Paul Hudson - Separation of concerns: Refactoring view controllers live

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We all know that massive view controllers lead to equally massive problems, but sometimes it’s not easy to know where to start when you want to make things better.

In this session I’ll present an example Swift app, walk through the many structural problems it has, then refactor it live on stage so you can see exactly how it’s done.

The end result will be a smarter, simpler architecture that is more testable, more scalable, and most importantly more maintainable.

There are a number of targets we’ll be investigating, such as:
- Relocating view code to a sensible location
- Spinning off delegates and data sources to new classes
- Using coordinators to simplify navigation

All this will be done with live coding on stage, so you can follow along.
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25:46 Passing that function as a parameter creates a strong reference cycle.


They certainly picked the right speaker for the talk. A fast talker and Coder.
