Scientists Just Laid Out Paths To Solve Climate Change, We Aren’t on Track To Do Any Of Them | TIME

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Climate scientists have understood for decades that unchecked, man-made global warming will wreak havoc on human civilization.

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Scientists Just Laid Out Paths To Solve Climate Change, We Aren’t on Track To Do Any Of Them | TIME
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I’m seriously saddened by the fact that people still deny this. It’s not a matter of believing it, because you can believe that gravity doesn’t exist but it’s still there and we still have to deal with it. Enough with this agenda B.S., I personally have a lot of republican views but I’m not an idiot when it comes to blatantly enormous problems in front of us. It isn’t about politics, it’s about morality.


It was much hotter in the Middle Ages, claptrap. C02 is 400ppm, 10, 000
years ago it was 8000 ppm. Co2 is 0.4% of the atmosphere, man has added
3% of the 0.4%. Miniscule.


How To Reduce Pollution

1. Many Production Companies Has To Be Stopped

We manufacture so many products and it is creating pollution and pollution has increased to such an extent that it has become a threat to the world. Well maybe we won't have a major natural disaster soon, but it will come some day. So if we minimise our products, pollution would be less.
We produce so many things which we do not need as a necessity, like cold drinks, leather products, potato wafers, chips, fruit juices, chocolates, biscuits, pickles, ice creams, etc. Cold drinks, fruit juices, chocolates, biscuits, pickles, ice creams, etc. should be cooked at home only. Instead of cold drinks people should drink natural drinks such as lime water, coconut water or just any fruit, not any fruit juice, just the whole fruit which can be served when a customer comes in a shop, hotel or a person selling this drinks on a street and serve it to him. If we stopped producing this things which are not required as a necessity for humans, so much pollution could be reduced.
If we colour the clothes pollution occurs. So if we don't colour our clothes, the pollution resulting from colouring the clothes can be stopped. Let everything remain in white natural colour.

2. We Should Cook Foods In Its Natural Form

We can cook rice and wheat in our homes and eat it. Rice and Wheat is produced in farms. Then it is packed and transported to big warehouses, then wholesalers buy from them and supply to retail shops.
But if a manufacturing company makes bread from rice and wheat, then to make bread a manufacturing company has to be set up, machines and working staffs are needed. When a company is built many other things are also needed. Then at last a plastic pack is required to pack the breads.
So if we start cooking eatable things in its natural form then we do not need many companies like bread manufacturing company, tomato ketchup, fruit jam, pizza, burger, etc., the things required for the company and the plastic pack, paper box pack and glass bottles. If done like this, so many companies will not be required and hence less pollution for the world. Humans have to do this before it is too late.

If this is done, then many jobs would be lost. But human jobs or planet earth, which should we save, planet earth is more important. Humans have to take this step certainly instead of going on polluting the earth, making wildlife extinct and also mass extinctions of humans after 100 or 200 years.
Prior to the industrial revolution or before that humans worked everything handmade. So if after shutting down many manufacturing companies which are not required as a necessity for humans, if we started doing many things handmade only then many people would not lose jobs. Many peoples should do farming and they should be given loans if they do not have enough money to start farming on their own.
Is their any another solution, that humans won't lose jobs and also planet earth will be saved.


Liars and we should not give any more money to perpetuate this hoax.
