Alistair Begg's Bold Take On The Trans Wedding Controversy: Must-see Public Announcement! #alistair

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Alistair Begg's Bold Take On The Trans Wedding Controversy: Must-see Public Announcement! straight from the horse's mouth.
Pastor Alistair Begg has finally adsressed the gay wedding controversy!Pastor Begg made his remarks to his congreation Cleveland's Parkside Church. Pastor Begg is aware of the fire storm from the internet and the leadership of his church encouraged him to address his remarks. Pastor Alistair Begg is Shocked that his stance of advicing the grandmother to attend the grandsons trans wedding is causing a tamoil on internet according to him this was just a compassionate stance. Justin Peters has also responded to pastor Begg via a video and a letter begging him to recant his statement because it was a bad advice.

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The Information below is from Different sites including google/wikipedia/websites/ social media publicly available.Copied here for your easy access.

Alistair Begg is a Scottish pastor. He is the senior pastor of Cleveland's Parkside Church, a position he has held since 1983. He is the voice behind the Truth For Life Christian radio preaching and teaching ministry, which broadcasts his sermons daily to stations across North America through over 1,800 radio outlets. Wikipedia
Born: 1952 (age 71 years), Glasgow, United Kingdom
Spouse: Susan Begg (m. 1975)
Education: London School of Theology (1975), Westminster Theological Seminary, Nottingham Trent University

Alistair Begg (born May 22, 1952) is a Scottish pastor. He is the senior pastor of Cleveland's Parkside Church[1] (located in Bainbridge Township, Geauga County, Ohio), a position he has held since 1983. He is the voice behind the Truth For Life Christian radio preaching and teaching ministry, which broadcasts his sermons daily to stations across North America through over 1,800 radio outlets. He is also the author of several books.

Begg was born in Glasgow, Scotland in 1952[2] and still carries a distinctive Scottish accent after years of ministry in the United States. On 2 November 1972, his mother died. Regarding the incident, Begg wrote that "more spiritual progress is made through failure and tears than success and laughter."[3] Begg graduated from the London School of Theology in 1975 and then served eight years in Scotland at Charlotte Chapel in Edinburgh and Hamilton Baptist Church in Lanarkshire.[4] Begg became senior pastor of Parkside Church, Cleveland, Ohio, in 1983. He was also educated at Trent University and Westminster Theological Seminary. He began studying for a DMin in the mid-1980s, but never completed the degree.[5] Among his influences are Martyn Lloyd-Jones, John Stott, Derek Prime, Eric Alexander, Sinclair Ferguson, Dick Lucas, Eric Liddell, Charles Haddon Spurgeon, Jim Elliot, and Hudson Taylor.

Begg was awarded an honorary Doctor of Divinity from Westminster Theological Seminary on May 28, 2009.[6] He was awarded the same degree from both Grove City College on May 16, 2015[7] and from Cedarville University.

He and his wife, Susan, have been married since 1975. They have three married children and 8 grandchildren. Susan is American by birth and Begg himself became a U.S. citizen in 2004. He remains a proud supporter of his boyhood club, the Glasgow Rangers.

Theological views
Begg has said that the core belief of Parkside Church is "that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has died as an atoning sacrifice for our sins, and that to know Him is to know life, both now and forever [...] Jesus Christ is the only Savior, because Jesus is the only one who is qualified to save."[8] Begg is especially known for compelling oratory and a style of teaching that makes frequent reference to Biblical passages.

In January 2024 Begg received criticism for advising a grandmother to attend her grandson's wedding to a transgender person.[9][10] Critics included Owen Strachan, provost of Grace Bible Theological Seminary,[10][11] and the American Family Association,[12] the latter of whom ended up removing Begg's Truth for Life broadcasts from their American Family Radio network.[13]
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In an effort to give the benefit of the doubt, lets look at what he actually said. #1, he simply said a lady asked him about her grandson getting married to a xgender person. We technically don't know the details such as it is a woman pretending to be a man, a woman identifying as no gender, a man pretending to be a woman, idk. Either way, he said to this woman that based upon two conditions, that her grandson knows she is a Christ follower and does not condone or support this, perhaps she should go for the purpose of maintaining a line of communcation with her grandson as she has stake in him and can potentially keep a line of communication open for the sake of the Gospel. Now the gift part, perhaps too far. You can disagree with the main issue of attendance, BUT he did not say "yes all Christians you can go and have a party at these homosexual ceremonies." Deal with what he actually said and also maybe wait for some details before jumping to conclusions... You know like that one Proverb says.... "He who answers a matter before he understands it, it is folly and shame unto him." 18:13.


