149. 9 Expressions to use in a Conversation | Everyday Russian Expressions

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9 Expressions to use in a Conversation | Everyday Russian Expressions

Lit: Make time pass. {spend time doing something}
Коротать время
Korotat' vremya

We are forced to spend time at the “dacha’{country house}
"Мы сейчас вынуждены коротать время на даче"
"My seychas vynuzhdeny korotat' vremya na dache"

Lit: a thunder in the middle of blue sky.
Meaning: Out of the blue; something that happens unexpectedly.
Как гром среди ясного неба.
Kak grom sredi yasnovo neba.

You appeared in my life unexpectedly {like a thunder in blue skies}
"Ты появился в моей жизни как гром среди ясного неба.
"Ty poyavilsya v moyey zhizni kak grom sredi yasnovo neba.

Lit: thoughtless act/ a rash and impulsive act.
Необдуманный поступок.
Neobdumannyy postupok.

This rash act cost him his relationship.
"Этот необдуманный поступок стоил ему отношений ."
"Etot neobdumannyy postupok stoil yemu otnosheniy ."

Lit: my patience burst.
{my patience runs out}
English: I’m at the end of my rope.
У меня терпение лопнуло .
U menya terpeniye lopnulo .

My patience ran out when his phone rang again.
"Моё терпение лопнуло, когда его телефон опять зазвонил .”
"Moyo terpeniye lopnulo, kogda yevo telefon opyat' zazvonil .”

To become discouraged
English:To lose heart .
Падать духом .
Padat' dukhom .

"Believing in myself helps me not to lose heart in difficult situations.”
"Вера в себя помогает мне не падать духом в сложных ситуациях .”
Vera v sebya pomogayet mne ne padat' dukhom v slozhnykh

Lit: break your head
Make a great effort to think how to solve a problem or a task.
English: Rack one’s brains.
Ломать себе голову .
Lomat' sebe golovu .

"Я круглые сутки ломал себе голову над тем как выйти из этой ситуации ."
YA kruglyye sutki lomal sebe golovu nad tem kak vyyti iz etoy situatsii .

Lit: bad fame.
{bad reputation through bad actions}
English: infamous.
Дурная слава
Durnaya slava

His bad reputation didn’t bother me at all.
"Его дурная слава меня не смущала.”
Yevo durnaya slava menya ne smushchala.

Lit: To hold back anger
{to contain or restrain your rage}
English: stand the heat.
Сдерживать гнев .
Sderzhivat' gnev .

She turned pale barely holding back her anger.
"Она побледнела едва сдерживая гнев"
"Ona poblednela yedva sderzhivaya gnev"

Lit: in a fraction of a second{very fast}
English:In a split second.
В долю секунды.
V dolyu sekundy.

In a split second, I ran into the house and slammed the door behind me.
"В долю секунды Я забежал в дом и захлопнул за собой дверь ."
V dolyu sekundy YA zabezhal v dom i zakhlopnul za soboy dver' .

To break someone's heart.
Чтобы разбить чье-то сердце.
Chtoby razbit' ch'ye-to serdtse.
It broke my heart when I found out that my boyfriend was having a love affair behind my back.
“Это разбило мне сердце, когда я узнал, что у моего парня была любовная связь за моей спиной.”
Eto razbilo mne serdtse, kogda ya uznal, chto u moyego parnya byla lyubovnaya svyaz' za moyey spinoy.


Я раньше думал русский очень трудной язык пока вы вошла мой жизни как гром среди ясного неба... спасибо вам за уроки:)


Thank you for repeating slowly, good lesson


Many thanks for such videos ❤️ your effects are highly appreciated 👏


I finished. Many new phrases and sentences, but also a few duplicates, items I learned in the past. Thank you Nastya.


Hello Nastya- thanks for a great lesson. {Talia}
To break someone's heart.
Чтобы разбить чье-то сердце.
Chtoby razbit' ch'ye-to serdtse.
It broke my heart when I found out that my boyfriend was having a love affair behind my back.
“Это разбило мне сердце, когда я узнал, что у моего парня была любовная связь за моей спиной.”
Eto razbilo mne serdtse, kogda ya uznal, chto u moyego parnya byla lyubovnaya svyaz' za moyey spinoy.


Good day my favorite teacher Nastya, I follow your videos regularly, I found them very useful.
Yet, I have a suggestion or rather a request to make to you.
Please Nastya, try to speak in Russian only or, at least, mostly. This helps us to improve our listening and vocabulary in Russian. I have a list of Youtube teachers who speak only in Russian, or they do not use English but rarely.
I can mention teachers like: Anastasia Semina, Ira, Tatiana Klimova, Stanislav Chernyshov, Maria Petrova, Olga Geral, Max, etc.
This monolingual method, to teach Russian through Russian itself, helps the learner to improve his knowledge about the language.
The bilingual method may help the begginers, but not the intermediate nor the advanced students, for this reason, I suggest that you make videos only, or at least mostly, in Russian.
Or mix up the two methods, one for the beginners and the other one for the intermediate and advanced learners.


Doesnt у меня mean I what does у меня замичателно mean...I have great instead of I am great....plz explain


What is the name of the opening song??


Хороший урок. Узнал снова. blauw staat je goed. goede keus. ?? Вы понимаете?


Thanks a lot its very great and i want to learn more Russian language let me know your address i live in moscow and if you have course for the learning Russian language let me know


R 3hayu long time no see my beautiful lady
