Binary logistic regression using SPSS 29 (Part 1; August 2023)

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This video provides a demonstration of how to perform binary logistic regression using SPSS version 29. I discuss a couple of routes for generating output and discuss results.

Download a copy of the Powerpoint here:

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Excellent video. I actually have a PhD in Econometrics but have not worked in Academia for many years so my knowledge has become very rusty. I always watch your videos to give me that quick reminder of what I used to know! Many thanks.


I actually "understand" statistics by watching your videos! many thanks!


Excellent video, it always explains the procedures in detail and especially their interpretation (and where the results come from); additionally it gives interesting and useful alternatives in case an SPSS menu does not include an important procedure for the analysis or its understanding. Thank you very much for your time. ¿existe una parte 2?


i am so glad u just released this wonderful video! i have a question.. I have an outcome (binary - Yes/No) and a variable that has 3 categories (ordinal or also can be regarded as non-ordinal), what test should I use to evaluate if the variable affects the binary outcome?


Thank you very much for the video. I have a question regarding variable encoding with binary logistics.
When one of my indipendent variables has 3 categories I would like it to encode so that in the two analysis it always compares the analyzed category with the reference (so the 0), instead it always takes into account the third one messing the statistics (so when my categories are 0, 1 and 2 ith should make two analysis 1vs0 and 2vs0, instead it recodes the third variable as the reference). Is it possible? Thanks


What do you do if the Hosmer and Lemeshow Test Chi-square is significant?
