Tree Traversal In Data Structure | Tree Traversal Explained | Data Structures Tutorial | Simplilearn

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This video is based on Tree Traversal in Data Structures. This Simpplilearn Data Structures and Algorithms Tutorial will help beginners to understand the major fundamentals of tree traversal with stack and queue data structures. This video on tree traversal explained the concept with a practical demo for a better learning experience. This tutorial includes the following topics.

00:00 Introduction to Tree Traversal In Data Structure
01:05 What is Tree Traversal in Data Structure?
01:45 Data Structures used for implementing Tree Traversal In Data Structure
02:35 Types of Tree Traversal in Data Structures
04:15 Application of Tree Traversal in Data Structure.

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This video covers the following topics:

Tree traversal in data structure
Demo What is a Tree in Data Structures?
A Tree in terms of computer Science is a Non-Linear Data Structure that stores homogenous elements. The Tree data structure enables users to implement data manipulation operations on the stored data. The tree has the following terminologies.
Root Node
Left-Child Node
Right-Child Node
Leaf Nodes
What is tree traversal in data structure?

Tree traversal in data structure that refers to the practise of visiting each node in a tree data structure exactly once. The sequence in which the nodes are visited is used to classify these traversals.
There are two ways to traverse a tree.
Breadth-first search
depth-first search
In-order, post-order, and pre-order tree traversal are the three methods for performing an in-depth first search.

Why Is Data Structure Important?
The digital world processes an increasing amount of data every year. According to Forbes, there are 2.5 quintillion bytes of data generated daily. The world created over 90 percent of the existing data in 2018 in the previous two years! The Internet of Things (IoT) is responsible for a significant part of this data explosion. Data structures are necessary to manage the massive amounts of generated data and a critical factor in boosting algorithm efficiency.

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Thank you, another beautifully presented video 👍😊


Pre-order: 1 2 4 5 3 6 7
Post-order: 4 5 2 6 7 3 1
