DREAM WAVES 🎧 Sleep Music [ 1,8Hz Delta ] Binaural Beats Insomnia Healing, Sleep Hypnosis

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Use this music to relax, lower anxiety and to sleep fast. Relax the body and calm your mind by following the breathing guide, whilst listening to the relaxing ocean sounds. Soothing deep sleep music composed by Zac with binaural beats Delta waves to help you beat insomnia.

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I composed 'Part - C' of the DREAM WAVE series with carefully selected brainwave frequencies. This sleep track uses binaural beats Delta waves at 1,8Hz. They can modulate your brainwaves to states known to be beneficial for stress relief, meditation and relaxation.

Part A
Part B

🎵 Listen on a comfortable (low) volume when you sleep.

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💤 Binaural Beats have shown to reduce levels of stress and anxiety.
The binaural beat frequencies may affect brain waves - a process called entrainment (headphones required). No headphones required to enjoy the calming sounds.

© Copyright & Credits
・Music, concept, animation and editing by Zac.
Additional footage by Davleha

❤ Hello
If you’re new here, my name is Zac. My goal is to help you beat insomnia, stress and anxiety here on YouTube. I compose and produce original calming music and relaxing visuals (which I love doing!) for my channel SleepTube - Hypnotic Relaxation since 2017.

No days go by without feeling blessed by all the heart-warming support for my content. It’s very motivating and inspiring! Thanks for watching, liking and commenting and much love to you if you subscribe or share this video with someone.

Peace, Zac 🙏

✔️ I get asked about my gear, software and creative process so here are some FAQ:

▶ What software do you use?
I use a variety of DAWs (Digital Audio Workstations) mostly Ableton Live + software synths as well as sampling techniques. Visuals are created with Adobe's CC tools. Recording devices include the Olympus LS-10 and Zoom H4n Pro.

▶ Can I use your music?
All music and audio are original compositions created and produced by me personally.
They can not be copied, reused, remixed, re-uploaded or distributed without permission.

⚠️ Important
STOP listening when you experience any negative effects.
My video and audio productions are never to take the place of professional medical advice.
I am not a healthcare professional, doctor or scientist.
Do not listen whilst driving or operating machinery of any kind.
You should not listen to binaural beats if you are prone to have seizures.

#dreamwaves #sleepmusic #insomnia #sleeptube
Рекомендации по теме

It's amazing to see how many humans struggle at night. We all get lost in busy thoughts and feelings of uncertainty, and it follows us to bed, but put this on an breathe. Tomorrow is a new day.


I’m 57, a nurse, and have struggled with all these issues mentioned. Depression, panic, poor sleep, fatigue. Now post menopause weight gain. Have
been walking outdoors a few miles, weight lifting, swimming. 2-4 days a week. But yoga I discovered 15 years ago-and if you want to be tired and de-toxed, yoga will do it. It lots of stretching. I also read my Bible, devotional books, and listen to this music(or piano, classical, drums). I’ve found a combination of physical exercise and emotional/mental release with hopeful/positive messages works best. I do medical and psych nursing, so I have to take care of all parts of me, to be able to help others. I fully understand that everybody struggles on different levels, but remember we all basically need regular exercise and spiritual guidance. I also drink herbal teas(camomile, ginger, Tumeric) hot at night after exercise and a hot bath. Did you know warm milk with nutmeg will help you sleep?! These will help if done as a routine. Keep trying till you find what works for you. There are answer; keeping searching and asking. My friends; we share what info helps us all.