I was there for his comments last night. He did not recant. He repeated that marriage is only between 1 man and 1 woman. He also stated he was not making a general statement that Christians should go to LGBT weddings. He said in other circumstances than in this one case he might have offered different advice. He also suggested that the gift taken to the ceremony be a Bible. He does not condone LGBT weddings.


Yes, it does feel manipulative. It's easy to throw out the word compassion because that's the fun word. God's holiness and sin and repentance are not the fun words. I'm sure he would prefer to be around those that will pat him on the back, that's a lot more enjoyable. I would hope that with all of the preaching he has done, his own words will come back to his heart and he will re-consider what he has said. He has caused great confusion and stumbling and he needs to deal with that and not run to the safe room. Hopefully there will be another man that he respects that will be brave enough to stand up to him. There is a bit of idol worship going on here I fear


He did not ever say he supports gay marriage and Allister never affirmed that gay or LGBQT sin


He never said that Jesus affirmed sin and Allister already confirmed what you stated marriage is if you know Begg you know he does not disagree with you stop judge I g a man who agrees with you


He never said she support the grandsons lifestyle


I’m sorry, but did you listen to the whole sermon? He outright says that it was an isolated issue, he did not say that all Christians should attend all lgbtq ceremonies and he believes that and has preached that he is not in support of lgbtq lifestyles, but he is for compassion, and showing light and love to people who receive hate and condemnation. We all deserve condemnation because sin is sin but by God’s grace we have received salvation.


NOT what I was hoping to hear from him when he finally responded. This has deeply fractured my trust in a man I've followed for years and years.

He claimed his push for compassion caused a firestorm. That is not at all what happened and it's subtly manipulative.

I would say to him just this....
In Scripture, we are told to show patience, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, and grace to REPENTANT sinners. Never, in all of Scripture to my knowledge, do we have an example or command to show this form of 'compassion' to UNREPENTANT sinners.
To them we show our love by sounding the alarm, delivering the gospel, warning them of judgement and showing them the opportunity for forgiveness in Christ, do we not?

But 'compassion' by being complicit in their sin? Never.


You want your commenters to be compassionate and understanding - yet you do not offer that compassion to Begg. He was clear in his message to “the grandmother.” If the grandmother makes it clear to her grandson that she disapproves of his behavior, that it is sinful but that she still loves him…then she is following Jesus in that she loves the sinner and hates the sin. If you only sit with the choir, we can’t evangelize anyone. Outreach is what we are commanded to do ALONG with the two covenants that JESUS spoke to in the New Testament. Love God, Love others. Cutting off those in our families who are not walking in step with our Christian beliefs also cuts US off from working towards leading them to Christ. Go ahead all of you stone throwers. Live in your private worlds and judge others (which you are NOT supposed to do). Contrary to this woman’s podcast, yes, Jesus DID eat with tax collectors, he walked among the unclean (lepers) and healed them, he had the audacity to speak to the Samaritan woman at the well. This IS what Begg told the grandmother to do - to be there for her grandson but also tell him he was sinning and to repent. Until that happens, he will still be welcome in her home giving her more of a chance to reach him for Christ. You folks who all know-tow to Jonny Mac and his Calvinism are NOT following the Word of God and going into ALL THE WORLD to preach the Gospel to EVERY LIVING CREATURE. YOU guys are preaching to the choir and not reaching anyone for Christ. I will continue to follow Begg’s lead of love and compassion WHILE telling the truth of God’s Word - that homosexuality is sin.


I am truly grieved that Alistair Begg, whom I used to trust to rightly divide God’s Holy Word has clearly shown he does not have the high view of God’s word I thought he did.


He told the radio station he would not recant what he said. They agreed to take him off the air. Makes no sense!!! How can he not see it's unbiblical? I guess it shouldn't come as a huge shock, seeing how he has went to coferences where beth moore and tony evans were in attendance.


Alistair Begg has been a faithful servant of the Lord for many years, so I will not elevate him to the role of a false teacher, but his judgment on this matter was completely off. The way he gave his "advice" and the way he brought it up in the interview shows that he was ready and willing to speak about it to give his view on Christian compassion and love. Sadly, his view was void of the truth of the Word, which sanctifies us (John 17:17). I may address this particular issue in an upcoming live; I didn't want to say anything until I heard more (and there were so many others speaking on it I didn't feel it was necessary), but Begg's comments is actually a symptom of a bigger problem among Christians (particularly some leaders), so it would be good to talk about it. Thanks, sister, for always keeping us in the know.


