High cost of eating out may keep diners at home

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As the new dining season kicks off, the cost of eating out is higher than ever. Across the country, menu prices have increased over the past year with the western region seeing the highest jump at nearly 10%. Gloria Dawson, the retail deputy editor at Insider, has more.

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They're gonna price themselves outta business, Price gouging + pushing tips is a recipe for disaster.


💸 I think of more accurate word instead of inflation, is price gouging


Too expensive to eat out!! And the TIPPING is ridiculous. FORGET IT!!!


I'll tell you what they charge so much to eat out everywhere but you know what, this is driving tips down. Way down


We noticed the food quality from restaurants are subpar and we have cut down drastically. I make way better food at home. Even take out is nearing close to $100 for a family of four (we stopped ordering out completely) and food quality was questionable. Be wise folks, keep your money.


We went from eating out 3-4 times a week to eating out once a month.


The price of fast food has especially skyrocketed. Currently it costs $14 for a standard non-upgraded adult meal at Wendy's in my area, and some fast food chains have the nerve to ask for a tip particularly when paying with a credit card.


It used to be that people went out to eat for special occasions and appreciated it so much more, it was an event. My prediction is that for many of us that it will probably revert back to that type of mindset, and that's not a bad thing at all. Cooking simple meals at home is so much healthier, in all actuality takes less time than ordering and waiting for the food to get there (including cleaning up after if you're halfway efficient), and so much less expensive. Why does everyone want to throw their money away on substandard food and way overpriced drinks at restaurants of any kind when that money could simply be used for much more intelligent purchases that have a much greater value in the long run ... *talk about flushing your $$$ down the toilet*. Luxury vs necessity vs really getting ahead in life.


I budget $50 a month for eating at restaurants. When the money is gone, I’m done!


We haven't stepped foot inside of a restaurant since 2020. Family of five easy spends 100 bucks it's ridiculous.


A part of the problem is all these fees they keep adding to your bill. Mandatory drink fee, service fees, plus the food and gratuity. It’s too much!


10%?? My local restaurants here in Los Angeles saw menu prices jump 25% or more. Some dishes have doubled in price since 2020. An average dinner for four comes out to $150, not including tip!!


Just got back from McDonalds, 36 bucks for 2 combo meal and chicken nugget is ridiculous! We got home and realize they missed one burger in the bag! Staff are rude too.. done eating outside!


Stopped going out to restaurants almost completely a couple of months ago. Like flipping a switch. Used to eat out few times a week. Just realized the dining experience wasn't worth the cost anymore.


subways $5 dollar foot long is now over $10. all of them are over $10. definitely skipping all restaurants for the year plus. ill cook at home and save my $. quality is poor and service is poor. not worth raising prices. let em bleed or go bankrupt. I can cook better anyways.


Sheesh. I sure will miss spending 25$ (plus tax) on a single sandwich.


Eating out isn’t worth it anymore. When you assume the restaurants are making everything from scratch, in reality many are just whipping out previously made frozen dishes, recook or reheat it before bringing it to your table. Or there are just numerous hot plates in the kitchen, and essentially you’re just eating cafeteria food but someone brings it to your table.


Wife and I eat out very little. Reasons are costs of course, quality of food, poor service, etc. Also, I know my way around a kitchen so whatever I cook is usually better than in restaurants without the germs. I like a glass of wine or 2 with my meal and paying over $10 for a cheap 5oz glass of wine (plus tax and tips) is outrageous.


I cook more now. Getting better at cooking and saving money has been great. Honestly I think we need that in the US. People in Europe cook a lot more.


I cook at home all 3 meals. Indian cooking is a whole lot of work but its worth it. I know what's going in my body. At the end of school year I treat myself and kids to a restaurant meal may be once or twice in summer. Restaurant food has gone down in quality and size and the bill is unbelievable. On days I want off from kitchen its a simple sandwich to our rescue or cook over 2-3 days worth of chicken curry and refrigerate it.
