14 Signs You're More Attractive Than You Think

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14 Signs You're More Attractive Than You Think. Do you ever wonder what makes people like you and how to know if you are attractive? Well, if you can recognize these subtle signs you’re more attractive than you think! Believe it or not, people have a poor track record when it comes to self-assessment.

The majority of people often underestimate their appeal. That’s because we see ourselves differently from those around us. We tend to overemphasize even the tiniest of our flaws, thus hindering our self confidence. Having said that, people’s attitude and body language toward you might tell a completely different story! They may think that you have a charming personality, and you’re easy on the eyes. They may smile at you or stare at you, or simply behave in an odd way whenever they’re around you.

These are all subtle signs others think you’re attractive and that you are better looking than you think. Watch this video to learn more about the signs of attraction so you can decipher whether someone likes you or thinks that you are good looking.

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When you're attractive you get a lot of unreasonable negativity and jealousy.


Being attractive also attracts jealousy and envy.


A lot of people are attractive! But once you get to know them, their attractiveness either goes up more or goes down.


I smile at everyone regardless of what they look like…


Some of these things occur because you exude a certain type of magnetic or positive energy, rather than because of your appearance.


1. People often do a double-take
2. People smile when they see you
3. People raise their eyebrows when they see you
4. Strangers stare at you
5. People seem to enjoy talking to you
6. When you do get a compliment it feels insincere
7. You rarely get compliments on your looks
8. People may act differently around you
9. Others go out of their way to help you
10. You've had multiple occasions where someone obsessed over you
11. You get lots of direct messages
12. People are surprised by your insecurities
13. Relationships seem to come easy to yo
14. Others tend to have strong feelings about you


I smile at everyone almost all the time time mainly because I'm just friendly


When you realize you don't get many smiles in public or direct messages...


A person’s eyes are all you need to look at they tell no lies and tells you all that you need to know


People gave me double takes and raised eyebrows one afternoon. Man, I thought the new cologne worked.
Then I realised they were looking at sauce in my beard😂😂


Eye opening video. I always noticed at the end of parties where everyone hugs and shakes hands, I don't normally get those even though I had great conversations with everybody. I once asked a female friend why that was. She said "You are very intimidating".


It also attracts FAKE "friends" because they KNOW people like you, so they flock to you to improve their chances.. It's selfish, but people do it anyway.. Makes it hard to sift out the GENUINE ones at times..


Keeping heads down and being modest is crucial not to trigger haters.


Raising eyebrows is the best and most accurate one. It's Them being SURPRISED and WOWED by your good looks especially if it's the first time they've ever seen you


Also, attractive people see the world a little differently according to say less attractive people. Like, your problems are told that they are imaginary or not a big deal cause you are attractive. Less attractive people tell you this as if being attractive fixes all your problems automatically, so it's not a big deal in there eyes.


In my relationships it was almost always the same scenario. My partner adored me, but his mother and/or sister hated me. It took me many years to understand that they were just jealous.


When you’re what people would consider attractive and you ALSO have a genuinely nice personality that’s when the real jealousy comes out. It’s sad when it’s friends who switch up on you out of nowhere especially once things are going well in your life


Me while clicking on this video: "Give me false hope."

Me leaving the video: "Couldn't even accomplish that."


I have lost so many friendships either because my male friend gets jealous from all the attention I get from girls or because my girl friend ends up liking me and I don’t feel the same way. And surprisingly, finding a meaningful relationship has been difficult because idk if they truly like me for me or they just like the idea of having me. And I’ve had discussions like these in the past so it’s not just my opinion.
