Gnostic soul trap theory: Are we imprisoned in the world by nefarious supernatural forces?

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This is the simplest and sanest explanation I have ever heard and worthy of exploration.


Please interview Howdie Mickoski or Wayne Bush. The 'soul trap' idea actually makes quite a lot of sense and is backed by loads of evidence.


We are absolutely trapped. We are also forced to reincarnate on a loop. There are so many interviews with between life hypnotists with client after client being forced, lied to & coerced into coming to this hell.


As long as widespread violence, coercion, and duress (government/authority) exists on this planet, it is a prison. When those things go away for good and mankind wises up and truly evolves, that is the day it will cease being so. What I love so much about the Ancient Gnostics is that they were hardcore realists. They simply pointed out the obvious. Admitting you're in a cage is the first step toward finding a way out.


I was ordained by an oracle in India over 20 years ago. One of the most scariest experiences I ever had. She was a scary woman. One of her eyes looked foggy (probably glaucoma lol) but it was strangely stuck looking upwards. Her other eye looked different too, staring past my shoulder all the time. She wore a hoodie made out of what seemed like potato bags, all patched together. Dusty and barefoot woman in a remote jungle shack outside of Gangtok, Sikkim. 97 years old. A refugee from Tibet with an AK-47 under her bed. It was one of those random encounters I had in life. I was traveling with a group of rich kids from a summer camp group and we were all invited to go meet her when she heard of us passing by. After hearing a bunch of confusing mumbo jumbo in some other language that nobody understood, her caregiver pulled me aside afterwards and told me she was "waiting for me". I got chills. Many chills. Her caregiver translated for me and said she had "ordained" me. I laughed of course like any tourist teenager would and went about my day. Her caregiver was extraordinarily shocked that I had walked away, not realizing the importance of the event. Villagers kept looking for me sort of thing. Well, 20 years later, when my first child passed away, lost my sanity, and began to see strange things around me that science cannot explain, this oracle came to visit me in my dreams frequently without me even thinking about her. She told me that there is a "Loving Creator" beyond our space, time, and planet. It has created souls with freedom and complete free will to experience anything they desire. It was a message of liberation with a strange story: This Creator she said, this God, or whatever you want to call whatever started this whole odyssey has gifted all of us our own fully stocked kitchen in the spirit/non-dual realm, in order to apparently "cook" for ourselves and experiment with all the recipes of life. I recently made a tribute video about her message lol.


NDE accounts raise a lot of questions. Firstly they all seem to be unique to the individual but at the same time they seem to be orchestrated by something, some
entity or entities, beyond our understanding. While some people experience heavenly realms others experience unimaginably hellish realms, all of which are hyper real. Some experience light beings, others experience “Jesus”, or aliens and some hear what they describe as the voice of God. It does seem like there is some kind of hierarchically organised system that we are locked into.


Eric Dubay nails it in his video called "Questions for the Creator"... Wayne Bush, Howdie Mickoski, Isabella Green, Tony Sayers and many others make total sense on why we are in a trap...It resonates with me for sure..


Sugar-coated poison. The world is a vampire. Words of wisdom: "The world is alright in appearance, but dreadful in reality." --Arthur Schopenhauer


I have been watching a few "Soul Trap" videos today, very interesting, and plausible at times, but at the end it did not truly resonate with me, and I kept asking, "so why would this be allowed to happen" ?? What you explain here Tim is more what I have come to believe. Thank you for putting me on the straight and narrow again. PS> 3 or 4 times in my life, in the past 5 years ( I am 65) out of the blue, I was completely enveloped in the "blanket" of pure Love, it made me burst into tears of joy spontaneously, and it could not be denied or even questioned. I wish we could all experience this relatively regularly, it would change the world.


Exactly what "THEY" would say


I completely understand why people would reach a 'soul trap' perspective. We live in a world that's largely arbitrary, where gene games are more important than truth games, while we have less overt arbitrary physical suffering the arbitrary psychological and existential / thematic suffering is still there (for example - childless grinding a dead-end job to justify survival, jobs constantly melting and homeless forever dangled over one's head, that's the mild and very common end). Slate Star Codex had a 2014 essay titled 'Meditations on Moloch' where he looked at all of the multipolar traps that are keeping us running in a zero sum race between countries, between people as economic competitors, etc.. I can also see people being skeptical when someone's utterly brutalized by other people in a lifetime, they get a life review, and they're pestered about something trivial. Also while I don't know whether or not it's true, some western esotericists seem/seemed to believe it, that we're in an incredibly long cycle of reincarnation, like thousands of times - one could legitimately ask 'What takes thousands of incarnations to learn?'.

