🧐 Ancient Wisdom on THEURGY Methodology

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My answer is.. Primordial agnosis is thé phenomenon by which someone believes that the psychophycal is the self. Apophasis is the burning of what is not the self un order for thé true self to reveal itself. So to burn what is not the self is to not to use mind or attention to crush thoughts. Instead it is necessitatively to disengage with anything that is not the self, letting it Burn away by itself. This process of disengaging to find the soûl is the maifestation of the soul itself


Disobjectification is to counter dilution by seeking proximity. It's not thought or non-thought. I think it's focusing on the One.


Dis-objectification? Makes me think of something I experienced a few years ago. I'm autistic, so it's very difficult to not think about everything happening around me, my mind being like a city without walls. Life got so bad, being surrounded by so many people saying so many things. Then one day I couldn't take any more. I'd already decided when I was thirteen that suicide was not an option, so the only option I discovered I had left was to get away from people, but I couldn't do that literally at the time. Without even thinking about it, like doing something in the dark, I just 'took a step back' and realized, "hey, I was never part of any of it, at all".


Ken you certainly are a Man of leisure like a Yoda Heffner


I've been watching your videos for more than a year and what you say have begun to make sense. I no longer think the same as before. Everything I do think about is much clearer. Thank you.


You're a rare gem Ken, I don't always agree with you but you have a depth of knowledge that perhaps no one else on earth possess, if there are others they're rare.


a hemp robe? Wowzers!
I was once fond of a soap bar that contained hemp. The grandpa soap company made it. GNC carried it for years before discontinuing it in 2020. I was regular buyer and that was disappointing 😂
I recall it had a rather cooling effect with ingredients that naturally suppressed perspiration odor. Good stuff.


these videos are my way to relieve stress - because as long as Ken Wheeler walks the earth, i know some sanity still exists


I totally was meditating on lava flowing right at the start of this video. Watching the flow hearing his words. As I listened when he was talking about tree's I thought how Ironic this really is. Getting right down to the core of things.

Entanglement never ceases to amaze me. I'm am not surprised that our paths have crossed. It's more than a math equation. I think You Tube is actually learning as a brain/ brane, how ever you would label it.

I couldn't even make this up if I tried to.


Hi there Ken... would like to share with you some ideas

For me meditation is not about trying to blank the mind so I agree with you. Maybe its about taking pleasure in being present, with no set agenda. Doesn’t matter if you think or move, just allowing yourself to calm down a bit is enough. Similar to what we do when we watch the ocean. That’s what all those spiritual teachings where all about I feel. “No mind ~ no to desires ~ stop thinking about the future or past etc” “stop forming attachments” these types of lessons all lead to the fact that our various processes, emotions and thoughts are actually uncontrollable. That’s the enlightenment of those lessons. Thats the bit we fear - that we don’t have control over ourselves or others – nor even our own death.

Lifes a bit of a game. There are times when we can rise above it and feel expanded and then are times we are fully engrossed in it. When im pissed off and wanting my side to win over the other side of the board. That’s what people are doing at the moment I feel. Bashing each other with opinions vs opinions. But wheres the unity? weres being kind to one another? wheres the being contentment with what you have? wheres balance?

Also, perhaps the enlightend person isnt blissed out because they are trying to remain loving all the time. They are blissed out because they are grounded and fully in the world. They have finally accepted ALL of it … the good and the bad … AS it is. This ties in with things like loss, losing loved ones, relationships changing… Pain only happens because of our resistance to change.

And WHO is doing the controlling anyway lol! Do you think you own a soul!... or is it that consciousness flowing through you?

I see that all life is sacred. The cows, trees, green grass, the breeze on our face, right down to the sunlight on our naked skin … and that even though there are times when things annoy us, we desire to be with partners, we want our needs to be fulfilled, need to eat and have a shit, to cross the road with our eyes open and drive to places… we could find the time to remember to be still in this crazy whirlwind ~ to find that place of the witnesser inside us all ~ and reside there for a time. And when we are there, in that moment we are all things, feeling that we are participating in this thing called life.

Anyway, just sharing some ideas to contemplate. Im enjoying your videos Ken and see where youre coming from. Youre a Good man and I appreciate what you do. Thank you. All the best, kieron


Hi Ken. Lars here from Denmark. One of my hobbies is qigong, proper qigong, I have read much of your book and I seem to see some correlation. Would you also agree that the greater omentum, one of the inner layers of fascia consisting mainly of loose areolar, and fatty adipose connective tissue in the lower abdomen is a dielectric?


uh oh.."meditation is the equivalent of a brain fart"-Tattooed Ape. You have so many great videos!


So wonderful to be able to just be enveloped, in a flow of resonating realization at deepening exploration into rarefied new frontiers, even if only new to me? A journey beyond my own known. Seeking on for the unknowns, to answers that lay as yet unfathomable, still perhaps as yet paradoxically within few-cha's reach. Grasp exceedingly stretchable.
Ever on, always inside


I am curious to know how you approach it actually ken, being a neoplatonist as you are I wonder if you are referring to lamblichus and suggesting ritual or a contemplation of neoplatonic thought leading to right veiw. Also i really enjoy your videos, need more people like you doing these.


I ate some portobellos ;) the other night and thought that life is the inverse of death and I was never sober to begin with. I truly always believe I'm high 🤯 also, I do most of my meditation while pushin' bushins at work.


This is one way to say YOU ARE GOD. haha. I love how comfortable Ken speaks about literally being God and reality itself. Haha keep it coming! Love every video


Damn you just unlocked a memory, I remember when I went to Dahlonega in the 3rd grade for a field trip to some Gold mine lol


Hey, Ken, how does one burn away the dross and find the subjective Self? I know it's not "meditation, " since that means nothing. Theurgy? If so, where can I read about theurgic methodology? Thanks!


You sound right to me.

Thanks for the clarity you give. Light cannot be see, only illumination is seen. Sunrays are rays of energy: illumination. Light is a source of energy. Darkness is a source of life. Just like the renewal cycle regenerates from waning illumination into complete darkness.


So simple it is beyond simplicity - which is why its so hard for so But there is a book out. You could Let Go of the idea people must discover it themselves if you want.
