How to make an OLD WIRED 2.1 Channel SPEAKER into BLUETOOTH SPEAKER
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*How to make an OLD WIRED 2.1 Channel SPEAKER into BLUETOOTH SPEAKER*
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***Video Details***
Part 1 - Explains how to connect Bluetooth Audio Receiver Externally (Which is not the main purpose of this video) - Starts @ 00:30
Part 2 - Explains how to connect Bluetooth Audio Receiver Internally (Which is the main purpose of this video) - Starts @ 04:40
1. Wireless (Expect for power & speakers)
2. Bluetooth range can be 10 Meter
3. Easy connection
4. Helps you connect your mobile to the speaker without any wires
***Parts List***
1. Bluetooth Receiver
2. Voltage Regulator
3. Buck Converter (this is optional, if you don't want to build your own voltage regulator)
4. Old or New 2.1 Channel Speaker
***Purchasing Links (affiliate links)***
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***Determining the Terminals*** (This part is only needed for the viewers who wants to connect the Bluetooth receiver internally)
1. Determining the Power Terminals in the Bluetooth Receiver :
To determine the terminals remove the casing. Then check for the USB Port connection. Usually the port outside will be the power terminals & the center two will be the data terminals. Now to find out which is Positive & Negative :
a. Connect the Bluetooth receiver to the power
b. Now switch on your multimeter & connect the probes to voltage(RED) & GND(Black)
c. Now connect one of the probes(Red Probe) to the outer terminal of the USB & connect the other probe(Black Probe) to the other outer terminal of the USB
d If you get the Positive result (ex: 5.01 or something ) then the red probe which you connected to the terminal will be Positive of the USB. (If you get the Negative result just reverse the probe)
Note : You can also use the same method to test the USB Wires & USB Port
2. Determining the Audio Terminals in the Bluetooth Receiver :
To determine the Audio Terminals You need 3.5mm with wires (which is shown in the Part 2 of the video). Once you have the 3.5mm jack, connect it to the Bluetooth receiver
1. & then then turn the multimeter pointer to the Connection test/Diode test
2. Now connect one of the probe to the one of the wires of the 3.5mm Jack & the other probe to the connection point of the audio jack in the Bluetooth receiver chip
3. If you get a Buzzing sound then the connection is complete & if there is no Buzzing sound then try with different combination
Note : After reading this please watch the video once again for better understanding. If you still have doubts please leave a comment below
***Important Notes***
1. You can directly solder the power terminals & the audio terminals on to the Bluetooth receiver Chip (The reason i am using USB Cable & the 3.5mm Cable is that my Soldering rod Tip is too big for the Bluetooth Receiver Chip)
2. So please use a Thin Pointed solder tip to solder on the the Bluetooth Chip Directly
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***Video Details***
Part 1 - Explains how to connect Bluetooth Audio Receiver Externally (Which is not the main purpose of this video) - Starts @ 00:30
Part 2 - Explains how to connect Bluetooth Audio Receiver Internally (Which is the main purpose of this video) - Starts @ 04:40
1. Wireless (Expect for power & speakers)
2. Bluetooth range can be 10 Meter
3. Easy connection
4. Helps you connect your mobile to the speaker without any wires
***Parts List***
1. Bluetooth Receiver
2. Voltage Regulator
3. Buck Converter (this is optional, if you don't want to build your own voltage regulator)
4. Old or New 2.1 Channel Speaker
***Purchasing Links (affiliate links)***
Amazon US :
Amazon IND :
Flipkart India :
***Determining the Terminals*** (This part is only needed for the viewers who wants to connect the Bluetooth receiver internally)
1. Determining the Power Terminals in the Bluetooth Receiver :
To determine the terminals remove the casing. Then check for the USB Port connection. Usually the port outside will be the power terminals & the center two will be the data terminals. Now to find out which is Positive & Negative :
a. Connect the Bluetooth receiver to the power
b. Now switch on your multimeter & connect the probes to voltage(RED) & GND(Black)
c. Now connect one of the probes(Red Probe) to the outer terminal of the USB & connect the other probe(Black Probe) to the other outer terminal of the USB
d If you get the Positive result (ex: 5.01 or something ) then the red probe which you connected to the terminal will be Positive of the USB. (If you get the Negative result just reverse the probe)
Note : You can also use the same method to test the USB Wires & USB Port
2. Determining the Audio Terminals in the Bluetooth Receiver :
To determine the Audio Terminals You need 3.5mm with wires (which is shown in the Part 2 of the video). Once you have the 3.5mm jack, connect it to the Bluetooth receiver
1. & then then turn the multimeter pointer to the Connection test/Diode test
2. Now connect one of the probe to the one of the wires of the 3.5mm Jack & the other probe to the connection point of the audio jack in the Bluetooth receiver chip
3. If you get a Buzzing sound then the connection is complete & if there is no Buzzing sound then try with different combination
Note : After reading this please watch the video once again for better understanding. If you still have doubts please leave a comment below
***Important Notes***
1. You can directly solder the power terminals & the audio terminals on to the Bluetooth receiver Chip (The reason i am using USB Cable & the 3.5mm Cable is that my Soldering rod Tip is too big for the Bluetooth Receiver Chip)
2. So please use a Thin Pointed solder tip to solder on the the Bluetooth Chip Directly
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