China's Outsized Role in The World

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Mike Green sits down with Louis Vincent Gave, CEO of Gavekal Research, to examine the political and economic climate of China. They look at China's 'outsized' role in the world and what impact joining the WTO had on the Chinese nearly two decades ago. The conversation also looks to the future -and the possibility of a digital currency in China -in time for the Beijing Olympics.

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China's Outsized Role in The World

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Рекомендации по теме

You are wrong about cutting your conversation short: I would love to listen to a 4-hour discussion between you two!


This was really enjoyable and brutally honest. I like both Mike and Louis, but Mike typically is very pro-US to a fault. However in this discussion he was very open to all of what Louis suggested.


I really enjoyed listening to Louis Vincent Gave very very much. In addition to his vast financial knowledge, I sense an intuitive aspect in his opinions that I find very interesting. His financial perspectives together with his unique way of speaking to his audience, keeps the "Average Joe" like me glued to my monitor. You're pretty cool to Mr. Mike Green.


Marvellous conversation, I would definitely spend more time listening to them


Outstanding discussion and presentation, thx!


love the poker analogy. True, US has pocket aces AND the biggest chip stack.
After 2022, China has flush draw and straight draw, and the 2nd biggest chip stack.


I can listen to this for Hours Hours. Great stuff! Thank you both. Hard to disagree but the what remains is difficult to accept.


150 million plus Chinese citizens travel abroad every year. What do you mean they have no freedom?


Any change of thoughts almost 1 year after?


Why is shale production going to decline when oil is about to hit $100? That’s not how it works.


Well, lets find out what this is about


The policy come from over indebtedness. The reason we see policy come in line is because all countries are bankrupt and as countries realize their bankruptcy they will then be freed to follow better economic policies.


The narrative, t h e narrative, the narrative?


A penal colony, right? Is that factor not be considered, discussion seem to omit that fact?


What was said about Biden and the CIA at around 44:30


Haha aw man this video *did not* age well


Inflation is not a chronic problem. The dollar will fix it.
