How to make an OLD WIRED 2.1 Channel SPEAKER into BLUETOOTH SPEAKER

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*How to make an OLD WIRED 2.1 Channel SPEAKER into BLUETOOTH SPEAKER*

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***Video Details***

Part 1 - Explains how to connect Bluetooth Audio Receiver Externally (Which is not the main purpose of this video) - Starts @ 00:30

Part 2 - Explains how to connect Bluetooth Audio Receiver Internally (Which is the main purpose of this video) - Starts @ 04:40


1. Wireless (Expect for power & speakers)
2. Bluetooth range can be 10 Meter
3. Easy connection
4. Helps you connect your mobile to the speaker without any wires

***Parts List***

1. Bluetooth Receiver
2. Voltage Regulator
3. Buck Converter (this is optional, if you don't want to build your own voltage regulator)
4. Old or New 2.1 Channel Speaker

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***Determining the Terminals*** (This part is only needed for the viewers who wants to connect the Bluetooth receiver internally)

1. Determining the Power Terminals in the Bluetooth Receiver :

To determine the terminals remove the casing. Then check for the USB Port connection. Usually the port outside will be the power terminals & the center two will be the data terminals. Now to find out which is Positive & Negative :
a. Connect the Bluetooth receiver to the power
b. Now switch on your multimeter & connect the probes to voltage(RED) & GND(Black)
c. Now connect one of the probes(Red Probe) to the outer terminal of the USB & connect the other probe(Black Probe) to the other outer terminal of the USB
d If you get the Positive result (ex: 5.01 or something ) then the red probe which you connected to the terminal will be Positive of the USB. (If you get the Negative result just reverse the probe)

Note : You can also use the same method to test the USB Wires & USB Port

2. Determining the Audio Terminals in the Bluetooth Receiver :

To determine the Audio Terminals You need 3.5mm with wires (which is shown in the Part 2 of the video). Once you have the 3.5mm jack, connect it to the Bluetooth receiver

1. & then then turn the multimeter pointer to the Connection test/Diode test
2. Now connect one of the probe to the one of the wires of the 3.5mm Jack & the other probe to the connection point of the audio jack in the Bluetooth receiver chip
3. If you get a Buzzing sound then the connection is complete & if there is no Buzzing sound then try with different combination

Note : After reading this please watch the video once again for better understanding. If you still have doubts please leave a comment below

***Important Notes***

1. You can directly solder the power terminals & the audio terminals on to the Bluetooth receiver Chip (The reason i am using USB Cable & the 3.5mm Cable is that my Soldering rod Tip is too big for the Bluetooth Receiver Chip)

2. So please use a Thin Pointed solder tip to solder on the the Bluetooth Chip Directly

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If you don't have voltage regulator, you can also use any old USB charger lying at your home, dismantle it and use the AC power source from speaker wires.


Hey bro will u show repair these speaker I have same speaker problem is 1)subwoofer not working i.e suppy not getting to subwoofer. 2) after a week self amplifier stopped working I don't know what is issue is it with amplifier board or transformer??? (Will u suggest what should I do please!!).


great work !! video and content both are very informative .


Just one doubt. What happens if both bluetooth audio and regular (previously used) input sources are used together and send audio inputs...?

I personally think there must be some sort of source selecting mechanism...


THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! That is a great help, thanks for your time, greatly appreciated!


In my speaker I am getting an out put of 9v can I locate the dc voltage after rectification??in the board


Since both Bluetooth and amplifier get power from same source, ground loop effect will be there producing hmm sound. Any way to stop it?


just by the fingers tells where this video is from .


Don't try this. You might ruin your existing good speaker which works nice without bluetooth. Applying Science would be successful by following these steps but you have to compromise with the clarity of sound due to disturbing hmmm noise which no one wants to listen.
Be Careful ! I know we all need a bluetooth sound device and our purpose is just to retain and convert our old school speakers to fulfill our modern requirement and lifestyle. Though Choice is yours.


Bro tell me your address and i will pay you
