Mold Toxicity | MCS | Invisible Disabilities | Invisible No More
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Often people battling various mild to severe debilitating conditions are told they, "Don't LOOK" sick or in pain. Because others cannot see their fatigue, cognitive dysfunctions, mental disorders or pain, they often do not believe the symptoms are real or think the person must be exaggerating. Contending with symptoms, doctor appointments, therapies, medical bills and losses can be overwhelming enough without also battling for the support of friends and family.
Believing a loved one when they say they are sick or in pain is the most important thing we can do. Just because we can't see from the outside, what they are battling on the inside, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. Belief, validation and support can give a friend or family member the strength they need to continue the fight!
Therefore, the Invisible Disabilities Association (IDA) is bringing awareness, compassion and belief to millions living with debilitating conditions, shining a light on the "invisible." Let's Envision a World Where People Living with Illness, Pain and Disabilities Will Be Invisible No More!
Together we can make a difference in your community and around the globe!
The IDA Team
Invisible Disabilities Association
IDA's mission is to encourage, educate and connect people and organizations touched by illness, pain and disability around the globe. We bring awareness, education and support through our websites, books, pamphlets, articles, radio interviews, television interviews and more! We have produced over 200 YouTube videos highlighting conferences, personal stories, individuals and organizations making a difference! We have special events such as the Annual Honor Awards and Brain IDEAS Symposiums, as well as programs such as the National Disability ID Initiative, Invisible No More Show, Invisible Disabilities Week, Invisible No More Campaign, Cleaner Indoor Air Campaign, Programs 4 People and Invisible Heroes. We also host the Invisible Disabilities Community, Meetups and we are present on other social media!
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