Tutorial: Mid Side with the H6

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Got a Zoom H6 and its Mid/Side mic? Not sure what to do with the audio in Pro Tools? I didn't know, either. Since I couldn't find a tutorial, once I figured it out I decided to make one. I hope it helps.
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It's a few years later and now I'm just using a free plugin. This was a fun exercise, but you can save some time and tracks.


I read a few articles, and watched a couple of other videos about doing this M/S converting but yours is the one that worked the easiest and yielded, what I believe to be, the correct result (ie proper left right panning of what was recorded. Even though some of the other videos and articles were for my DAW, Cubase, this one still was the best. Thank you!


Really really helpful. Although I use Ableton and so had to navigate a couple tutorials in order to port forward the technique across but this was the most precise, concise and fun, so you have my gratitude. I hope you enjoyed your snack :)


This is a fantastic tutorial, thank you! It's clear what you're doing and why and you explain really well! Also using the H6 with Pro Tools but this tutorial would be useful for any DAW really and any MS files.


Craig! I love your work on the old Pixar shorts! :D


Thanks! Nice job. If you want to skip the bus routing and make a stereo file out of the Left and right tracks, you can mark them with same length and consolidate each one of them, then drag them to a stereo. :)


Thanks for this. Input 1 is MONO, Input 2 is the side. Now I know!


Exactly what i was looking for, thanks a lot!


Hello Craig, nice Tutorial, but one thing I started wondering about 1/2 way through your video...  That was a whole lot of work just to adjust the sides..

So I was just wondering if you knew that Zoom has a plugin specifically created for adjusting the MS side mic in post.. Cool huh? :)

Go to Zoom's website, click the "Field Recorders" link, click the "H6" link, and then click the "Download" link, and you will see Links for - Full Manual, drivers for 32 & 64 bit systems, Latest Update Software, and also the VST plugin for controlling the MS mic in your favorite DAW program in post.

I am waiting now for my H6 to arrive, and am looking forward to getting started in recording with it.  I do allot of sound mixing with Reaper, and was excited today actually when on Zoom's website, to see that they had a plugin for the MS mic.  When I came across your tutorial, and after hearing you say that no-one had any videos on how to "post" adjust the mic, I thought I would comment and tell you that there is a much easier way to accomplish what you did in this video, and much quicker..

Disclaimer however Craig...  I obviously haven't received my H6 in the mail yet, so as far as actually using the plugin, again, obviously I haven't been able to do that ;), but am just going by Zoom's website, but I will definitely be using that plugin once my H6 arrives.



I have a rather technical question about the H6....I hope the way I explain it won't confuse you...if it does, let me know and I will try to clarify better...

Ok, I'm a singer and my main goal for using this device is using it in a way that I can record directly from my PC sound card into the recorder....Upload that audio track to my video editor...then record vocals on another track and then upload that...thus making a 2 track recording in the video editor...that way it sounds cleaner than just blasting stereo speakers and recording everything through the XY mic that comes with the unit...I don't think it is possible...I could be wrong, but I was sure hoping this would work...that was my ultimate goal in buying the unit to begin with. I hope that does not confuse you...I'm just really let down by what seems to be a huge problem for me! Any advice??
Thanks 😀


Hi! If I dublicate and then panpot the track, the system read the two tracks as one identical. When I try to export them, pro tools exports just one of them. How can I manage it?


Or you can use the plug in from Zoom with Cubase to narrow or expand the


Great video! I just wanted to ask about the computer you have, how much memory you need, and storage for doing music editing like that. I have an old iMac that is now too slow for music editing so I'm looking to upgrade. Thanks for your help!


do you get it to record Raw MS though? I forget.


has anyone ever told you that you sound like kevin spacey?
