Lap Harp Comparison: Sonnet vs 28-Bass LAP vs Harpsicle!

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Let's compare lap harps! Many of you have been curious about how Marini's 28-Bass LAP harp compares to Musicmakers' Sonnet... so I'm here to help! I also thought it would be interesting to compare to a Harpsicle, since this is the most familiar lap harp for most people. What do you like about each harp? 😄


Sunshiney Day: Original song by Christy-Lyn, no sheet music available yet


A free strap and display stand are also included with your purchase while stocks last!

Use coupon code: MMH-HARPS on the Marini Made Harps order form when you buy ANY harp and get Christy-Lyn's 'Playing with Chords' Workshop with your purchase.


0:00 - Lap Harps
1:07 - Arpeggios
1:25 - Rolled Chords
2:03 - River Flows in You
3:31 - A Thousand Years
4:14 - Sunshiney Day
4:54 - Fur Elise
5:40 - The Little Fountain by Samuel O Pratt
6:27 - Mahogany Moon
7:20 - Harp Stand comparison video

Learning the harp and want to stay inspired? Here are some next steps:


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I love the Sonnet, AND your "Sunshiney Day" piece! Heck, you ARE a sunshiney day!❤😊❤


I love the Sonnet Harp the most. I usually prefer warmer-toned harps, but for lap harps, the bright tone of the Sonnet Harp sounds the clearest. All are amazing harps though 🥰


Wow I am really impressed with the sound of the Sonnet! ❤


All three harps are beautiful, but I think I like the sound of the Marini Made 28 Bass the best. Plus, it has wider spacing, so as a person with big hands, it would probably be the one that I would purchase. However, I think the Harpsicle should be given credit for being able to compare with the others which are so much more expensive.


I wish more people knew about the Rees Morgan Meghan model, as it's essentially the high-end version of the Fullsicle and has a much larger soundbox for a bigger, fuller sound. It would be great to hear how that model compares to these, as well! Anyway, thanks so much for both versions of this video, Christy-Lyn!


I like the Sonnet best of all, Christy! Thanks, Balfour


You play so beautifully.. In my younger years, my dream was to play the harp... I am finally going to learn. Most of my compositions always include a Celtic harp. Listening to you play, now I know why.


I watched this video a few times and found myself a used Sonnet! I LOVE the sound of it! It is a little tricky at times getting used to the narrow string spacing when going back and forth between my floor harp but I think it is good for me and my learning ❤


The Sonnet and Marini, uwww la, la ❤. So sweet of a sound.


I know nothing about playing a Harp. I play Piano.
However...I closed my eyes to listen the first time around to hear the sound of each Harp. Each was different both in tonal quality and how it made me feel.
For me the first was rather bright. The second was both mellow and bright, depending on the octave. The third was interesting in it's resonance and purity of sound.
The Arpeggio of each was beautiful to experience...made me think of a gentle waterfall over rounded stones in a running Creek.
Overall I liked the 28-Bass LAP Harp...but the Sonnet Harp was so very Rich in sound...I loved listening to both.

It is difficult to compare when on does not experience the Harp by playing the Harp.
I can compare my Pianos to each other because I can experience them as I am playing them.
Each are different in expression...Steinway being warm in sound quality and the other two (made in China) more bright.

I have wanted to learn how to play a Harp for many years.
A Lap Harp would be a lovely instrument to play. It also can be easily carried.
Not so with an Acoustic Piano.

I very much enjoyed this tutorial, and you sharing your beautiful Soul.
I will continue to follow and 'Learn'.
Thank you.


You play the harp beautifully. So much so I can't decide between the 3! Gosh what I'd give to learn the harp. So wonderful


Definitely Sonnet. It has been on my wish list for a long time.


I adore my 26 Marini for many reasons, big gorgeous sound for its size and beautifully made as they all are, and as it's so portable weight wise- since I have a bad back from a car accident. Just thought it worth mentioning as the price points are tricky because of freight and exchange rate actually doubles the price plus a bit extra for where I live.


This was a great comparison! Side by side, same notes/music/ and your notation. It's between the Sonnet vs Bass LAP for me! Really good video! Thank you!


That's quite a suprise. I am a bass lover but I much prefer the Sonnet sound - the larger soundbox does the trick. Never would have thought I would say that cos I love the bass on my floor harp. Musicmakers are stellar at soundbox design, like on Voyageur. Extra volume for me!


This nice video was a part of my decision to buy the Sonnet Lap Harp. It was quite an exciting process to buy one as I am located in Europe but at the beginning of November I will finally have it 🎉 I am really looking forward for my journey with this small and big sounding harp.


I don’t know how I missed this review. I have a Harpsicle/fullsicle limited edition. And I have a Musicmakers Jolie which I absolutely love. I wanted the sonnet when I first bought a small harp but I was new to harp at the time and the limited edition fullsicle was much more affordable. I got a great deal on it because it was a second. It had a crack in the soundboard when it was made. They fixed it and said it is stronger than any regular soundboard and I can’t see the crack at all. So it was a great starting harp. Now I am planning to buy the sonnet. It’ll be probably about $4k though with all the extras I want. I feel it has the best sound. I found the Marini Ron sound a bit tinny in the upper octave. I thought your Harpsicle had a better sound quality in the upper octave than the marini. But overall the sonnet is the best sounding for me. Thanks for doing this in depth review. Oh andd I look forward to the Sunshiney Day music if you offer it! I requested that one! (I’m sure others probably did as well!)


I really like the sonnet harp a lot! It’s so pretty and I love the sound of the lever harps so I guess that’s way. And sorry for the spelling


Christy Lyn, thank you so much for very informative video. I play a Cherry Marini Bass Minstrel 27; mine has smaller width and non-curved soundbox than your 28 Bass Lap; but even so, it still has a lot of presence for a small harp. Like you mentioned, my Marini reminds me of playing a floor harp but way more portable. Based on your video, If I didn't already have a Marini 27, I'd sure like a Marini 28 Bass Lap harp! Listened to your video with headphones because over past year I was very curious about Sonnet. Your Sonnet's sustain is nice & what gorgeous tiger maple. Your video affirmed my preference towards the Marini full bass sound, solid sustain, medium tension, & floor harp string spacing. Because I'm currently in the market for a lightweight under 20lbs, fully levered 34-36 string, that will fit in a backseat of a smaller car, I'm checking out YouTube videos trying to help me narrow down harp makers. I need to replace a now too heavy for me older 34 string floor harp that sits un-played in my living room. There aren't harp dealers convenient to my location, so side by side comparison videos such as yours are greatly helpful.


I think you make them all sound amazing! But I love the Bass harp.