As a Christian, understanding that homosexuality is against Gods command should be a no brainer. And no, we should not attend.
But because most pastors are in grave error and teaching on remarriage...They miss the truth that the Word says that remarriage with a still living first spouse is they are just as FALSE as Begg!
Read the Word, everyone!
Genesis 2:24
Matthew 19:6
Matthew 19:9
1Corinthians 7:10 & 11
1 Corinthians 7:39
Mark 10:10-12
Luke 16:18
Romans 7:1-3
(with a still living "ex-spouse")
Proverbs 14:12
1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Galatians 5:19


He said he spoke to his colleagues ..he should have spoke to his Elders. 
He made himself out to be a victim when he said he was in trouble because of his compassion. 
Using compassion will not get him through this as he has disobeyed God's word and not followed proper conduct when faced with abominations.
He looks troubled to me.
Its not over yet !


Right on sista...straight talk. Praise God


Pastor Begg is ultimately responsible to his church elders, and it seems they have voiced their concern. I am deeply conflicted about this. For a brief time, many years ago, Parkside was my home church, and I have deeply respected Pastor Begg. While I do not support his statement on it's face. The bigger question I have is "Why single out the gays?" Do we demand the same sort of condemnation for the marriage between adulterers? Fornicators? The godless?

The answer is, "No, no we don't." Is not their sin as equally egregious and prevent them from entering the Kingdom of God? Does our presence at the marriage of fornicators signal we approve of their union. By the criterion applied by much of the body, you bet it does!

So why do we show our approval and shower wedding gifts on people who have committed evil sexual sin and continue to do? Why do the tsunami of impastors and church leaders who engage in sexual sin, get a vigorous defense from their congregation, a slap on the wrist, a three month sabbatical at a country club where they are "restored" and returned to the same roles they left (maybe in a different setting) against ALL biblical enjoinders. Why?

In one commentary section, someone pounded their chest and declared, "Well, at least they didn't marry outside of God's created order!" I replied that SIN is outside of God's created order. I don't see anywhere in Scripture where Jesus says, "Well, at least..."

I absolutely believe that Pastor Begg made a mistake here. But I caution people to remember that in the end, The Creator God views sin (ALL SIN) as sin. All sin is an abomination whether it be homosexuality, or gossiping about a neighbor. The Law teaches us that ANY sin, no matter how small brings the full condemnation of the Law on us. What makes our sin any better? Church people have ABSOLUTELY no problem engaging in gossip, backbiting and slander, yet cast our side eye at those who practice relationship abomination. (Prove me wrong) We are all guilty under Heaven, yet we pretend gay marriage is somehow worse that assassinating your neighbors character or coveting you neighbors wife. And again, lest I taken out of context, "Gay marriage is wrong!" So is idolatry, infidelity, murder, covetousness, heresies, using God's name in vain, slander, gossip, theft, backbiting, lies, anger, self-righteousness, licentiousness, fornication, false accusations, usury, immorality, impurity and debauchery, witchcraft, hatred, discord, jealousy, raging, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy, drunkenness, orgies. Please feel free to add to the list, and as always...

“Let him who is without sin among you be the first to throw a stone at her.” - John 8:7b


Let him finish, let's hear the one speak who has served God faithfully and diligently. Not the one whose page is dedicated to nitpicking. God said spread the gospel. Not your opinions. Not a single one of your videos carries the gospel. It only condemns.

Why don't you rather start preparing sermons that is based on the word not what you think others are doing wrong.

The church is one body. And at the moment your taking stabs at your own body, instead of strengthening it. Where is the love and compassion? Where is the slightest attempt even to try and put your self in his shoes. Have you prayed for Him as a leader in the church? Did you even do that before you did this video.

It's a disgrace to build followers on others' mistakes.

Remove the plank from your own eye please.


I always promised God that if even Alistair Begg fell away then I would dump him. This whole weekend I have been in mourning over this, he was so solid until this happened, I feel like every other sermon that he's delivered on the issue of homosexuality has been betrayed by his recommendations to a grandfather.


Thank you for addressing THIS Issue with Pastor Begg properly from Holy Scripture. What is perhaps MORE SHOCKING; Pastor Begg Not Only Acknowledged what He said and how social media has responded to it; He said that He has said EVEN Worse or More Provocative and Troubling things than THIS. HUH ??!! We can only imagine and speculate; but Pastor Begg OWNS UP TO SAYING MORE TROUBLING THINGS. : (


I'll be glad when this is all work out, and may God, l be Sovereign and truth will stand forever and not fail.