Obviously none of that proves the theory that we're in a soul trap - it could be Whiteheadian process philosophy where there's no 'God' per say to stop it - yet, or we could just be in an animist system where there isn't and won't be a higher intelligence (something like Daoism as John Gray brings it up). Where it would look more like a soul trap is if souls were told that there's great suffering on earth and their help is needed in waking up the population, they get there and the population not only can't be woken up but is built to never wake up (ie. Darwinianian concerns superior to spiritual concerns in a zero-sum manner) and then it turns out that the whole process was simply an ambush for the would-be rescuers. That sort of situation doesn't map well to benevolent metaphysics but it does map well to Darwinian game theory if something needs to eat and meals, as in most places in nature, are often landed by deceiving prey.


"Paranoia is just having the right information." --William S. Burroughs


"I want to make video about something and I am not gonna research it cuz I don't have time"- sure, ok, I don't have time to watch your video, and now non of us will know anything about each other's ideas because we frankly don't care and assume we are right.

It is not neo-Gnosticism btw. Most people are just afraid of reincarnation and have no prior connection to Gnostic belief system, they have many backgrounds, and they just find Gnosticism at some point which reaffirms their belief. The belief in soul trap is so contagious and resonating that you effectively cannot stop people from finding about it and adopting it. Hence your video is counter productive. The first thing they will do is google "soul trap" and find more proof that they will feel connection to.


I think perhaps it's more a question of trapped souls rather than a soul trap. As a young child I had experiences of being terrorised by negative entities. Regularly mainly at night, until about the age of 7. when it all stopped. They definitely enjoyed my fear, and seemed to feed off of it. In many ways it ignited my spiritual interest as I knew there was more than I could see. I can't explain it all, but it was real. In humanity there does seem to be a real battle for and within our souls; and I get the feeling that there is more to it than we know in this reality. Perhaps there are such things? Every culture seems to mention "evil spirits". Their hallmark seems to be keeping us in fear. I can imagine they would welcome a fearful death and ideas of a "soul trap"!


Our souls have been trapped with lies, created a long time ago and masquerading as salvation. Its an allegory.


Mister Tim I must admit it's the first time I find you on the Internet and I must say that the theory you present in this video is one of the most beautiful, most groundbreaking but still grounded story I have ever heard . Thank you for sharing this. There is chance you are blessed, may you be blessed


I am doing individualo family constellations since about 25 years - working/constellating Peoples traumas and sicknesses. Every experience a person has in his/her life is "energetically" present -
its there in the persons energetic "bubble". E, g. you can constellate - you can talk to a sickness and ask: Why are you here? The question gets answered: Because of that/him/them.
Its like pealing an onion - you go deeper into the past. It goes into anscestors lines and their dramas. You find the wars, the soldiers, the officers. the generals. the Hitlers and Francos - and
you find energies - beings behind - coordinating the whole thing - till one last one. Its all there - nothing hidden. ou can talk to them - you can be them in a constellations.
You can find them behind every Persons Traumas. No theory - just some capability to feel and be conscious - free from concepts.


It's estimated that 150 billion humans have lived on this planet. Spiritually speaking, where are they now? Reincarnation? Or recycled through the souls of the living? Dimensionally, how many beings have you seen in one go?


Hazrat Inayat Khan, the Sufi mystic, taught that it is not individual souls which re-incarnate but impressions. As a divine spark (and now a soul of experience in this realm) we gravitate back and pass on impressions and experiences to new sparks/souls coming in who have to deal with those. (Hence a child who seems to know the village it belonged to and relatives etc. is not identifying all that individually but has taken on a very full impression from an outgoing soul). The earth-experienced soul (earth experienced divine spark) returns gradually through finer and finer realms, still learning as it goes, throwing off more and more self-identity as it prepares to merge back into the Source. This is a reverse of its inward journey where its essence became gradually concentrated. Inayat Khan said that Brahmins only taught the idea of individual re-incarnation as a means of controlling the masses ( sigh :( ) Only a few advanced souls choose to return to be of help ( think of the goddess Quan Yin). I find this explanation hopeful and it is my preferred description of the soul’s journey. Bon voyage to all ❤️


I'd say yes and I've been trying to figure out what all this is my whole life. Didn't come to that conclusion quickly and honestly I hope I'm wrong, but I don't think I am.

Imprisoned is a bit strong of a word though. I've been to prison, actual state prison for seven years and you cannot leave until they say you can leave. There's nothing you can do or say that will get you out any faster, but I think you can leave this if you simply refuse to come back, or more likely if you do not interact with anything you encounter right after you die. If you set your will to leave this place, and that includes what's called the "astral" then they can't actually stop you. They can coerce you into it but they have zero true authority over you. In fact we may have authority over them but since our memories keep being taken and this system is so complex and put together so well that we wind up doing what they tell us to do when we don't have to.