Night my people, if you see this stop scrolling
Your worth it
Your struggles make you stronger
Your gonna wake up and feel refreshed, get up work out achieve your goals, eat healthy and most importantly smile more. Have a good rest my friends


I hope everyone who sees this has a good sleep


just read a quote from robin williams
"everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about, be kind, always"
hope everyone out there finds peace ❤


Been struggling with Pure OCD/Anxiety as well as being separated internationally from my family during the pandemic. These mixes are really helping me to sleep/wind down. Love to all of you listening ❤️


I have a huge problem with sleep. I go to bed, manage to get to sleep but around 50 minutes to an hour later I am awake...usually for the rest of the night, my mind starts racing, I have health issues and unfortunately anxiety and depression. I am then a zombie the next day and fall asleep for short naps throughout the day.
Last night when I woke up I found your channel and some of the most calming music I have ever heard! I always listen to something to try and get back to sleep, sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.
Last night I fell back to sleep within 15 minutes!!! And slept a further 5 hours. OMG I felt like a new woman and could have run a marathon.
I know it sounds silly but your videos literally saved my life, sleep deprivation is like torture.
Ive just woken up again now so I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart (sorry for the long comment). Im going to pop another video on and hopefully sleep all night again.
Thank you. X


I first found this channel in 2020 and was using almost every night when my dad was in the hospital and rehab recovering a stroke. I don’t need it every night now, but it still gets me through the hard ones. I hope everyone sleeps well and I’ll try to do the same 💙


I often struggle with anxiety. Especially at night, when it's quiet, the uncertainties in my life start to drown me. Your waves help keep my head above water tonight. I can breathe, and float weightless in an ocean under the stars, and stop thinking for a while. And that is a great gift.


I got clean and sober from drugs and alcohol 14 years ago. Ever since then ambient music has been a mainstay in my life. This music got me through hard times such as toxic work environments. I would listen to ambient music in my earbuds to drone out the negative vibes at work. Ambient music has also enhanced the good times in my life. You really can’t go wrong with ambient music. Thank you for this gem Zac!


Thank you.
You wouldn't believe how many different types of music is on my playlist!!. But no one, can even scratch what you have created! It's a calmness like nothing else I have heard. It's so simple and complex at the same time. Me and my sleeping brain thanks you!!!


Hi.😊😊 I have never met you, we will probably never meet. But you've found my comment, among all these thousands. If you are seeing this comment then take this as your sign that things will get better, that things will be alright, that you can get through this. Whatever troubles bring you here, or if you're simply here for the sake of relaxing, remember that you are important, you are valid, and that you have a right to be here. You are braver and stronger than you think. You're still here, trying to make things better and to live a better life. So whatever is keeping you up at night, it is not stronger than you. You can get through this. I don't know you, you can dismiss this as the meaningless words of a stranger, or you can believe me. Whatever you chose, I believe in you.


I have searched a long time to find a perfect companion to help me sleep like a baby, this video has climbed to the number 1 spot out of 15 in my deep sleep playlist. Bravo SleepTube


Firstly, I want to thank whoever it is that has made this channel and its content, please keep it going.

Secondly, let us all acknowledge the kindness of the author by only permitting ads at the start. Too many others like this channel have ads randomly cycled, and it breaks the spell, making their content useless, even if it is helpful.

I have tried a lot of other such channels on YouTube to help me sleep, and this channel has been a salvation of sorts.

I put this music on, and I am off to sleep, pretty fast. Without it, I would lie in bed, and my mind would just keep racing. With it, it’s almost trance-like, and I am in dreamland rather effortlessly.

Thank you for your music, it has made a considerable difference for me, and I sincerely appreciate it.


I’m crying with relief! I think I’ve found the tones that wok to give me moments of relief from my tinnitus!
I was diagnosed with significant hearing loss recently and have tinnitus for the last 6-9 months. The science of how our brains process sound is amazing! I’m being fitted with hearing aids tomorrow and we be sharing this video link with my audiologist. Thank you!


I am currently feeling the elephant step off my chest. I am feeling lighter and hopefully sleeping soon. Thank you 😊 hugs to all who suggested from sleep insomnia


Hey, if you see this, hope you’re doing alright. If you’re not, it will get better.


When I am pissed, tired, and about to cry from all of life’s stresses. I will play one of the delta wave videos, and it helps to center me, calming me, and helps me fall asleep.


Wishing the best sleep to all who are reading this.


This music makes me feel good in my baddest time and mood. Removes my anxiety. Takes me to different world while meditating 🙏. Trying to escape from the reality.
