Most of the kits I have, I’ve bought from TOY FAIRS and IPMS SHOWS…
I have been finding online some kits I’ve been searching for quite awhile…
Just received the TAMIYA 1/35 British 6lb Anti-Tank gun
One of the first TAMIYA kits I built 1970…
I enjoy your CHANNEL
Another interesting video…


Thank you for this helpful video! Can you make the same style video but about model's historical accuracy by brand including assembly and markings?
