Mold Toxicity | MCS | Invisible Disabilities | Invisible No More

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Often people battling various mild to severe debilitating conditions are told they, "Don't LOOK" sick or in pain. Because others cannot see their fatigue, cognitive dysfunctions, mental disorders or pain, they often do not believe the symptoms are real or think the person must be exaggerating. Contending with symptoms, doctor appointments, therapies, medical bills and losses can be overwhelming enough without also battling for the support of friends and family.

Believing a loved one when they say they are sick or in pain is the most important thing we can do. Just because we can't see from the outside, what they are battling on the inside, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Belief, validation and support can give a friend or family member the strength they need to continue the fight!

Therefore, the Invisible Disabilities Association (IDA) is bringing awareness, compassion and belief to millions living with debilitating conditions, shining a light on the "invisible." Let's Envision a World Where People Living with Illness, Pain and Disabilities Will Be Invisible No More!

Together we can make a difference in your community and around the globe!

The IDA Team
Invisible Disabilities Association

IDA's mission is to encourage, educate and connect people and organizations touched by illness, pain and disability around the globe. We bring awareness, education and support through our websites, books, pamphlets, articles, radio interviews, television interviews and more! We have produced over 200 YouTube videos highlighting conferences, personal stories, individuals and organizations making a difference! We have special events such as the Annual Honor Awards and Brain IDEAS Symposiums, as well as programs such as the National Disability ID Initiative, Invisible No More Show, Invisible Disabilities Week, Invisible No More Campaign, Cleaner Indoor Air Campaign, Programs 4 People and Invisible Heroes. We also host the Invisible Disabilities Community, Meetups and we are present on other social media!

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Thanks Andrea for the great video which explains very well what a lot of us have gone through and continue to go through.  Our stories are actually very similar.  I lived in an apartment that had been flooded from a burst pipe a few years before I had moved into it.  I fell ill within a month of moving in there and after 2 years of being extremely sick with constant swollen glands and strep throat (along with a huge list of other symptoms), I finally made the mold connection.  I left in such a hurry however and moved into another apartment and brought all my belongings with me knowing nothing about cross contamination.  After living in this place for another year and having my health not improve very much, I realised I had to move again and bring nothing with me. It was during this time that my cat developed diabetes just like your dog.  I eventually moved into a brand new condo and bought all new furniture an everything to make sure I wouldn't bring any mold into my new place, and this was when I discovered that I now had chemical sensitivity as well. My new couch was burning my skin, my new mattress was giving me headaches. Not only that, but the office which I had been working in for the past 5 years was now also making me sick when I went to work.  I've been in my condo now for over 3 years and the worst of the off gassing from my furniture and stuff has taken place so I find living here now tolerable.  But I still have to go to work in this office that makes me very ill, so I'm hoping that I can find some sort of solution.  My managers have been very kind and have given me my own office with a HEPA filter so it helps a bit, but it's still far from ideal.  Thanks once again for your great website and this informative video, it's always great to see that you're not going through this alone. Happy healing to you and your family. :)


Bless your resilience and perseverance and generousity of sharing!  I see by the date that it has been a while.  As an EMF sensitive myself, I hope you have found the havens and catalysts for rest and vitality.  In my own experience, I found that Eden Energy Medicine practiices and insights offered me the most direct and economical (free!) way to restore the balance and flow of the bosy's foundational "energy pathways" known by Chinese medicine and older traditions.  I hope to find more on you because of the attitude of possibility that you radiate!  Miracles Abound!


How are you today? Is the chemical sensitivity better. Did you need to take biders?


Very interesting, it would be interesting to discover exactly why the mold affected Your health in this way, and what permanent remedial treatment there could be.


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